jfrog / terraform-provider-artifactory

Terraform provider to manage JFrog Artifactory
Apache License 2.0
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Mass import existing resources from JFrog into Terraform #621

Open ssyeds opened 1 year ago

ssyeds commented 1 year ago

Being able to mass import an existing infrastructure into terraform templates would be very helpful. Currently from my understanding the only way to do this is to do a terraform import for every resource individually which can lead to a long list of TF templates being created. A mass import would allow for a much cleaner way of readability and usage.

alexhung commented 1 year ago

@ssyeds There're 2 steps in starting to manage existing infrastructure:

  1. Create the Terraform configuration to match the infrastructure. This can be time consuming for large number of resources.
  2. Import the infrastructure into Terraform state. There's no 'easy' way to bulk import resources via the CLI, except via a script containing large number of terraform import commands.

There have been a few request for an utility to generate the Terraform configuration file from the Artifactory instance. There's no current schedule on when that will be created.

tonswart commented 1 year ago

Maybe a import block can work for your use case: https://developer.hashicorp.com/terraform/language/import Note: Import blocks are only available in Terraform v1.5.0 and later.

chb0github commented 11 months ago

@alexhung can you give an example of, say what a terraform import would look like for a local remote and virtual repo, as well as maybe some users?

What would the import syntax look like for an example? https://developer.hashicorp.com/terraform/language/import

alexhung commented 11 months ago

@chb0github The new import block does half of the job already with the ability to generate the HCL from IDs. We can help with the remaining part and query JFrog and extract the resource type and IDs, and generate the import blocks.

provider "artifactory" {

import {
  to = artifactory_local_generic.my-generic-local
  id = "my-generic-local"


terraform import plan -generate-config-out=generated.tf
alexhung commented 11 months ago

@chb0github I envision this tool will have ability to let user specify the 'category' to extract, e.g. local/remote/virtual/federated repos, security, configuration, etc. as well as specific resource type artifactory_permission_target. Probably mutually exclusive cli args 😄

So the users would need to execute this tool multiple times to generate multiple import.tf files, making this process iterative and manageable.

chb0github commented 11 months ago

Yeah, I was thinking something like:

cat - <EOF > import.hcl
provider "artifactory" {

import {
 $(curl -snLf https://my.artifactory.com/artifactory/api/repositories | jq 'map("
      to = \(.packageType).\(key)
      id = \"\(.key)\"
    | .[]'
terraform import

If you give me

  1. curl -snLf https://my.artifactory.com/artifactory/api/repositories -> Which I think just gives an array of {name,key}
  2. A sample of curl -snLf https://my.artifactory.com/artifactory/api/repositories/{key}

I am sure I can whip out something fast that will generate a monster HCL

chb0github commented 11 months ago

I am feeling a bit bored ATM 😴

chb0github commented 11 months ago

from a cli: mkimport --users --repositories > import.hcl

Not too challenging

alexhung commented 11 months ago

@chb0github 😄 Now try this on an instance with 5000+ repos. And you must not DDoS the instance.

chb0github commented 11 months ago

Sure. Np

chb0github commented 11 months ago

looking at the docs, actually, only 1 single call is needed:

curl -snLf http://myart.comany.com/artifactory/api/repositories | jq -re '.[] | "\(.key) \(.type) \(.packageType)"' 
libs-releases-local LOCAL Generic
libs-snapshots-local LOCAL Maven

here's the sample - There should be no scaling issue at all because, until you run terraform import it's a single call on the server. packages.json

    "key" : "libs-releases-local",
    "type" : "LOCAL",
    "description" : "Local repository for in-house libraries",
    "url" : "http://localhost:8081/artifactory/libs-releases-local",
    "packageType": "Generic"
  }, {
    "key" : "libs-snapshots-local",
    "type" : "LOCAL",
    "description" : "Local repository for in-house snapshots",
    "url" : "http://localhost:8081/artifactory/libs-snapshots-local",
    "packageType": "Maven"

