jfrog / vault-plugin-secrets-artifactory

HashiCorp Vault Secrets Plugin for Artifactory
Apache License 2.0
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fix: jq to select latest version #97

Closed TJM closed 1 year ago

TJM commented 1 year ago

Related to #48 ... was testing against artifactory-pro, but it failed due to "sha256" tags, so this is a better pattern match for "version" like tags.

Now it works with artifactory-pro:

[tmcneely@local artifactory-secrets-plugin]$ ARTIFACTORY_IMAGE=artifactory-pro ARTIFACTORY_VERSION=latest ./scripts/run-artifactory-container.sh
Unable to find image 'releases-docker.jfrog.io/jfrog/artifactory-pro:7.55.4' locally
7.55.4: Pulling from jfrog/artifactory-pro

On a side note, I am 99% sure we are using 7.55.10, but the latest published image tag in the jfrog docker repo shows 7.55.4?

I find that a bit strange :)


TJM commented 1 year ago

I am not sure why all the links for artifactory-jcr repos in releases.jfrog.io are returning 404's now (suspicious?), but Artifactory-pro would be the same release versions, so I am parsing that output. I have also had success with artifactory-oss...

[tmcneely@local artifactory-secrets-plugin]$ export ARTIFACTORY_IMAGE=artifactory-oss
[tmcneely@local artifactory-secrets-plugin]$ make artifactory
Unable to find image 'releases-docker.jfrog.io/jfrog/artifactory-oss:7.55.10' locally
7.55.10: Pulling from jfrog/artifactory-oss

For what it's worth, the reason I am messing around is that I got a new computer and arifactory-jcr is failing to start up on Apple Silicon. The only thing I can tell that is different is that the OSS and PRO images show up as native to the platform (arm64) while the jcr shows up as amd64 (emulated) :-/

alexhung commented 1 year ago

My guess is that jcr hasn't been updated for Apple Silicon yet.