type: mssql
url: jdbc:sqlserver://;instanceName=TDSQL0745;databasename=D00011TD00_MKT_ArtifactoryDev;sendStringParametersAsUnicode=false;applicationName=Artifactory
password: xxxxxx
and then in the end, this error which makes no sense, since there are several logs stating it can read the database properties just fine:
artifactory-dev | error reading configuration from system.yaml : reading db properties failed: could not derive db properties from system yaml: Type: , Url: : Could not set db properties to application configuration: could not derive dbname/hostname from jdbc url
artifactory-dev | goroutine 1 [running]:
artifactory-dev | runtime/debug.Stack(0x10, 0x10, 0xc000126a40)
artifactory-dev | /src/runtime/debug/stack.go:24 +0x9d
artifactory-dev |, 0x14f8be0, 0xc000202960, 0x12bb292, 0x31, 0xc000126a40, 0x1, 0x1)
artifactory-dev | /src/ +0x6a
artifactory-dev |, 0x14f8be0, 0xc000202960, 0x1508f00, 0xc0000beb78)
artifactory-dev | /src/ +0x245
artifactory-dev | main.main()
artifactory-dev | /src/ +0x349
artifactory-dev |
artifactory-dev | panic: error reading configuration from system.yaml : reading db properties failed: could not derive db properties from system yaml: Type: , Url: : Could not set db properties to application configuration: could not derive dbname/hostname from jdbc url
artifactory-dev | goroutine 1 [running]:
artifactory-dev | runtime/debug.Stack(0x10, 0x10, 0xc000126a40)
artifactory-dev | /src/runtime/debug/stack.go:24 +0x9d
The entire log file:
Attaching to artifactory-dev, nginx-dev
artifactory-dev | Preparing to run Artifactory in Docker
artifactory-dev | Running as uid=0(root) gid=0(root)
artifactory-dev | Dockerfile for this image can found inside the container.
artifactory-dev | To view the Dockerfile: 'cat /docker/artifactory-pro/Dockerfile.artifactory'.
artifactory-dev | Resolved shared.database.type (mssql) from /opt/jfrog/artifactory/var/etc/system.yaml
artifactory-dev | Resolved shared.database.url (jdbc:sqlserver://;instanceName=TDSQL0745;databasename=D00011TD00_MKT_ArtifactoryDev;sendStringParametersAsUnicode=false;applicationName=Artifactory) from /opt/jfrog/artifactory/var/etc/system.yaml
artifactory-dev | Waiting for DB mssql to be ready on jdbc/sqlserver///;instanceName=TDSQL0745;databasename=D00011TD00_MKT_ArtifactoryDev;sendStringParametersAsUnicode=false;applicationName=Artifactory for 30 seconds
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:25:51.000Z [shell] [INFO ] [] [ ] [main] - Resolved shared.database.type (mssql) from /opt/jfrog/artifactory/var/etc/system.yaml
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:25:51.000Z [shell] [INFO ] [] [ ] [main] - Resolved shared.database.url (jdbc:sqlserver://;instanceName=TDSQL0745;databasename=D00011TD00_MKT_ArtifactoryDev;sendStringParametersAsUnicode=false;applicationName=Artifactory) from /opt/jfrog/artifactory/var/etc/system.yaml
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:25:51.000Z [shell] [INFO ] [] [ ] [main] - Resolved shared.database.password (sensitive_key_hidden_) from /opt/jfrog/artifactory/var/etc/system.yaml
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:25:52.000Z [shell] [INFO ] [] [ ] [main] - Checking open files and processes limits
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:25:52.000Z [shell] [INFO ] [] [ ] [main] - Current max open files is 32000
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:25:52.000Z [shell] [INFO ] [] [ ] [main] - Current max open processes is 65535
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:25:52.000Z [shell] [INFO ] [] [ ] [main] - Testing directory /opt/jfrog/artifactory/var has read/write permissions for user id 0
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:25:52.000Z [shell] [INFO ] [] [ ] [main] - Permissions for /opt/jfrog/artifactory/var are good
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:25:52.000Z [shell] [INFO ] [] [ ] [main] - Setting JF_SHARED_NODE_ID to 3762da9ee54b
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:25:52.000Z [shell] [INFO ] [] [ ] [main] - Setting JF_SHARED_NODE_IP to
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:25:52.000Z [shell] [INFO ] [] [ ] [main] - Setting JF_SHARED_NODE_NAME to 3762da9ee54b
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:25:52.000Z [shell] [INFO ] [] [ ] [main] - Final command: -server -Xms512m -Xmx2g -Xss256k -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:OnOutOfMemoryError="kill -9 %p" --add-opens java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.base/java.lang.reflect=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.base/java.lang.invoke=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.base/java.text=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.desktop/java.awt.font=ALL-UNNAMED -Dfile.encoding=UTF8 -Djruby.compile.invokedynamic=false -Djruby.bytecode.version=1.8 -Dorg.apache.tomcat.util.buf.UDecoder.ALLOW_ENCODEDSLASH=true -Dartdist=docker -Djf.product.home=/opt/jfrog/artifactory
