jgaeddert / liquid-dsp

digital signal processing library for software-defined radios
MIT License
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Header payload validity at the receiving side #366

Open Mas313 opened 3 weeks ago

Mas313 commented 3 weeks ago

Hi, In the gmskframe example, at the receiving side gmskframesync is initialized but no header and fec information is passed so how callback function at the receiver is able to provide data and headler validity . Following code is from example. I have used it along with soapysdr to transmit frames from one sdr to other at a distance of a feet and I get 50% error in packets. I have not introduced error in packets as done in code.

// create frame generator and assemble
    gmskframegen fg = gmskframegen_create_set(k, m, BT);
    gmskframegen_assemble(fg, header, payload, payload_len, check, fec0, fec1);

    // create frame synchronizer
    gmskframesync fs = gmskframesync_create_set(k, m, BT, callback, NULL);

    // allocate buffer for storing entire frame
    unsigned int num_samples = gmskframegen_getframelen(fg) + 800;
    float complex buf[num_samples];
    memset(buf, 0x00, num_samples*sizeof(float complex));
    // generate frame in one shot with sample offset
    gmskframegen_write(fg, buf+250, num_samples-250);
    // add channel gain and noise
    for (i=0; i<num_samples; i++)
        buf[i] = 0.3*buf[i] + 0.01f*(randnf() + randnf()*_Complex_I)*M_SQRT1_2;
    // push samples through synchronizer
   gmskframesync_execute(fs, buf, num_samples);
    // destroy objects
