Mend ensures you have the greatest risk reduction ("Recommended Fix"-highlighted in green) by removing as many vulnerabilities as possible. Click to see how we calculate risk reduction.
Release Notes
babel/babel (@babel/core)
### [`v7.24.9`](
[Compare Source](
##### :bug: Bug Fix
- `babel-core`, `babel-standalone`
- [#16639]( Avoid `require()` call in `@babel/standalone` bundle ([@nicolo-ribaudo](
- `babel-types`
- [#16638]( fix: provide legacy typings for TS < 4.1 ([@JLHwung](
##### :nail_care: Polish
- `babel-generator`, `babel-plugin-transform-optional-chaining`
- [#16617]( Avoid extra parens in TS `as`/`satisfies` ([@nicolo-ribaudo](
##### :house: Internal
- `babel-helper-module-transforms`
- [#16629]( Lazy top-level initializations for module transforms ([@guybedford](
### [`v7.24.8`](
[Compare Source](
##### :eyeglasses: Spec Compliance
- `babel-parser`
- [#16567]( Do not use strict mode in TS `declare` ([@liuxingbaoyu](
##### :bug: Bug Fix
- `babel-generator`
- [#16630]( Correctly print parens around `in` in `for` heads ([@nicolo-ribaudo](
- [#16626]( Fix printing of comments in `await using` ([@nicolo-ribaudo](
- [#16591]( fix typescript code generation for yield expression inside type expre… ([@SreeXD](
- `babel-parser`
- [#16613]( Disallow destructuring assignment in `using` declarations ([@H0onnn](
- [#16490]( fix: do not add `.value: undefined` to regexp literals ([@liuxingbaoyu](
- `babel-types`
- [#16615]( Remove boolean props from `ObjectTypeInternalSlot` visitor keys ([@nicolo-ribaudo](
- `babel-plugin-transform-typescript`
- [#16566]( fix: Correctly handle `export import x =` ([@liuxingbaoyu](
##### :nail_care: Polish
- `babel-generator`
- [#16625]( Avoid unnecessary parens around `async` in `for await` ([@nicolo-ribaudo](
- `babel-traverse`
- [#16619]( Avoid checking `Scope.globals` multiple times ([@liuxingbaoyu](
### [`v7.24.7`](
[Compare Source](
##### :bug: Bug Fix
- `babel-node`
- [#16554]( Allow extra flags in babel-node ([@nicolo-ribaudo](
- `babel-traverse`
- [#16522]( fix: incorrect `constantViolations` with destructuring ([@liuxingbaoyu](
- `babel-helper-transform-fixture-test-runner`, `babel-plugin-proposal-explicit-resource-management`
- [#16524]( fix: Transform `using` in `switch` correctly ([@liuxingbaoyu](
##### :house: Internal
- `babel-helpers`, `babel-runtime-corejs2`, `babel-runtime-corejs3`, `babel-runtime`
- [#16525]( Delete unused array helpers ([@blakewilson](
### [`v7.24.6`](
[Compare Source](
##### :bug: Bug Fix
- `babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-plugin-transform-class-properties`
- [#16514]( Fix source maps for private member expressions ([@nicolo-ribaudo](
- `babel-core`, `babel-generator`, `babel-plugin-transform-modules-commonjs`
- [#16515]( Fix source maps for template literals ([@nicolo-ribaudo](
- `babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`
- [#16485]( Support undecorated static accessor in anonymous classes ([@JLHwung](
- [#16484]( Fix decorator bare yield await ([@JLHwung](
- `babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`, `babel-runtime-corejs3`
- [#16483]( Fix: throw TypeError if addInitializer is called after finished ([@JLHwung](
- `babel-parser`, `babel-plugin-transform-typescript`
- [#16476]( fix: Correctly parse `cls.fn = x` ([@liuxingbaoyu](
##### :house: Internal
- `babel-core`, `babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-transform-runtime`, `babel-preset-env`, `babel-runtime-corejs2`, `babel-runtime-corejs3`, `babel-runtime`
- [#16501]( Generate helper metadata at build time ([@nicolo-ribaudo](
- `babel-helpers`
- [#16499]( Add `tsconfig.json` for `@babel/helpers/src/helpers` ([@nicolo-ribaudo](
- `babel-cli`, `babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-external-helpers`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`, `babel-plugin-transform-class-properties`, `babel-plugin-transform-modules-commonjs`, `babel-plugin-transform-modules-systemjs`, `babel-plugin-transform-runtime`, `babel-preset-env`, `babel-runtime-corejs2`, `babel-runtime-corejs3`, `babel-runtime`
- [#16495]( Move all runtime helpers to individual files ([@nicolo-ribaudo](
- `babel-parser`, `babel-traverse`
- [#16482]( Statically generate boilerplate for bitfield accessors ([@nicolo-ribaudo](
- Other
- [#16466]( Migrate import assertions syntax ([@JLHwung](
### [`v7.24.5`](
[Compare Source](
##### :bug: Bug Fix
- `babel-plugin-transform-classes`, `babel-traverse`
- [#16377]( fix: TypeScript annotation affects output ([@liuxingbaoyu](