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:25:52.000Z [shell] [INFO ] [] [ ] [main] - Removing old custom drivers : /opt/jfrog/artifactory/app/artifactory/tomcat/lib/jf*
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:25:52.000Z [shell] [INFO ] [] [ ] [main] - Copying /opt/jfrog/artifactory/var/bootstrap/artifactory/tomcat/lib/mssql-jdbc-7.4.1.jre11.jar to /opt/jfrog/artifactory/app/artifactory/tomcat/lib/jf_mssql-jdbc-7.4.1.jre11.jar
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:25:52.000Z [shell] [INFO ] [] [ ] [main] - Saving /opt/jfrog/artifactory/app/artifactory/tomcat/conf/server.xml as /opt/jfrog/artifactory/app/artifactory/tomcat/conf/server.xml.orig
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:25:52.000Z [shell] [INFO ] [] [ ] [main] - Using Tomcat template to generate : /opt/jfrog/artifactory/app/artifactory/tomcat/conf/server.xml
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:25:53.000Z [shell] [INFO ] [] [ ] [main] - Resolved ${artifactory.port||8081} to default value : 8081
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:25:53.000Z [shell] [INFO ] [] [ ] [main] - Resolved ${artifactory.tomcat.connector.maxThreads||200} to default value : 200
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:25:53.000Z [shell] [INFO ] [] [ ] [main] - Resolved ${artifactory.tomcat.maintenanceConnector.port||8091} to default value : 8091
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:25:53.000Z [shell] [INFO ] [] [ ] [main] - Resolved ${artifactory.tomcat.maintenanceConnector.maxThreads||5} to default value : 5
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:25:53.000Z [shell] [INFO ] [] [ ] [main] - Resolved ${artifactory.tomcat.maintenanceConnector.acceptCount||5} to default value : 5
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:25:53.000Z [shell] [INFO ] [] [ ] [main] - Resolved ${access.http.port||8040} to default value : 8040
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:25:53.000Z [shell] [INFO ] [] [ ] [main] - Resolved ${access.tomcat.connector.maxThreads||50} to default value : 50
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:25:53.000Z [shell] [INFO ] [] [ ] [main] - Resolved JF_PRODUCT_HOME (/opt/jfrog/artifactory) from environment variable
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:25:53.000Z [shell] [INFO ] [] [ ] [main] - Resolved ${shared.tomcat.workDir||/opt/jfrog/artifactory/var/work/artifactory/tomcat} to default value : /opt/jfrog/artifactory/var/work/artifactory/tomcat
artifactory-dev |
artifactory-dev | ========================
artifactory-dev | JF Environment variables
artifactory-dev | ========================
artifactory-dev |
artifactory-dev | JF_SHARED_NODE_NAME : 3762da9ee54b
artifactory-dev | JF_SYSTEM_YAML : /opt/jfrog/artifactory/var/etc/system.yaml
artifactory-dev | JF_ARTIFACTORY_PID : /opt/jfrog/artifactory/app/run/
artifactory-dev | JF_PRODUCT_DATA_INTERNAL : /var/opt/jfrog/artifactory
artifactory-dev | JF_PRODUCT_HOME : /opt/jfrog/artifactory
artifactory-dev | JF_ROUTER_TOPOLOGY_LOCAL_REQUIREDSERVICETYPES : jfrt,jfac,jfmd,jffe
artifactory-dev | JF_SHARED_NODE_IP :
artifactory-dev | JF_SHARED_NODE_ID : 3762da9ee54b
artifactory-dev | JF_ARTIFACTORY_USER : artifactory
artifactory-dev | Starting router...
artifactory-dev | router not running. Proceed to start it up.
artifactory-dev | router started. PID: 3055
artifactory-dev | Starting frontend...
artifactory-dev | frontend not running. Proceed to start it up.
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:25:54.051Z [jfrou] [INFO ] [41c378a842bad26d] [bootstrap.go:70 ] [main ] - Router (jfrou) service initialization started. Version: 1.3.0 Revision: 52dff67afbeb25ab9d5ce3577c420a6562acb89f PID: 3055 Home: /opt/jfrog/artifactory
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:25:54.053Z [jfrou] [INFO ] [41c378a842bad26d] [bootstrap.go:73 ] [main ] - JFrog Router IP:
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:25:54.073Z [jfrou] [INFO ] [41c378a842bad26d] [bootstrap.go:165 ] [main ] - System configuration encryption report:
artifactory-dev | shared.database.password: already encrypted
artifactory-dev | shared.newrelic.licenseKey: does not exist in the config file
artifactory-dev | file '/opt/jfrog/artifactory/var/etc/security/join.key' - already encrypted
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:25:54.080Z [jfrou] [INFO ] [41c378a842bad26d] [bootstrap.go:78 ] [main ] - JFrog Router Service ID: jfrou@01e8chmg22a227v4z5zrexmc9m
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:25:54.080Z [jfrou] [INFO ] [41c378a842bad26d] [bootstrap.go:79 ] [main ] - JFrog Router Node ID: 3762da9ee54b
artifactory-dev | frontend started. PID: 3183
artifactory-dev | Starting metadata...
