jfrog / cve-2024-3094-tools

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Add pre-flight checks and support for xxd if hexdump is not present #6

Closed brigancc closed 7 months ago

brigancc commented 7 months ago

Adds pre-flight checks to ensure that the following tools are present

Can now use xxd instead of hexdump with identical output

README.md also updated

New output looks like this

$ bash ./cve-2024-3094-detector.sh 

      _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _       _  _  _  _       _  _  _
     (_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_) _  _(_)(_)(_)(_)_  _ (_)(_)(_) _
        (_)   (_)            (_)         (_)(_)          (_)(_)         (_)
        (_)   (_) _  _       (_) _  _  _ (_)(_)          (_)(_)    _  _  _
        (_)   (_)(_)(_)      (_)(_)(_)(_)   (_)          (_)(_)   (_)(_)(_)
 _      (_)   (_)            (_)   (_) _    (_)          (_)(_)         (_)
(_)  _  (_)   (_)            (_)      (_) _ (_)_  _  _  _(_)(_) _  _  _ (_)
 (_)(_)(_)    (_)            (_)         (_)  (_)(_)(_)(_)     (_)(_)(_)(_)

                CVE-2024-3094 detector by JFrog

Pre-flight Check for strings: FOUND 
Pre-flight Check for hexdump: FOUND 
Pre-flight Check for xxd: FOUND 
Pre-flight Check for awk: FOUND 

XZ vulnerable version: NO (5.4.1)
LZMA vulnerable version: NO
SSHD found in the system: NO
SSHD linked with LZMA: NO

- Malicious XZ/LZMA found: NO 
- Vulnerable SSHD found: NO (SSHD not found) 
Conclusion: NOT VULNERABLE TO CVE-2024-3094