jfrog / jenkins-jfrog-plugin

Easy integration between Jenkins and the JFrog Platform.
Apache License 2.0
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no password provided via Stdin #107

Open kaamos1 opened 2 days ago

kaamos1 commented 2 days ago

Describe the bug

I suppose #101 broke my Jenkins (@EyalDelarea ). With 1.5.1 my pipelines work as expected and interaction with Artifactory is possible using the configured tool. From 1.5.2 it stops working with [Error] no password provided via Stdin

tool config

JFrog CLI Installations (/jenkinsinstance/manage/configureTools/) got an entry: name: 'jfrog-cli' JFrog CLI execution path: '/path/to/jfrog/jfrog-cli-2.68.0'

Plugin config

JFrog Plugin Configuration -> JFrog Platform Instances (/jenkinsinstance/manage/configure) uses a global username/password type credential.

server id: 'artifactory_bdc'


Relevant parts of the pipeline look like this:

pipeline {
    agent {
        dockerfile {
            filename 'Dockerfile'
            additionalBuildArgs ''' \
                --build-arg NEW_UID=$(id -u) \
                --build-arg NEW_GID=$(id -g) \
                --build-arg USERNAME=$(whoami) \
            args '-v /path/to/jfrog:/path/to/jfrog'
            registryUrl 'https://artifactory.domain.com'
            registryCredentialsId 'my_credential'
    tools {
        jfrog 'jfrog-cli'
    environment {
        HTTPS_PROXY = 'http://my-proxy.domain.com:8080'
    stages {
        stage('Test jf cli with Artifactory'){
                jf "rt build-add-git $JOB_NAME $BUILD_NUMBER"
                jf "rt build-collect-env $JOB_NAME $BUILD_NUMBER"
                jf 'rt build-publish'

Note that I am NOT providing any jf c add command. This is automatically done by the Jenkins plugin, but fails since 1.5.2.

Current behavior

10:28:06 [Pipeline] stage 10:28:06 [Pipeline] { (Test jf cli with Artifactory) 10:28:06 [Pipeline] tool 10:28:06 [Pipeline] envVarsForTool 10:28:06 [Pipeline] withEnv 10:28:06 [Pipeline] { 10:28:06 [Pipeline] jf 10:28:06 [PIPELINE_NAME] $ docker exec --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** 4075add322886048b442f6c82796a863cd64f84b585bb1c1af608e2aacbcb6e8 //path/to/jfrog/jfrog-cli-2.68.0/jf -v 10:28:06 [PIPELINE_NAME] $ docker exec --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** --env **** 4075add322886048b442f6c82796a863cd64f84b585bb1c1af608e2aacbcb6e8 /path/to/jfrog/jfrog-cli-2.68.0/jf c add artifactory_bdc --user=username@domain.com --password-stdin --url=https://artifactory.domain.com/ --artifactory-url=https://artifactory.domain.com/artifactory --distribution-url=https://artifactory.domain.com/distribution --xray-url=https://artifactory.domain.com/xray --interactive=false --overwrite=true 10:28:07 10:28:07 [Debug] JFrog CLI version: 2.68.0 10:28:07 10:28:07 [Debug] OS/Arch: linux/amd64 10:28:07 10:28:07 [Debug] Trace ID for JFrog Platform logs: c072dfb8b0364d35 10:28:07 10:28:07 [Info] Trace ID for JFrog Platform logs: c072dfb8b0364d35 10:28:07 10:28:07 [Error] no password provided via Stdin 10:28:07 [Pipeline] } 10:28:07 [Pipeline] // withEnv 10:28:07 [Pipeline] } 10:28:07 [Pipeline] // stage ...

This, of course, causes the pipeline to fail. Here is the output:


10:28:10 java.lang.RuntimeException: Running 'jf' command failed with exit code 1 10:28:10 at PluginClassLoader for jfrog//io.jenkins.plugins.jfrog.JfStep.configAllServers(JfStep.java:213) 10:28:10 at PluginClassLoader for jfrog//io.jenkins.plugins.jfrog.JfStep.setupJFrogEnvironment(JfStep.java:175) 10:28:10 at PluginClassLoader for jfrog//io.jenkins.plugins.jfrog.JfStep.perform(JfStep.java:100) 10:28:10 Also: org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.actions.ErrorAction$ErrorId: f77bb204-f278-4720-9c72-3b2afb4e2e66 10:28:10 Caused: java.lang.RuntimeException: Couldn't execute 'jf' command. RuntimeException: Running 'jf' command failed with exit code 1 10:28:10 at PluginClassLoader for jfrog//io.jenkins.plugins.jfrog.JfStep.perform(JfStep.java:109) 10:28:10 at PluginClassLoader for workflow-basic-steps//org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.CoreStep$Execution.run(CoreStep.java:101) 10:28:10 at PluginClassLoader for workflow-basic-steps//org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.CoreStep$Execution.run(CoreStep.java:71) 10:28:10 at PluginClassLoader for workflow-step-api//org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.SynchronousNonBlockingStepExecution.lambda$start$0(SynchronousNonBlockingStepExecution.java:47) 10:28:10 at java.base/java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Unknown Source) 10:28:10 at java.base/java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(Unknown Source) 10:28:10 at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) 10:28:10 at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source) 10:28:10 at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) 10:28:11 Finished: FAILURE

Reproduction steps

Configure Jenkins as described above and run a pipeline as described above.

Expected behavior

The automatic configuration of my jf cli instance works (jf c add ..)

JFrog plugin version

1.5.2, 1.5.3

JFrog CLI version

Tested with 2.53.2, 2.68.0

Operating system type and version

Ubuntu 22.04

JFrog Artifactory version

No response

JFrog Xray version

No response

commodity729 commented 1 day ago

Same problem, wondering when this is going to be fixed