artifactory-dev | JF_METADATA_ACCESSCLIENT_URL: http://localhost:8081/access
artifactory-dev | metadata started. PID: 3377
artifactory-dev | [DEBUG] Resolved system configuration file path: /opt/jfrog/artifactory/var/etc/system.yaml
artifactory-dev | NOTE: Picked up JDK_JAVA_OPTIONS: --add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/ --add-opens=java.rmi/sun.rmi.transport=ALL-UNNAMED
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:25:54.788Z [jffe ] [INFO ] [ ] [ ] [main ] - frontend (jffe) service initialization started. Version: 1.4.3 Revision: 0.0.0 PID: 3183 Home: /opt/jfrog/artifactory
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:25:55.245L [tomct] [INFO ] [ ] [org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol] [org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol init] - Initializing ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-8081"]
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:25:55.271L [tomct] [INFO ] [ ] [] [ getSharedSelector] - Using a shared selector for servlet write/read
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:25:55.287L [tomct] [INFO ] [ ] [org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol] [org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol init] - Initializing ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-"]
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:25:55.288L [tomct] [INFO ] [ ] [] [ getSharedSelector] - Using a shared selector for servlet write/read
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:25:55.290L [tomct] [INFO ] [ ] [org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol] [org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol init] - Initializing ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-"]
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:25:55.291L [tomct] [INFO ] [ ] [] [ getSharedSelector] - Using a shared selector for servlet write/read
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:25:55.303L [tomct] [INFO ] [ ] [org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService] [org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService startInternal] - Starting service [Catalina]
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:25:55.303L [tomct] [INFO ] [ ] [org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine] [org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine startInternal] - Starting Servlet Engine: Apache Tomcat/8.5.41
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:25:55.334L [tomct] [INFO ] [ ] [org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig] [org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployDescriptor] - Deploying configuration descriptor [/opt/jfrog/artifactory/app/artifactory/tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost/access.xml]
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:25:55.334L [tomct] [INFO ] [ ] [org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig] [org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployDescriptor] - Deploying configuration descriptor [/opt/jfrog/artifactory/app/artifactory/tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost/artifactory.xml]
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:25:55.387L [tomct] [WARNING] [ ] [org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig] [org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployDescriptor] - A docBase [/opt/jfrog/artifactory/app/artifactory/tomcat/webapps/access.war] inside the host appBase has been specified, and will be ignored
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:25:55.388L [tomct] [WARNING] [ ] [org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig] [org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployDescriptor] - A docBase [/opt/jfrog/artifactory/app/artifactory/tomcat/webapps/artifactory.war] inside the host appBase has been specified, and will be ignored
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:25:58.444Z [jfrt ] [INFO ] [e9aaf4a9de71d141] [o.a.c.h.HaNodeProperties:67 ] [ocalhost-startStop-2] - Artifactory is running in non-clustered mode.
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:25:58.552Z [jfrt ] [INFO ] [e9aaf4a9de71d141] [tifactoryHomeConfigListener:70] [ocalhost-startStop-2] - Resolved Home: '/opt/jfrog/artifactory
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:25:58.640Z [jfrt ] [INFO ] [ ] [o.j.c.w.FileWatchingManager:75] [Thread-6 ] - Starting watch of folder configurations
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:25:58.720Z [jfrt ] [INFO ] [e9aaf4a9de71d141] [.a.w.s.BasicConfigManagers:140] [ocalhost-startStop-2] - Artifactory (jfrt) service initialization started. Version: 7.4.3 Revision: 70403900 PID: 3470 Home: /opt/jfrog/artifactory
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:25:58.747Z [jfrt ] [INFO ] [e9aaf4a9de71d141] [.a.c.ConvertersManagerImpl:142] [ocalhost-startStop-2] - Triggering PRE_INIT conversion, from 7.4.3 to 7.4.3
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:25:58.754Z [jfrt ] [INFO ] [e9aaf4a9de71d141] [.a.c.ConvertersManagerImpl:144] [ocalhost-startStop-2] - Finished PREINIT conversion, current version is: 7.4.3
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:25:58.771Z [jfac ] [INFO ] [b84120ea945bd060] [licationContextInitializer:162] [ocalhost-startStop-1] - Access (jfac) service initialization started. Version: 5.4.6 Revision: 50406900 PID: 3470 Home: /opt/jfrog/artifactory
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:25:58.866Z [jfac ] [INFO ] [b84120ea945bd060] [o.j.a.AccessApplication:50 ] [ocalhost-startStop-1] - Starting AccessApplication v5.4.6 on 3762da9ee54b with PID 3470 (/opt/jfrog/artifactory/app/artifactory/tomcat/webapps/access/WEB-INF/lib/access-application-5.4.6.jar started by root in /var/opt/jfrog/artifactory)