- `babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-proposal-explicit-resource-management`, `babel-runtime-corejs3`
- [#16440]( Fix suppressed error order ([@sossost](
- [#16408]( Await nullish async disposable ([@JLHwung](
##### :nail_care: Polish
- `babel-parser`
- [#16407]( Recover from exported `using` declaration ([@JLHwung](
##### :house: Internal
- Other
- [#16414]( Relax ESLint peerDependency constraint to allow v9 ([@liuxingbaoyu](
- `babel-parser`
- [#16425]( Improve `@babel/parser` AST types ([@nicolo-ribaudo](
- [#16417]( Always pass type argument to `.startNode` ([@nicolo-ribaudo](
- `babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-helper-member-expression-to-functions`, `babel-helper-module-transforms`, `babel-helper-split-export-declaration`, `babel-helper-wrap-function`, `babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-bugfix-firefox-class-in-computed-class-key`, `babel-plugin-proposal-explicit-resource-management`, `babel-plugin-transform-block-scoping`, `babel-plugin-transform-destructuring`, `babel-plugin-transform-object-rest-spread`, `babel-plugin-transform-optional-chaining`, `babel-plugin-transform-parameters`, `babel-plugin-transform-private-property-in-object`, `babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx-self`, `babel-plugin-transform-typeof-symbol`, `babel-plugin-transform-typescript`, `babel-traverse`
- [#16439]( Make `NodePath` distributive ([@nicolo-ribaudo](
- `babel-plugin-proposal-partial-application`, `babel-types`
- [#16421]( Remove `JSXNamespacedName` from valid `CallExpression` args ([@nicolo-ribaudo](
- `babel-plugin-transform-class-properties`, `babel-preset-env`
- [#16406]( Do not load unnecessary Babel 7 syntax plugins in Babel 8 ([@nicolo-ribaudo](
##### :running_woman: Performance
- `babel-helpers`, `babel-preset-env`, `babel-runtime-corejs3`
- [#16357]( Performance: improve `objectWithoutPropertiesLoose` on V8 ([@romgrk](
### [`v7.24.4`](
[Compare Source](
##### :eyeglasses: Spec Compliance
- `babel-parser`
- [#16403]( Forbid initializerless using ([@JLHwung](
- `babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`, `babel-runtime-corejs3`
- [#16388]( Ensure decorators are callable ([@JLHwung](
##### :bug: Bug Fix
- `babel-generator`
- [#16402]( fix: Correctly prints `{ [key in Bar]? }` ([@liuxingbaoyu](
- [#16394]( fix: Correctly generate `TSMappedType` ([@liuxingbaoyu](
- `babel-compat-data`, `babel-plugin-bugfix-firefox-class-in-computed-class-key`, `babel-preset-env`
- [#16390]( Create bugfix plugin for classes in computed keys in Firefox ([@nicolo-ribaudo](
- `babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`
- [#16387]( fix: support mutated outer decorated class binding ([@JLHwung](
- [#16385]( fix: Decorators when `super()` exists and `protoInit` is not needed ([@liuxingbaoyu](
- `babel-plugin-transform-block-scoping`
- [#16384]( fix: Transform scoping for `for X` in loop ([@liuxingbaoyu](
- [#16368]( fix: Capture `let` when the `for` body is not a block ([@liuxingbaoyu](
- `babel-core`, `babel-plugin-transform-block-scoped-functions`, `babel-plugin-transform-block-scoping`
- [#16363]( Fix incorrect function hoisting in some case statements ([@luiscubal](
### [`v7.24.3`](
[Compare Source](
##### :bug: Bug Fix
- `babel-helper-module-imports`
- [#16370]( fix: do not inject the same imported identifier multiple times ([@ota-meshi](
### [`v7.24.1`](
[Compare Source](
##### :bug: Bug Fix
- `babel-generator`
- [#16648]( Fix parens detection for object\&function in `as`/`satisfies` ([@nicolo-ribaudo](
### [`v7.24.0`](
[Compare Source](
##### :rocket: New Feature
- `babel-standalone`
- [#11696]( Export babel tooling packages in `@babel/standalone` ([@ajihyf](
- `babel-core`, `babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-transform-class-properties`
- [#16267]( Implement `noUninitializedPrivateFieldAccess` assumption ([@nicolo-ribaudo](
- `babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`, `babel-plugin-proposal-pipeline-operator`, `babel-plugin-syntax-decorators`, `babel-plugin-transform-class-properties`, `babel-runtime-corejs2`, `babel-runtime-corejs3`, `babel-runtime`
- [#16242]( Support decorator 2023-11 normative updates ([@JLHwung](
- `babel-preset-flow`
- [#16309]( \[babel 7] Allow setting `ignoreExtensions` in Flow preset ([@nicolo-ribaudo](
- [#16284]( Add `experimental_useHermesParser` option in `preset-flow` ([@liuxingbaoyu](
