jgauchia / IceNav-v3

ESP32 Based GPS Navigator with OSM offline maps. (Under development)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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arrows direction and maps #108

Closed zhjygit closed 2 months ago

zhjygit commented 2 months ago

I have used the makerfabs to finish this project, everything is fine. I used the mpu9250 module to receive compass data. However, i found that the arrow on the maps cannot move, meanwhile, the maps move according to the compass data. In common sense, like maps on the phone, the arrow direction changes with the owner walking direction, and the maps always remain unchangeable. So, how can i hold the maps direction and change the arrow direction according to the compass?

jgauchia commented 2 months ago

Hi, this feature isn't implemented yet. Actually navigation arrrow is centered at screen and map changes. I don't know when this feature will be available...

Isn't easy to implement this feature, but it's interesting , maybe in future version I'll implement it

zhjygit commented 2 months ago

ok,i will have a try.

zhjygit commented 2 months ago

how can the maps retotate with the mpu9250 module? where is the related code of the maps retotate with the mpu9250? I want to change the rule, that is to say, the maps remains silent and the arrow retotate according to the mpu9250. For example, i turn right, the arrow turns right, i turn left , the arrow turns left. waiting for you replay.

zhjygit commented 2 months ago

static void update_map(lv_event_t *event) { CurrentMapTile = get_map_tile(getLon(), getLat(), zoom, 0, 0);

if (strcmp(CurrentMapTile.file, OldMapTile.file) != 0 || CurrentMapTile.zoom != OldMapTile.zoom || CurrentMapTile.tilex != OldMapTile.tilex || CurrentMapTile.tiley != OldMapTile.tiley) { is_map_draw = false; map_found = false; // map_spr.deleteSprite(); // map_spr.createSprite(768, 768); }

if (!is_map_draw) { OldMapTile.zoom = CurrentMapTile.zoom; OldMapTile.tilex = CurrentMapTile.tilex; OldMapTile.tiley = CurrentMapTile.tiley; OldMapTile.file = CurrentMapTile.file;

log_v("TILE: %s", CurrentMapTile.file);
log_v("ZOOM: %d", zoom);

// Center Tile
map_found = map_spr.drawPngFile(SD, CurrentMapTile.file, 256, 256);

uint8_t centerX = 0;
uint8_t centerY = 0;
int8_t startX = centerX - 1;
int8_t startY = centerY - 1;
bool tileFound = false;

if (map_found)
  for (int y = startY; y <= startY + 2; y++)
    for (int x = startX; x <= startX + 2; x++)
      if (x == centerX && y == centerY)
        // Skip Center Tile
      RoundMapTile = get_map_tile(getLon(), getLat(), zoom, x, y);
      tileFound = map_spr.drawPngFile(SD, RoundMapTile.file, (x - startX) * tileSize, (y - startY) * tileSize);
      if (!tileFound)
        map_spr.fillRect((x - startX) * tileSize, (y - startY) * tileSize, tileSize, tileSize, LVGL_BKG);

is_map_draw = true;


if (map_found) { NavArrow_position = coord_to_scr_pos(getLon(), getLat(), zoom); map_spr.setPivot(tileSize + NavArrow_position.posx, tileSize + NavArrow_position.posy); map_rot.pushSprite(0, 27);


heading = get_heading();
//map_spr.pushRotated(&map_rot, 360 - heading, TFT_TRANSPARENT);
map_spr.pushRotated(&map_rot, 0, TFT_TRANSPARENT);//保持地图不变
map_rot.fillRectAlpha(TFT_WIDTH - 48, 0, 48, 48, 95, TFT_BLACK);
map_rot.pushImageRotateZoom(TFT_WIDTH - 24, 24, 24, 24, 360 - heading, 1, 1, 48, 48, (uint16_t *)mini_compass, TFT_BLACK); 


map_spr.pushRotated(&map_rot, 0, TFT_TRANSPARENT);


map_rot.setTextColor(TFT_WHITE, TFT_WHITE);

map_rot.fillRectAlpha(0, 0, 50, 32, 95, TFT_BLACK);
map_rot.pushImage(0, 4, 24, 24, (uint16_t *)zoom_ico, TFT_BLACK);
map_rot.drawNumber(zoom, 26, 8, &fonts::FreeSansBold9pt7b);

map_rot.fillRectAlpha(0, 342, 70, 32, 95, TFT_BLACK);
map_rot.pushImage(0, 346, 24, 24, (uint16_t *)speed_ico, TFT_BLACK);
map_rot.drawNumber((uint16_t)GPS.speed.kmph(), 26, 350, &fonts::FreeSansBold9pt7b);

map_rot.fillRectAlpha(250, 342, 70, TFT_WIDTH - 245, 95, TFT_BLACK);
map_rot.drawCenterString(map_scale[zoom], 285, 350);

//sprArrow.pushRotated(&map_rot, 0, TFT_BLACK);
sprArrow.pushRotated(&map_rot, 180-heading, TFT_BLACK);//让导航箭头动起来,且与compass相反


as above shown, i changed the code and the map tile remains silent, meanwhile, the arrow navigtion changes with the mpu9250 module.

jgauchia commented 2 months ago

Disabling map rotation is already planned for the next version of the program.

zhjygit commented 2 months ago
