jgauffin / Griffin.WebServer

A web server built on top of Griffin.Framework
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Exception when stopping WebServer #21

Open philjpearson opened 8 years ago

philjpearson commented 8 years ago

When you stop an instance of HttpServer an exception is thrown on another thread:

Message: An unhandled exception of type 'System.ObjectDisposedException' occurred in System.dll
Additional information: Cannot access a disposed object.
Griffin.Core.dll!Griffin.Net.ChannelTcpListener.OnAcceptSocket(System.IAsyncResult ar) Line 213 C#
PhonicUK commented 8 years ago

Are you using the version from nuget, or a version compiled from the latest version of this repo?

philjpearson commented 8 years ago

I am using Version from NuGet.

PhonicUK commented 8 years ago

Try building the latest version from the repo (building Griffin.Framework too). One of the fixes I wrote a while ago should fix this problem as well.