If we continue on this path a bit:

cat << EOF
provider "artifactory" {


import {
$(jq -re '.[] | "\(.key) \(.type) \(.packageType)"'  packages.json | xargs -n 3 bash -c 'printf "
      to = ${2,,}.${1,,}
      id = \"${3,,}\""' _
provider "artifactory" {


import {

      to = local.libs-releases-local
      id = "generic"     
      to = local.libs-snapshots-local
      id = "maven"


here is a loop/read version that should be faster since it doesn't spawn a shell per repo:

while read -r key _ package; do       
  echo "to = ${package,,}.${key,,}"       
  echo "id = \"${key,,}\"" 
done < <(jq -re '.[] | "\(.key) \(.type) \(.packageType)"'  packages.json)

to = generic.libs-releases-local
id = "libs-releases-local"
to = maven.libs-snapshots-local
id = "libs-snapshots-local"
chb0github commented 11 months ago

You know, I actually thought about this: technically you don't need terra form import: you can just interrogate all the resources yourself and generate the proper HCl

chb0github commented 11 months ago

This generates the proper syntax:

printf '
provider "artifactory" {

while read -r key type package; do

printf '
import {
  to = artifactory_%s_%s.%s
  id = %s
' "${type,,}" "${package,,}" "${key,,}" "${key,,}"
done < <(jq -re '.[] | "\(.key) \(.type) \(.packageType)"'  packages.json)

And, the way to handle importing some, but not others, is to create a function per resource type, then putting those in a set and executing them:

function importRepos {
  while read -r key type package; do
      cat <<-EOF
        import {
            to = artifactory_"${type,,}"_ "${package,,}". "${key,,}
            id =  "${key,,}
    done < <(jq -re '.[] | "\(.key) \(.type) \(.packageType)"'  packages.json)

function importUsers {
  for i in {1..10}; do
      local username="username-${RANDOM}-${i}"
      cat <<-EOF
        import {
          to = artifactory_user.${username}
          id = %s

resources=(importRepos importUsers importRepos)
for f in $(echo "${resources[@]}" | sort -u); do

with this sort of thing, they could do mkimport --user --repos --users --repos and only ever get users and repos once

alexhung commented 11 months ago

You know, I actually thought about this: technically you don't need terra form import: you can just interrogate all the resources yourself and generate the proper HCl

That's the original design/plan for this tool.

alexhung commented 11 months ago

@chb0github You should consider creating a public repo with these scripts 😄

chb0github commented 11 months ago

I have... repeatedly... :) Let's sync up this morning and discuss an approach for this thing

chb0github commented 11 months ago

I think what is/was being proposed is that you can generate the

import {


block, and then just run terraform plan --output-hcl-to or whatever, and it will generate the HCL - I mean, after all, TF already know the structure of all your resources.

alexhung commented 11 months ago

This issue was created before HashiCorp released the import block update. So the original tool idea/plan was to create a end-to-end tool to query Artifactory for all the resources and generates the HCL.

Then the import block was released and the request morphed into "let's leverage the new block" as it already does half of the work.

chb0github commented 11 months ago

well, it can be done the way your suggest, and wouldn't be impossible. If you still wanna do it that way, you can throttle your calls easily enough:

curl -snLf https://my.artifactory.com/artifactory/api/repositories | jq -re '.[].key' | 
    xargs printf 'https://my.artifactory.com/artifactory/api/repositories/%s ' | 
      xargs -n 10 -p 10 curl -snLf | jq -sre 'flatten'

this last part is where the throttling is done:

xargs -n 10 -p 10 curl -snLf the -n 10 says (basically) "pass 10 urls at a time to curl" (curl can do multi fetch, but I don't know if it forks off independent processes for the job or not), and the -p 10 tells xargs explicitly to manage thread/process pool for parallelization of no more than 10.

You were worried about DOSing the system. This allows you to dial in some default or let the user system override. If you just did a curl ... & in a for loop you'd exhaust your available system process count AND also potentially cause errors on the server side and choke either it or any firewall it's using.

So, which approach were you thinking?

chb0github commented 11 months ago

@ssyeds - This pr is almost merged in. I'll be curious to get your input