jfqd / redmine_helpdesk

Lightweight helpdesk plugin for redmine.
MIT License
192 stars 102 forks source link

Activate Helpdesk plugin on Project basis #155

Closed claudiovts closed 2 years ago

claudiovts commented 3 years ago

Hello there! Hope you are all fine! We have a problem with Helpdesk plugin and Redmine 4.1. After installing the plugin, we must properly configure all projects with proper automated first response or any email coming from outside will not be deleted from our email server, creating the same issue over and over until the email is manually deleted at the email server inbox. We have this error: MailHandler: issue #9890 created by Anonymous MailHandler: an unexpected error occurred when receiving email: undefined method `value' for nil:NilClass

If we could activate the plugin per project, it would be very nice!

Our system: Environment: Redmine version 4.1.1.stable Ruby version 2.5.8-p224 (2020-03-31) [x86_64-linux] Rails version Environment production Database adapter Mysql2 Mailer queue ActiveJob::QueueAdapters::AsyncAdapter Mailer delivery smtp SCM: Subversion 1.13.0 Git 2.27.0 Filesystem
Redmine plugins: additionals 2.0.25-master redmine_basix 1.0.0 redmine_checklists 3.1.16 redmine_ckeditor 1.2.3 redmine_custom_js 0.1.0 redmine_dashboard 2.7.1 redmine_helpdesk 0.0.18 redmine_issue_templates 1.0.4 redmine_lightbox2 0.5.1 redmine_revision_branches 0.3.2 redmine_theme_changer 0.3.1 redmineup_tags 2.0.8 sidebar_hide 0.0.8

Best regards, Claudio

jfqd commented 2 years ago

Fix your mailserver :)