[x] All tests passed. If this feature is not already covered by the tests, I added new tests.
[x] This pull request is on the dev branch.
[x] I used gofmt for formatting the code before submitting the pull request.
[ ] Update documentation about new features / new supported technologies
Announcing improvements to Frogbot's functionality!
Now, every Frogbot execution is reported to the analytics service unless explicitly disabled by setting JFROG_CLI_REPORT_USAGE to 'false'.
Regardless of the outcome (success or failure) reported in the analytics, it won't impact Frogbot's output.
[![👍 Frogbot scanned this pull request and did not find any new security issues.](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jfrog/frogbot/master/resources/v2/noVulnerabilityBannerPR.png)](https://docs.jfrog-applications.jfrog.io/jfrog-applications/frogbot)
[ ] Update documentation about new features / new supported technologies
Announcing improvements to Frogbot's functionality! Now, every Frogbot execution is reported to the analytics service unless explicitly disabled by setting JFROG_CLI_REPORT_USAGE to 'false'. Regardless of the outcome (success or failure) reported in the analytics, it won't impact Frogbot's output.