jflyfox / jfinal_cms

jfinal cms是一个java开发的功能强大的信息咨询网站,采用了简洁强大的JFinal作为web框架,模板引擎用的是beetl,数据库用mysql,前端bootstrap框架。支持oauth2认证、帐号注册、密码加密、评论及回复,消息提示,网站访问量统计,文章评论数和浏览量统计,回复管理,支持权限管理。后台模块包含:栏目管理,栏目公告,栏目滚动图片,文章管理,回复管理,意见反馈,我的相册,相册管理,图片管理,专辑管理、视频管理、缓存更新,友情链接,访问统计,联系人管理,模板管理,组织机构管理,用户管理,角色管理,菜单管理,数据字典管理。
Apache License 2.0
628 stars 285 forks source link

XSS vulnerability stored in the publish blog module of Jfinal_cms V5.1.0 #39

Open arongmh opened 2 years ago

arongmh commented 2 years ago

There is a stored XSS vulnerability in JFinal_cms 's publish blog module. An attacker can insert malicious XSS code into the keyword field. When the user views the content of the article in the foreground, the malicious XSS code is triggered successfully.

payload: " onmouseover="alert(document.cookie)


Successfully executed malicious XSS code:

bharathmohanraj commented 2 years ago

Fix for this issue #39 is available in pull request #44 https://github-com.translate.goog/jflyfox/jfinal_cms/pull/44