jfmoy / Fraise

Fraise is a lightweight but powerful text editor for Mac OS X.
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Build fails on 10.6: `Unknown option or message digest: dss1` #53

Open barracuda156 opened 3 weeks ago

barracuda156 commented 3 weeks ago
:info:build     /bin/sh -c /opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_PPCSnowLeopardPorts_aqua_Smultron/Smultron/work/Fraise-312c9f335438fd80656650573d62c260322727b3/build/Fraise.build/Release/Distribution.build/Script-1F7486CA114F1F9900767B18.sh
:info:build dgst: Unknown option or message digest: dss1
:info:build dgst: Use -help for summary.
:info:build 008AE408:error:0308010C:digital envelope routines:inner_evp_generic_fetch:unsupported:crypto/evp/evp_fetch.c:355:Global default library context, Algorithm (dss1 : 0), Properties (<null>)
:info:build Unable to load signing private key with name 'Sparkle Private Key' from keychain
:info:build Could not create file parser context for file "-": No such file or directory at -e line 1.
:info:build ** BUILD FAILED **
barracuda156 commented 3 weeks ago

3.7.1 also fails, complaining re ibtool version and saying it cannot open some archive.

Did not try 10.6.8 Rosetta yet, that might work if the issue is just Xcode capabilities and not incompatible code.

barracuda156 commented 3 weeks ago

Rosetta also fails, on the same spot: https://github.com/jfmoy/Fraise/blob/312c9f335438fd80656650573d62c260322727b3/Fraise.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj#L1191