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:25:58.867Z [jfac ] [INFO ] [b84120ea945bd060] [o.j.a.AccessApplication:651 ] [ocalhost-startStop-1] - The following profiles are active: production
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:25:59.920Z [jfrt ] [INFO ] [e9aaf4a9de71d141] [.w.ConfigurationManagerImpl:94] [ocalhost-startStop-2] - Starting file sync
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:00.988Z [jfrt ] [INFO ] [776b025026b3b494] [ctoryContextConfigListener:308] [art-init ] -
artifactory-dev | _ ____
artifactory-dev | /\ | | ()/ | | | | _ \
artifactory-dev | / \ | || |_ | |_ | |) |
artifactory-dev | / /\ \ | '| | | / ` |/ | / | '| | | | | _/ '_/ \
artifactory-dev | / __ | | | || | || (| | (| || () | | | || | | | | | | () |
artifactory-dev | // __| _||| _,|\|___/|| _, | || || _/
artifactory-dev | Version: 7.4.3 __/ |
artifactory-dev | Revision: 70403900 |___/
artifactory-dev | Artifactory Home: '/opt/jfrog/artifactory'
artifactory-dev | Node ID: '3762da9ee54b'
artifactory-dev |
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:00.997Z [jfrt ] [WARN ] [776b025026b3b494] [o.a.f.l.ArtifactoryLockFile:65] [art-init ] - Found existing lock file. Artifactory was not shutdown properly. [/opt/jfrog/artifactory/var/data/artifactory/.lock]
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:01.146L [tomct] [INFO ] [ ] [org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig] [org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployDescriptor] - Deployment of configuration descriptor [/opt/jfrog/artifactory/app/artifactory/tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost/artifactory.xml] has finished in [5,808] ms
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:01.227Z [jfrt ] [INFO ] [776b025026b3b494] [ifactoryApplicationContext:523] [art-init ] - Artifactory application context set to NOT READY by refresh
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:04.185Z [jfac ] [INFO ] [b84120ea945bd060] [s.d.u.AccessJdbcHelperImpl:138] [ocalhost-startStop-1] - Database: Microsoft SQL Server 14.00.3294. Driver: Microsoft JDBC Driver 7.4 for SQL Server
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:04.189Z [jfac ] [INFO ] [b84120ea945bd060] [s.d.u.AccessJdbcHelperImpl:141] [ocalhost-startStop-1] - Connection URL: jdbc:sqlserver://\TDSQL0745:1521;useFmtOnly=false;useBulkCopyForBatchInsert=false;cancelQueryTimeout=-1;sslProtocol=TLS;jaasConfigurationName=SQLJDBCDriver;statementPoolingCacheSize=0;serverPreparedStatementDiscardThreshold=10;enablePrepareOnFirstPreparedStatementCall=false;fips=false;socketTimeout=0;authentication=NotSpecified;authenticationScheme=nativeAuthentication;xopenStates=false;sendTimeAsDatetime=true;trustStoreType=JKS;trustServerCertificate=false;TransparentNetworkIPResolution=true;serverNameAsACE=false;sendStringParametersAsUnicode=false;selectMethod=direct;responseBuffering=adaptive;queryTimeout=-1;packetSize=8000;multiSubnetFailover=false;loginTimeout=15;lockTimeout=-1;lastUpdateCount=true;encrypt=false;disableStatementPooling=true;databaseName=D00011TD00_MKT_ArtifactoryDev;columnEncryptionSetting=Disabled;applicationName=Artifactory;applicationIntent=readwrite;
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:05.398Z [jfac ] [INFO ] [b84120ea945bd060] [alConfigurationServiceBase:182] [ocalhost-startStop-1] - Loading configuration from db finished successfully
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:06.106Z [jfac ] [INFO ] [b84120ea945bd060] [.h.AccessNodeIdProviderImpl:69] [ocalhost-startStop-1] - Service id initialized: jfac@01e8chm9tb3dpx11x8t8x909bq
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:06.703Z [jfac ] [INFO ] [b84120ea945bd060] [j.a.s.s.t.TokenServiceImpl:106] [ocalhost-startStop-1] - Scheduling task for revoking expired tokens using cron expression: 0 0 0/1 ?
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:07.646Z [jfac ] [INFO ] [b84120ea945bd060] [b.AccessServerBootstrapImpl:36] [ocalhost-startStop-1] - [ACCESS BOOTSTRAP] Starting JFrog Access bootstrap...
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:07.650Z [jfac ] [INFO ] [b84120ea945bd060] [CertificateFileHandlerBase:108] [ocalhost-startStop-1] - [ACCESS BOOTSTRAP] Initializing root certificate.
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:08.085Z [jfac ] [INFO ] [b84120ea945bd060] [CertificateFileHandlerBase:331] [ocalhost-startStop-1] - [ACCESS BOOTSTRAP] Saved new root certificate at: /opt/jfrog/artifactory/var/etc/access/keys/root.crt
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:08.097Z [jfac ] [INFO ] [b84120ea945bd060] [CertificateFileHandlerBase:125] [ocalhost-startStop-1] - [ACCESS BOOTSTRAP] Finished initializing root certificate. Certificate source: DATABASE
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:08.101Z [jfac ] [INFO ] [b84120ea945bd060] [CertificateFileHandlerBase:108] [ocalhost-startStop-1] - [ACCESS BOOTSTRAP] Initializing ca certificate.
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:08.214Z [jfac ] [INFO ] [b84120ea945bd060] [CertificateFileHandlerBase:331] [ocalhost-startStop-1] - [ACCESS BOOTSTRAP] Saved new ca certificate at: /opt/jfrog/artifactory/var/etc/access/keys/ca.crt
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:08.226Z [jfac ] [INFO ] [b84120ea945bd060] [CertificateFileHandlerBase:125] [ocalhost-startStop-1] - [ACCESS BOOTSTRAP] Finished initializing ca certificate. Certificate source: DATABASE
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:08.344Z [jfac ] [INFO ] [b84120ea945bd060] [b.AccessServerBootstrapImpl:42] [ocalhost-startStop-1] - [ACCESS BOOTSTRAP] JFrog Access bootstrap finished.
