Closed NonlinearFruit closed 1 year ago
The adapter doesn't support debugging. I haven't really worked with the Elixir debugger, so I haven't explored how it would integrate with the adapter.
Ahhh, ok. That would explain it! Thanks for the swift response
:world_map: Background
I just setup elixir in neovim. Running tests with neotest works but debugging isn't working yet. I have test debugging working for C# but I'm guessing my dap setup could be bad? Or maybe it isn't what neotest-elixir expects?
I'm using the Gilded Rose to learn Elixir (source)
:bug: Problem
lua require('neotest'){strategy = 'dap'})
errors with:This neotest issue seems to suggest that this problem involved the neotest adapter (source)
:building_construction: Configs
I use packer to install the plugin
```lua use({ "nvim-neotest/neotest", requires = { { "jfpedroza/neotest-elixir", }, } }) ```I installed `elixirls` with mason. Here is how I setup the debug adapter.
```lua dap.adapters.mix_task = { type = 'executable', command = require("mason-core.package"):get_install_path()..'/bin/elixir-ls-debugger', args = {} } dap.configurations.elixir = { { type = "mix_task", name = "mix test", task = 'test', taskArgs = {"--trace"}, request = "launch", startApps = true, -- for Phoenix projects projectDir = "${workspaceFolder}", requireFiles = { "test/**/test_helper.exs", "test/**/*_test.exs" } }, } ```Here is my neotest setup. The keymap for running the nearest test is working
```lua local neotest_ok, neotest = pcall(require, 'neotest') if not neotest_ok then return end local function keymap(key, cmd, description) vim.keymap.set({"n", "v"}, key, "