jfoshee / Markdown-Build

Builds markdown files
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Tables do not parse correctly #1

Open jaredwilli opened 11 years ago

jaredwilli commented 11 years ago

I just noticed that this plugin DOES include table converting but it's apparently not working. I had first thought it just wasn't included, as most md build systems i've found dont. But then browsed every single one i could cuz I've been trying to make a github mardown build system but then found the file for converting tables in this.

I'm trying to make my devtools cheatsheet build html from md. There are several tables for shortcuts in chrome for OS's but it doesnt build the tables. I tried to use the example table commented at the top of tables.py too and it also did not work.

So, for example it outputs this:

                        | Windows / Linux               | Mac

--------------------------- | ----------------------------- | ------------------- Continue | F8, Ctrl + / | F8, ⌘ + / Step Over | F10, Ctrl + ' | F10, ⌘ + ' Step Into | F11, Ctrl + ; | F11, ⌘ + ; Step Out | Shift + F11, Ctrl + Shift + ; | ⇧ + F11, ⇧ + ⌘ + ; Select Next Call Frame | Ctrl - . | ⌃ + . Select Previous Call Frame | Ctrl + , | ⌃ + , Evaluate Selection | Ctrl + Shift + E | ⇧ + ⌘ + E Toggle Breakpoint Condition | Click on line number | Click on line number Edit Breakpoint Condition | Right-Click on line number | Right-Click on line number

Any idea what could be wrong?

jaredwilli commented 11 years ago

Also, the Mardown Preview plugin does have a setting built into it which allows you to control the parser type and the css to use, including custom css file. Github's markdown parser can be used to make it read github style markdown, perhaps that may be worth checking out. it's what i've been trying to modify to work like this plugin in how it outputs the file in my project directory.

jfoshee commented 11 years ago

I could let the user provide their own markdown parser to replace the MarkdownSharp one. Would that satisfy your request? To my knowledge, MarkdownSharp does not support tables. Correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks!

jaredwilli commented 11 years ago

I don't know much about MarkdownSharp, but from what I could find, the only thing that does Markdown tables is Github flavored Markdown http://github.github.com/github-flavored-markdown/.

I have tried to do integrate the features of MarkdownPreview that are customizable by the user into MarkdownBuild but I'm not that familiar with python at all so was unable to get it fully working. All the code that is needed though is here https://github.com/revolunet/sublimetext-markdown-preview/blob/master/MarkdownPreview.py.

The user settings that I was trying to incorporate from it are:



I was close to making these settings work in my fork of MarkdownBuild and if I knew python at all I could likely do it but this is the first time ever trying to write anything in python. Maybe easier for you to do it idk. If you wanted to. I think it would be a nice addition, so users could customize the settings more.