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:09.782Z [jfac ] [INFO ] [b84120ea945bd060] [o.j.a.s.r.s.GrpcServerImpl:65 ] [ocalhost-startStop-1] - Starting gRPC Server on port 8045
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:10.305Z [jfac ] [INFO ] [b84120ea945bd060] [o.j.a.s.r.s.GrpcServerImpl:84 ] [ocalhost-startStop-1] - gRPC Server started, listening on 8045
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:10.345Z [jfac ] [INFO ] [b84120ea945bd060] [o.j.a.s.s.JoinKeyAccess:166 ] [ocalhost-startStop-1] - Cluster join: Join key loaded successfully (from: /opt/jfrog/artifactory/var/etc/security/join.key)
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:10.443Z [jfac ] [INFO ] [b84120ea945bd060] [a.s.b.AccessServerRegistrar:62] [ocalhost-startStop-1] - [ACCESS BOOTSTRAP] Starting JFrog Access registrar...
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:10.494Z [jfac ] [INFO ] [d21a5b7ea0ff63d8] [a.c.RefreshableScheduledJob:53] [ocalhost-startStop-1] - Scheduling heartbeat task to run every 5 seconds
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:10.498Z [jfac ] [INFO ] [d21a5b7ea0ff63d8] [a.c.RefreshableScheduledJob:53] [ocalhost-startStop-1] - Scheduling federationCleanupService task to run every 1209600 seconds
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:10.512Z [jfac ] [INFO ] [d21a5b7ea0ff63d8] [a.c.RefreshableScheduledJob:53] [ocalhost-startStop-1] - Scheduling staleTokenCleanup task to run every 3600 seconds
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:10.534Z [jfac ] [INFO ] [4de62954664561ee] [a.c.RefreshableScheduledJob:53] [ocalhost-startStop-1] - Scheduling loadCertificates task to run every 30 seconds
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:10.545Z [jfrt ] [INFO ] [776b025026b3b494] [o.a.s.d.DbServiceImpl:282 ] [art-init ] - Database: Microsoft SQL Server 14.00.3294. Driver: Microsoft JDBC Driver 7.4 for SQL Server Pool: mssql
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:10.551Z [jfrt ] [INFO ] [776b025026b3b494] [o.a.s.d.DbServiceImpl:285 ] [art-init ] - Connection URL: jdbc:sqlserver://\TDSQL0745:1521;useFmtOnly=false;useBulkCopyForBatchInsert=false;cancelQueryTimeout=-1;sslProtocol=TLS;jaasConfigurationName=SQLJDBCDriver;statementPoolingCacheSize=0;serverPreparedStatementDiscardThreshold=10;enablePrepareOnFirstPreparedStatementCall=false;fips=false;socketTimeout=0;authentication=NotSpecified;authenticationScheme=nativeAuthentication;xopenStates=false;sendTimeAsDatetime=true;trustStoreType=JKS;trustServerCertificate=false;TransparentNetworkIPResolution=true;serverNameAsACE=false;sendStringParametersAsUnicode=false;selectMethod=direct;responseBuffering=adaptive;queryTimeout=-1;packetSize=8000;multiSubnetFailover=false;loginTimeout=15;lockTimeout=-1;lastUpdateCount=true;encrypt=false;disableStatementPooling=true;databaseName=D00011TD00_MKT_ArtifactoryDev;columnEncryptionSetting=Disabled;applicationName=Artifactory;applicationIntent=readwrite;
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:10.662Z [jfrt ] [INFO ] [776b025026b3b494] [o.a.s.d.v.MssqlValidator:35 ] [art-init ] - Validating scheme collation for mssql database
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:12.559Z [jfac ] [INFO ] [4de62954664561ee] [o.j.a.AccessApplication:59 ] [ocalhost-startStop-1] - Started AccessApplication in 15.658 seconds (JVM running for 18.158)
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:12.610L [tomct] [INFO ] [ ] [org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig] [org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployDescriptor] - Deployment of configuration descriptor [/opt/jfrog/artifactory/app/artifactory/tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost/access.xml] has finished in [17,276] ms
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:12.620L [tomct] [INFO ] [ ] [org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig] [org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployDirectory] - Deploying web application directory [/opt/jfrog/artifactory/app/artifactory/tomcat/webapps/ROOT]
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:12.648L [tomct] [INFO ] [ ] [org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig] [org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployDirectory] - Deployment of web application directory [/opt/jfrog/artifactory/app/artifactory/tomcat/webapps/ROOT] has finished in [28] ms
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:12.663L [tomct] [INFO ] [ ] [org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol] [org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol start] - Starting ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-8081"]
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:12.686L [tomct] [INFO ] [ ] [org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol] [org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol start] - Starting ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-"]
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:12.693L [tomct] [INFO ] [ ] [org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol] [org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol start] - Starting ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-"]
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:13.253Z [jfrt ] [INFO ] [776b025026b3b494] [ritiesStorageServiceFactory:25] [art-init ] - Initializing DB-based Priorities Storage Service
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:15.157Z [jfac ] [INFO ] [54c1d32deb31f11d] [s.r.NodeRegistryServiceImpl:68] [] - Cluster join: Successfully joined jfrou@01e8chmg22a227v4z5zrexmc9m with node id 3762da9ee54b
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:15.564Z [jfrou] [INFO ] [41c378a842bad26d] [join_executor.go:181 ] [main ] - Cluster join: Successfully joined the cluster
