jfrog / vault-plugin-secrets-artifactory

HashiCorp Vault Secrets Plugin for Artifactory
Apache License 2.0
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Should DELETE artifactory/config/admin cleanup all leased tokens? #87

Open TJM opened 1 year ago

TJM commented 1 year ago

If you DISABLE the plugin mount, vault will try to cleanup all the leased tokens.

However, if you vault delete artifactory/config/admin, we could potentially leave behind a bunch of leased (generated) tokens in Artifactory, which by default, never expire.

Should the plugin be cleaning all of those up?

I am wondering if we provide this "DELETE" endpoint, if that means that we need to code in the cleanup?

alexhung commented 1 year ago

On first read, this make senses. I'm trying to think through if there're other scenarios in which deleting any tokens in Artifactory is undesirable.

TJM commented 1 year ago

Right, I am not sure if it is even possible to do. I am not sure if we should even provide the endpoint. We should probably look at other plugins?


TJM commented 1 year ago

I think that any token it creates should be cleaned up, before deleting the admin config, there could maybe be an option to not do that?