jfoucry / Pilldroid

Gestion théorique de stock de médicament
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Create a CustomScanContrat from zxing:scanContract #5

Closed jfoucry closed 2 years ago

jfoucry commented 2 years ago

In order to use the CustomScannerActivity, need to create a custon ScanContract fron the Zxing scanContrat. For now unsuccessfully,

There is 3 buttons in my CustomScannerActivty:

I need to catch the resultCode from those button.

Branch Fix_zxing_calling

Altonss commented 2 years ago

Hello @jfoucry, Do you now Catima https://github.com/CatimaLoyalty/Android ? Maybe the implementation of this app could help you! I am not an android expert at all, but maybe you can look at this https://github.com/CatimaLoyalty/Android/blob/master/app/src/main/java/protect/card_locker/ScanActivity.java

jfoucry commented 2 years ago

Oh! I just had a look to the app and it look like something near what I am looking for. I will look at the sources this evening. Thanks for the suggestion.

jfoucry commented 2 years ago

Quite complicated… Not sure to understand all the code… But still on it and still looking for help.

jfoucry commented 2 years ago

half solved. Successfully create a contract for the scan but failed to create a contract for my own acrtivity DrugDetais. For those call I keep the old way and add @SuppressWarning("deprecation") just before using it.