- `babel-helper-import-to-platform-api`, `babel-plugin-proposal-import-wasm-source`, `babel-plugin-proposal-json-modules`, `babel-standalone`
- [#16172]( Add transform support for JSON modules imports ([@nicolo-ribaudo](
- `babel-plugin-transform-runtime`
- [#16241]( Add back `moduleName` option to `@babel/plugin-transform-runtime` ([@nicolo-ribaudo](
- `babel-parser`, `babel-types`
- [#16277]( Allow import attributes for `TSImportType` ([@sosukesuzuki](
##### :bug: Bug Fix
- `babel-plugin-proposal-do-expressions`, `babel-traverse`
- [#16305]( fix: avoid `popContext` on unvisited node paths ([@JLHwung](
- `babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-plugin-transform-private-methods`, `babel-plugin-transform-private-property-in-object`
- [#16312]( Fix class private properties when `privateFieldsAsSymbols` ([@liuxingbaoyu](
- `babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-plugin-transform-private-methods`
- [#16307]( Fix the support of `arguments` in private `get/set` method ([@liuxingbaoyu](
- `babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`
- [#16287]( Reduce decorator static property size ([@liuxingbaoyu](
- `babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`
- [#16281]( Fix evaluation order of decorators with cached receiver ([@nicolo-ribaudo](
- [#16279]( Fix decorator this memoization ([@JLHwung](
- [#16266]( Preserve `static` on decorated private `accessor` ([@nicolo-ribaudo](
- [#16258]( fix: handle decorated async private method and generator ([@JLHwung](
- `babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`, `babel-plugin-transform-async-generator-functions`, `babel-plugin-transform-private-methods`, `babel-plugin-transform-private-property-in-object`, `babel-plugin-transform-typescript`, `babel-preset-env`
- [#16275]( Fix class private properties when `privateFieldsAsProperties` ([@liuxingbaoyu](
- `babel-helpers`
- [#16268]( Do not consider `arguments` in a helper as a global reference ([@nicolo-ribaudo](
- `babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`
- [#16270]( Handle symbol key class elements decoration ([@JLHwung](
- [#16265]( Do not define `access.get` for public setter decorators ([@nicolo-ribaudo](
##### :nail_care: Polish
- `babel-core`, `babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-preset-env`
- [#12428]( Suggest using `BABEL_SHOW_CONFIG_FOR` for config problems ([@nicolo-ribaudo](
##### :house: Internal
- `babel-helper-transform-fixture-test-runner`
- [#16278]( Continue writing `output.js` when `exec.js` throws ([@liuxingbaoyu](
##### :microscope: Output optimization
- `babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`
- [#16306]( Avoid intermediate functions for private accessors with decs ([@nicolo-ribaudo](
- `babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`, `babel-plugin-proposal-pipeline-operator`, `babel-plugin-transform-class-properties`
- [#16294]( More aggressively inline decorators in the static block ([@nicolo-ribaudo](
- `babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-transform-private-methods`
- [#16283]( Do not use `classPrivateMethodGet` ([@liuxingbaoyu](
- `babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`
- [#16287]( Reduce decorator static property size ([@liuxingbaoyu](
- `babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`, `babel-plugin-transform-class-properties`
- [#16280]( Reduce element decorator temp variables ([@JLHwung](
- `babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-helper-fixtures`, `babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-bugfix-v8-spread-parameters-in-optional-chaining`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`, `babel-plugin-proposal-destructuring-private`, `babel-plugin-proposal-optional-chaining-assign`, `babel-plugin-transform-class-properties`, `babel-plugin-transform-class-static-block`, `babel-plugin-transform-private-methods`, `babel-plugin-transform-private-property-in-object`, `babel-preset-env`, `babel-runtime-corejs2`, `babel-runtime-corejs3`, `babel-runtime`
- [#16261]( Do not use descriptors for private class elements ([@nicolo-ribaudo](
- `babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`
- [#16263]( Reduce helper size for decorator 2023-11 ([@liuxingbaoyu](
### [`v7.23.9`](
[Compare Source](
##### :bug: Bug Fix
- `babel-helper-transform-fixture-test-runner`, `babel-plugin-transform-function-name`, `babel-plugin-transform-modules-systemjs`, `babel-preset-env`
- [#16225]( fix: `systemjs` re-traverses helpers ([@liuxingbaoyu](
