jgehrcke / covid-19-germany-gae

COVID-19 statistics for Germany. For states and counties. With time series data. Daily updates. Official RKI numbers.
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a plot of Covid-19 cases hospitalized per week #153

Open denis-bz opened 3 years ago

denis-bz commented 3 years ago

Hi J Gehrcke, just fyinfo, not an issue, here's a plot of Covid-19 cases hospitalized per week, from RKI data:


Seems to me that concentrating on the < 10 % of cases who enter hospital would be more effective than looking at all cases, 90 % of them mild -- what do you think ?

If you know of a data source for nr. hospitalized per Kreis (the RKI Berichte have only the totals for all Germany), please let me know.

cheers -- denis

sarahckramer commented 3 years ago

This is a super late reply, and these data are by no means available in a super user-friendly format, but could this be of interest?: https://edoc.rki.de/handle/176904/7012

denis-bz commented 3 years ago

Hi Sarah, on hospitalization rates, https://www.rki.de/DE/Content/InfAZ/N/Neuartiges_Coronavirus/Daten/Klinische_Aspekte.html on Tuesdays has an .xlsx file which with pandas looks like

# from: rki_hospitalised_excel.py rki-Klinische_Aspekte-23feb.xlsx

       Cases   Hosp  Hosp%  Nohospinfo%  Deaths  Deaths%
51  174967  11958    6.8         30.0    6070      3.5
52  139341  10540    7.6         31.0    5378      3.9
53  123282  10395    8.4         29.0    5318      4.3
1   145583  10431    7.2         30.0    5252      3.6
2   119120   9181    7.7         29.0    4554      3.8
3    95686   8072    8.4         27.0    3452      3.6
4    78452   6828    8.7         25.0    2368      3.0
5    64786   5657    8.7         25.0    1452      2.2
6    50834   4201    8.3         26.0     705      1.4
7    52154   3416    6.5         29.0     212      0.4

Also https://www.intensivregister.de/#/aktuelle-lage/kartenansichten has .csv s with daily ICU rates which with pandas look like (today 1 Mar)

AGS Covid   Frei    Betten   Covid% Frei% Other%    Lkr
9162    56  78  513 11  15  74  München, Landeshauptstadt
9177    3   3   19  16  16  68  Erding
9178    2   2   18  11  11  78  Freising
9175    2   2   21  10  10  81  Ebersberg
9179    1   0   12  8   0   92  Fürstenfeldbruck
9174    0   3   26  0   12  88  Dachau

(Bytheway the plots on Intensivregister.de are misleading for small ICUs, e.g. Ebersberg 21 beds, München 513.)

cheers -- denis