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:15.653Z [jfrou] [INFO ] [ ] [server.go:568 ] [main ] - Preparing server api &{Address:localhost:8049 TLS: Redirect: Auth: WhitelistSourceRange:[] WhiteList: Compress:false ProxyProtocol: ForwardedHeaders:0xc00087bda0} with readTimeout=0s writeTimeout=0s idleTimeout=3m0s
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:15.658Z [jfrou] [INFO ] [ ] [server.go:568 ] [main ] - Preparing server external &{Address::8082 TLS: Redirect: Auth: WhitelistSourceRange:[] WhiteList: Compress:false ProxyProtocol: ForwardedHeaders:0xc00087bdc0} with readTimeout=0s writeTimeout=0s idleTimeout=3m0s
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:15.658Z [jfrou] [INFO ] [ ] [server.go:524 ] [main ] - Starting server on localhost:8049
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:15.659Z [jfrou] [INFO ] [ ] [server.go:568 ] [main ] - Preparing server internal &{Address:localhost:8046 TLS: Redirect: Auth: WhitelistSourceRange:[] WhiteList: Compress:false ProxyProtocol: ForwardedHeaders:0xc00087bd80} with readTimeout=0s writeTimeout=0s idleTimeout=3m0s
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:15.659Z [jfrou] [INFO ] [ ] [server.go:524 ] [main ] - Starting server on :8082
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:15.659Z [jfrou] [INFO ] [ ] [server.go:524 ] [main ] - Starting server on localhost:8046
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:15.659Z [jfrou] [INFO ] [ ] [server.go:420 ] [main ] - Starting provider configuration.ProviderAggregator {}
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:15.659Z [jfrou] [INFO ] [ ] [provider_aggregator.go:103 ] [main ] - Starting provider file.Provider {"Watch":true,"Filename":"","Constraints":null,"Trace":false,"TemplateVersion":0,"DebugLogGeneratedTemplate":false,"Directory":"/opt/jfrog/artifactory/var/data/router/traefik/routes","TraefikFile":""}
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:15.690Z [jfrou] [INFO ] [ ] [server_configuration.go:61 ] [main ] - Server configuration reloaded on localhost:8049
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:15.690Z [jfrou] [INFO ] [ ] [server_configuration.go:61 ] [main ] - Server configuration reloaded on :8082
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:15.690Z [jfrou] [INFO ] [ ] [server_configuration.go:61 ] [main ] - Server configuration reloaded on localhost:8046
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:15.691Z [jfrou] [INFO ] [41c378a842bad26d] [main.go:47 ] [main ] - Router (jfrou) service initialization completed in 21.666 seconds. Listening on port: 8082
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:17.276Z [jfrt ] [INFO ] [776b025026b3b494] [actorySchedulerFactoryBean:727] [art-init ] - Starting Quartz Scheduler now
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:17.398Z [jfrt ] [INFO ] [776b025026b3b494] [ifactoryApplicationContext:271] [art-init ] - Artifactory context starting up 58 Spring Beans...
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:17.691Z [jfrou] [INFO ] [ ] [server_configuration.go:61 ] [main ] - Server configuration reloaded on localhost:8049
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:17.691Z [jfrou] [INFO ] [ ] [server_configuration.go:61 ] [main ] - Server configuration reloaded on :8082
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:17.691Z [jfrou] [INFO ] [ ] [server_configuration.go:61 ] [main ] - Server configuration reloaded on localhost:8046
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:17.993Z [jfrt ] [INFO ] [776b025026b3b494] [o.a.s.a.AccessServiceImpl:408 ] [art-init ] - Initialized new service id: jfrt@01e8chmvcfm3fw0ys53zjw1brd
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:18.068Z [jfrt ] [INFO ] [776b025026b3b494] [oryAccessClientConfigStore:592] [art-init ] - Using Access Server URL: http://localhost:8046/access source: System Config
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:19.416Z [jfac ] [INFO ] [b84120ea945bd060] [.AccessWithRouterRegistrar:106] [pool-6-thread-1 ] - Access Server successfully registered on Router on URL: http://localhost:8046
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:19.692Z [jfrou] [INFO ] [ ] [server_configuration.go:61 ] [main ] - Server configuration reloaded on localhost:8049
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:19.692Z [jfrou] [INFO ] [ ] [server_configuration.go:61 ] [main ] - Server configuration reloaded on :8082
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:19.693Z [jfrou] [INFO ] [ ] [server_configuration.go:61 ] [main ] - Server configuration reloaded on localhost:8046
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:19.943Z [jfac ] [INFO ] [b84120ea945bd060] [.s.b.AccessServerRegistrar:116] [pool-6-thread-1 ] - [ACCESS BOOTSTRAP] Updating server '3762da9ee54b' private key finger print to: 82ad1c5034e31b558c6748c23d70baaa893ee1a2bca54ea25689496bc7b07c32 ca private key finger print to: 9f22ae424451a17685987385978e966432207ad094f6f69a50deb33d398cf227
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:19.964Z [jfac ] [INFO ] [b84120ea945bd060] [a.s.b.AccessServerRegistrar:72] [pool-6-thread-1 ] - [ACCESS BOOTSTRAP] JFrog Access registrar finished.
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:20.194Z [jfac ] [INFO ] [900894d4db7e15c ] [s.r.NodeRegistryServiceImpl:68] [] - Cluster join: Successfully joined jfrt@01e8chmvcfm3fw0ys53zjw1brd with node id 3762da9ee54b
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:20.249Z [jfrt ] [WARN ] [ ] [o.j.c.w.ConfigWrapperImpl:536 ] [Thread-6 ] - Detected a change on file /opt/jfrog/artifactory/var/etc/artifactory/security/access/access.admin.token with a timestamp later than the system's current time. The file's timestamp will be set as the current time.
