jgauth / MMM-GoogleTasks

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Authentication issues and recommended solution (changes to README.md and authenticate.js) #26

Open usncahill opened 10 months ago

usncahill commented 10 months ago

I was unable to get authenticate.js to work. Browser would hang on redirect to localhost (ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED). Attempted many things: changing firewall settings, localhost page settings, editing authenticate.js. After two days of attempting to learn how to code this myself, I realized Google provided an example on the page you linked, so I tried it and it worked in lieu of autheticate.js.

Consider rewording the authenticate directions as follows and direct users to use the Google index.js (or replicate herein).

Authenticate and retrieve Google Task List IDs

Go here: https://developers.google.com/tasks/quickstart/nodejs and perform everything on the page:

acaffeinateddev commented 8 months ago

Thanks for this! I was able to get the task list IDs using this method!

kthirtyacre commented 8 months ago

Yo this was so frustrating! Can confirm these instructions worked perfectly!