jforget / Astro-Sunrise

Astro-Sunrise: computing the time of sunrise and sunset for a given location on Earth and a given date
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Iteration bug [rt.cpan.org #47049] #9

Closed jforget closed 3 years ago

jforget commented 3 years ago

Migrated from rt.cpan.org#47049 (status was 'resolved')



From rayner.2@osu.edu on 2009-06-17 13:44:40 :

Astro::Sunrise gives me an error of "Sun never sets!!" each year for
leap years, e.g. March 19 2012, but not for other dates. Location does
not appear to affect result.  Is the problem in iteration? Any
suggestions? Thank you.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w 
use Astro::Sunrise; 
($sunrise, $sunset)=sunrise($y,$m,$d,$long,$lati,$Zone,$DST,$ALT,1); 
print $sunrise,"\n"; 
print $sunset,"\n";

I am using Fedora-11, perl-5.10.0-69.fc11.i586,Astro::Sunrise was
downloaded from cpan on 17 June 2009.

PS I did not use Bitcard because "This Connection is Untrusted"!
Please reply to: rayner.2@osu.edu
John N Rayner, Geography/Atmospheric Sciences, Ohio State Univ.
1035 Derby Hall, 154 N. Oval Mall, Columbus, OH 43210-1361, USA

From j2n-forget@orange.fr on 2009-06-22 05:26:40 :

This has nothing to do with the iteration parameter. See 
for a similar bug in DateTime::Event::Sunrise.
This is due to a confusion between variables $sr and $sRA,
which are the Sun-to-Earth distance (in astronomical units)
and the Sun's right ascension (in degrees).

From j2n-forget@orange.fr on 2013-07-05 05:08:20 :

Here is a patch to fix the 19/20/21 March problem.
To install it:

Download Astro-Sunrise-0.91.tar.gz and astro-sunrise.patch into the same directory

tar -zxvf Astro-Sunrise-0.91.tar.gz
mv Astro-Sunrise-0.91 Astro-Sunrise
patch -p0 < astro-sunrise.patch
cd Astro-Sunrise
perl Makefile.PL
make test
sudo make install

Or you can clone or download my Github repository:
and install with the usual "make" mantra.
jforget commented 3 years ago

Patch provided on Friday 2013-07-05 astro-sunrise.patch.txt

jforget commented 3 years ago

Tuesday 2013-07-09: issue is closed.