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:20.251Z [jfrt ] [INFO ] [776b025026b3b494] [.a.c.AccessClientBootstrap:169] [art-init ] - Cluster join: Successfully joined the cluster
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:20.256Z [jfrt ] [INFO ] [776b025026b3b494] [o.j.a.c.g.AccessGrpcClient:74 ] [art-init ] - Connecting to grpc server on localhost:8046
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:20.256Z [jfrt ] [INFO ] [ ] [o.j.c.w.ConfigWrapperImpl:504 ] [Thread-6 ] - [Node ID: 3762da9ee54b] detected local modify for config ''
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:21.382Z [jfrt ] [INFO ] [776b025026b3b494] [o.a.s.a.AccessServiceImpl:352 ] [art-init ] - Initialized access service successfully with client id 1570073403, closing old client id [null]
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:21.384Z [jfrt ] [INFO ] [776b025026b3b494] [o.a.s.a.AccessServiceImpl:1247] [art-init ] - Updating access configuration with password expiration data
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:21.693Z [jfrou] [INFO ] [ ] [server_configuration.go:61 ] [main ] - Server configuration reloaded on localhost:8049
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:21.693Z [jfrou] [INFO ] [ ] [server_configuration.go:61 ] [main ] - Server configuration reloaded on :8082
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:21.694Z [jfrou] [INFO ] [ ] [server_configuration.go:61 ] [main ] - Server configuration reloaded on localhost:8046
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:21.883Z [jfrt ] [WARN ] [776b025026b3b494] [o.a.s.a.AccessServiceImpl:1474] [art-init ] - Your Artifactory server is configured with the default Admin Credentials. It is highly recommended to change the default admin password. You can change the password from the User Management Page.
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:22.179Z [jfrt ] [INFO ] [776b025026b3b494] [.c.r.ReplicatorServiceImpl:112] [art-init ] - initializing Replicator Service
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:22.180Z [jfrt ] [INFO ] [776b025026b3b494] [.c.r.ReplicatorServiceImpl:332] [art-init ] - Local Replicator is setting up in non-bundled mode
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:22.355Z [jfrt ] [ERROR] [776b025026b3b494] [yMetadataClientConfigStore:122] [art-init ] - Unable to request the Metadata Service Service-Id: Failed executing api/v1/system/service_id, with response code: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found and response message: Not Found
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:22.356Z [jfrt ] [WARN ] [776b025026b3b494] [s.MetadataEventServiceImpl:312] [art-init ] - Unable to init the Metadata client. The Metadata Event pipeline will be disabled: Unable to request the Metadata Service Service-Id
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:22.356Z [jfrt ] [WARN ] [776b025026b3b494] [s.MetadataEventServiceImpl:316] [art-init ] - Metadata Client not initialized. Starting Metadata Server Status Probe
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:22.358Z [jfrt ] [INFO ] [2f53d8604dea84e7] [o.a.e.w.StatusProbeImpl:35 ] [-events-status-probe] - Status probe started (Owner: metadata-operator-events)
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:22.360Z [jfrt ] [INFO ] [776b025026b3b494] [tegrationCleanupServiceImpl:75] [art-init ] - Using generated cron 0 21 2 ? for jobs table cleanup
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:23.467Z [jfrt ] [INFO ] [776b025026b3b494] [ifactoryApplicationContext:523] [art-init ] - Artifactory application context set to READY by refresh
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:23.581Z [jfrt ] [INFO ] [776b025026b3b494] [o.a.s.a.AccessServiceImpl:1550] [art-init ] - Successful register of Artifactory serviceId jfrt@01e8chmvcfm3fw0ys53zjw1brd in Access Federation
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:23.588Z [jfrt ] [INFO ] [776b025026b3b494] [.s.MetadataMigrationHelper:191] [art-init ] - No repositories found that correspond to the supported Metadata Migration types. Supported types are [CRAN, Debian, Npm, YUM, Gems, CocoaPods, Chef, Conan, Vagrant, Conda, Pypi, Docker, Bower, SBT, Ivy, Gradle, NuGet, Composer, Puppet, Helm, Go, Opkg, Maven]
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:23.593Z [jfrt ] [INFO ] [776b025026b3b494] [.s.MetadataMigrationHelper:205] [art-init ] - Updating existing migration status for 'metadata-service-migration' to finished
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:23.593Z [jfrt ] [INFO ] [776b025026b3b494] [ionStatusStorageServiceImpl:97] [art-init ] - Migration for 'metadata-service-migration' has finished.
