jflucier / ILL_pipelines

Isabelle Laforest-Lapointe Laboratory code
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METABOLIC-G unable to run: No such file or directory #42

Closed sarahisherb closed 1 year ago

sarahisherb commented 1 year ago

Salut, just tried to run METABOLIC-G on ip29. conda activation seemed to work, but I got this warning, and I can't run it basically:

perl METABOLIC-G --help Can't open perl script "METABOLIC-G.pl": No such file or directory

jflucier commented 1 year ago

this software has a weird behaviour!

I found a way to get it working. You need to force it to take the righ perl under the right linux group

sarahi@ip29-mp2 ~]$ conda activate METABOLIC_v4.0

(METABOLIC_v4.0) [sarahi@ip29-mp2 ~]$ newgrp def-ilafores

#a second time
sarahi@ip29-mp2 ~]$ conda activate METABOLIC_v4.0

(METABOLIC_v4.0) [sarahi@ip29-mp2 ~]$ /project/6047190/miniconda3/envs/METABOLIC_v4.0/bin/perl /project/def-ilafores/common/METABOLIC/METABOLIC-G.pl -help
            Takes a folder containing genome files to generate a profile of their metablic and biogeochemical functions

            perl METABOLIC-G.pl -t 40 -m-cutoff 0.75 -in Genome_proteins -kofam-db full -o METABOLIC_out
                    (import genome proteins by users)

            perl METABOLIC-G.pl -t 40 -m-cutoff 0.75 -in-gn Genome_files -kofam-db full -o METABOLIC_out
                    (import genome sequences by users, we will translate  them by prodigal)

            perl METABOLIC-G.pl -test true
                    (use the 5 genomes to test the METABOLIC-G script)

            -t         or -cpu             [integer] The cpu numbers to run the hmmsearch (default: 20)
            -m-cutoff  or -module-cutoff   [float]   The cutoff value to assign the presence of a specific KEGG module (KEGG module step present numbers / KEGG module step total number) (default: 0.75) 
            -in                            [string]  The folder pf given genome faa files [should also give the genome fasta files and genone gene files if the (meta)genome/(meta)transciptome datasets are included]
            -in-gn                         [string]  The folder of given genome fasta files (Prodigal will be used to annotate your genomes)
            -kofam-db                      [string]  to use the "small" size or "full" size of KOfam database in METABOLIC (default: 'full')
            -p         or -prodigal-method [string]  "meta" or "single" for prodigal to annotate the orf
            -o         or -output          [string]  The METABOLIC output folder (default: current address)
            -test                          [string]  The option to test the performance of METABOLIC-G by 5 genomes; "true" or "false" to run the test option.      The test option will use 5 CPUs to run the command.

            GitHub: https://github.com/AnantharamanLab/METABOLIC

            Prodigal-annotated protein and gene files will be given in the input folder.
            The METABOLIC result table will be generated.
            Biogeochemical pathway diagrams will be generated.

            Zhichao Zhou, zczhou2017@gmail.com