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:23.602Z [jfrt ] [INFO ] [2560c5d922795992] [adsFolderCleanupServiceImpl:51] [art-exec-3 ] - Starting docker temp folder cleanup
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:23.604Z [jfrt ] [INFO ] [776b025026b3b494] [.w.NodeEventTaskManagerImpl:43] [art-init ] - Event management started on behalf of Event Operator with ID 'metadata-operator-events'
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:23.609Z [jfrt ] [INFO ] [2560c5d922795992] [adsFolderCleanupServiceImpl:53] [art-exec-3 ] - Docker temp folder cleanup finished, time took: 7 millis
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:23.618Z [jfrt ] [INFO ] [776b025026b3b494] [o.a.s.s.StorageServiceImpl:425] [art-init ] - Scheduling CalculateReposStorageSummaryJob to run at '0 1 ? '
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:23.628Z [jfrt ] [INFO ] [776b025026b3b494] [ctoryContextConfigListener:250] [art-init ] - Artifactory (jfrt) service initialization completed in 22.661 seconds. Listening on port: 8081
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:30.430Z [jffe ] [INFO ] [ ] [ ] [main ] - setting service id - jffe@000
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:30.499Z [jfac ] [INFO ] [4c77b332c8b2482f] [s.r.NodeRegistryServiceImpl:68] [] - Cluster join: Successfully joined jffe@000 with node id 3762da9ee54b
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:30.507Z [jffe ] [INFO ] [ ] [ ] [main ] - Cluster join: Successfully joined the cluster
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:30.547Z [jffe ] [INFO ] [ ] [ ] [main ] - UI service successfully registered on router, serviceId: jffe@000
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:30.562Z [jfrou] [INFO ] [ ] [server_configuration.go:61 ] [main ] - Server configuration reloaded on localhost:8046
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:30.562Z [jfrou] [INFO ] [ ] [server_configuration.go:61 ] [main ] - Server configuration reloaded on localhost:8049
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:30.562Z [jfrou] [INFO ] [ ] [server_configuration.go:61 ] [main ] - Server configuration reloaded on :8082
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:31.009Z [jffe ] [INFO ] [ ] [ ] [main ] - Recurring tasks started
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:31.570Z [jffe ] [INFO ] [ ] [ ] [main ] - frontend (jffe) service initialization completed in 36.78 seconds. Listening on port: port 8070
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:53.492Z [jfrt ] [INFO ] [b1f1868806de3515] [a.e.EventsLogCleanUpService:53] [art-exec-9 ] - Starting cleanup of old events from event log
artifactory-dev | 2020-05-15T17:26:53.496Z [jfrt ] [INFO ] [b1f1868806de3515] [a.e.EventsLogCleanUpService:74] [art-exec-9 ] - Cleanup of old events from event log finished
artifactory-dev | error reading configuration from system.yaml : reading db properties failed: could not derive db properties from system yaml: Type: , Url: : Could not set db properties to application configuration: could not derive dbname/hostname from jdbc url
artifactory-dev | goroutine 1 [running]:
artifactory-dev | runtime/debug.Stack(0x10, 0x10, 0xc000126a40)
artifactory-dev | /src/runtime/debug/stack.go:24 +0x9d
artifactory-dev |, 0x14f8be0, 0xc000202960, 0x12bb292, 0x31, 0xc000126a40, 0x1, 0x1)
artifactory-dev | /src/ +0x6a
artifactory-dev |, 0x14f8be0, 0xc000202960, 0x1508f00, 0xc0000beb78)
artifactory-dev | /src/ +0x245
artifactory-dev | main.main()
artifactory-dev | /src/ +0x349
artifactory-dev |
artifactory-dev | panic: error reading configuration from system.yaml : reading db properties failed: could not derive db properties from system yaml: Type: , Url: : Could not set db properties to application configuration: could not derive dbname/hostname from jdbc url
artifactory-dev | goroutine 1 [running]:
artifactory-dev | runtime/debug.Stack(0x10, 0x10, 0xc000126a40)
artifactory-dev | /src/runtime/debug/stack.go:24 +0x9d
artifactory-dev |, 0x14f8be0, 0xc000202960, 0x12bb292, 0x31, 0xc000126a40, 0x1, 0x1)
artifactory-dev | /src/ +0x6a
artifactory-dev |, 0x14f8be0, 0xc000202960, 0x1508f00, 0xc0000beb78)
artifactory-dev | /src/ +0x245
artifactory-dev | main.main()
artifactory-dev | /src/ +0x349
artifactory-dev |
artifactory-dev |
artifactory-dev | goroutine 1 [running]:
artifactory-dev |, 0x32b)
artifactory-dev | /pkg/mod/ +0x4f
artifactory-dev |, 0xc0000f4380, 0x32b)
artifactory-dev | /pkg/mod/ +0x186
artifactory-dev |, 0xc000037400, 0x34, 0xc000613e40, 0x2, 0x2)
artifactory-dev | /pkg/mod/ +0x83
artifactory-dev |, 0x14f8be0, 0xc000202960, 0xc000012b40, 0xc000037400, 0x34, 0xc000613e40, 0x2, 0x2)
artifactory-dev | /src/ +0xbc
artifactory-dev |, 0x14f8be0, 0xc000202960, 0x12bb292, 0x31, 0xc000613e40, 0x2, 0x2)
artifactory-dev | /src/ +0x1df
artifactory-dev |, 0x14f8be0, 0xc000202960, 0x1508f00, 0xc0000beb78)
artifactory-dev | /src/ +0x245
artifactory-dev | main.main()
artifactory-dev | /src/ +0x349
From a clean installation everything looks fine:
permissions looks good
system.yaml: `
shared: database type: mssql driver: url: jdbc:sqlserver://;instanceName=TDSQL0745;databasename=D00011TD00_MKT_ArtifactoryDev;sendStringParametersAsUnicode=false;applicationName=Artifactory username: ARTIFACTORY password: xxxxxx ` and then in the end, this error which makes no sense, since there are several logs stating it can read the database properties just fine:
The entire log file: ' LOG