- `babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`
- [#16226]( Improve decorated private method check ([@JLHwung](
- `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`, `babel-plugin-transform-async-generator-functions`, `babel-plugin-transform-runtime`, `babel-preset-env`
- [#16224]( Properly sort `core-js@3` imports ([@nicolo-ribaudo](
- `babel-traverse`
- [#15383]( fix: Don't throw in `getTypeAnnotation` when using TS+inference ([@liuxingbaoyu](
- Other
- [#16210]( \[eslint] Fix `no-use-before-define` for class ref in fields ([@nicolo-ribaudo](
##### :house: Internal
- `babel-core`, `babel-parser`, `babel-template`
- [#16222]( Migrate `eslint-parser` to cts ([@liuxingbaoyu](
- `babel-types`
- [#16213]( Remove `@babel/types` props that are not produced by the parser ([@liuxingbaoyu](
##### :running_woman: Performance
- `babel-parser`
- [#16072]( perf: Improve parser performance for typescript ([@liuxingbaoyu](
##### :microscope: Output optimization
- `babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`, `babel-plugin-proposal-destructuring-private`, `babel-plugin-proposal-pipeline-operator`, `babel-plugin-transform-class-properties`, `babel-plugin-transform-class-static-block`, `babel-plugin-transform-new-target`, `babel-plugin-transform-parameters`, `babel-plugin-transform-private-methods`, `babel-preset-env`
- [#16218]( Improve temporary variables for decorators ([@liuxingbaoyu](
- `babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-proposal-explicit-resource-management`, `babel-runtime-corejs2`, `babel-runtime-corejs3`, `babel-runtime`
- [#15959]( Improve output of `using` ([@liuxingbaoyu](
### [`v7.23.7`](
[Compare Source](
##### :bug: Bug Fix
- `babel-traverse`
- [#16191]( fix: Crash when removing without `Program` ([@liuxingbaoyu](
- `babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`
- [#16180]( fix: Class decorator `ctx.kind` is wrong ([@liuxingbaoyu](
- `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`
- [#16170]( Fix decorator initProto usage in derived classes ([@JLHwung](
- `babel-core`
- [#16167]( Avoid unpreventable `unhandledRejection` events ([@nicolo-ribaudo](
##### :house: Internal
- `babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`
- [#16186]( chore: Update deps ([@liuxingbaoyu](
- `babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`
- [#16177]( Merge decorators into class features ([@JLHwung](
### [`v7.23.6`](
[Compare Source](
##### :eyeglasses: Spec Compliance
- `babel-generator`, `babel-parser`, `babel-types`
- [#16154]( Remove `TSPropertySignature.initializer` ([@fisker](
- `babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`, `babel-plugin-transform-class-
📅 Schedule: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).
🚦 Automerge: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.
♻ Rebasing: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.
👻 Immortal: This PR will be recreated if closed unmerged. Get config help if that's undesired.
[ ] If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box
This PR contains the following updates:
This PR resolves the vulnerabilities described in Issue #15
Version 2.1.13
| Risk Change | Critical | High | Medium | Low | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | N/A | 2 | 4 | 3 | 0 |Version 2.10.0
| Risk Change | Critical | High | Medium | Low | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | -100% | 0 (-2 ) | 0 (-4 ) | 0 (-3 ) | 0 (--) |Mend ensures you have the greatest risk reduction ("Recommended Fix"-highlighted in green) by removing as many vulnerabilities as possible. Click to see how we calculate risk reduction.
Release Notes
babel/babel (@babel/core)
### [`v7.24.9`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :bug: Bug Fix - `babel-core`, `babel-standalone` - [#16639]( Avoid `require()` call in `@babel/standalone` bundle ([@nicolo-ribaudo]( - `babel-types` - [#16638]( fix: provide legacy typings for TS < 4.1 ([@JLHwung]( ##### :nail_care: Polish - `babel-generator`, `babel-plugin-transform-optional-chaining` - [#16617]( Avoid extra parens in TS `as`/`satisfies` ([@nicolo-ribaudo]( ##### :house: Internal - `babel-helper-module-transforms` - [#16629]( Lazy top-level initializations for module transforms ([@guybedford]( ### [`v7.24.8`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :eyeglasses: Spec Compliance - `babel-parser` - [#16567]( Do not use strict mode in TS `declare` ([@liuxingbaoyu]( ##### :bug: Bug Fix - `babel-generator` - [#16630]( Correctly print parens around `in` in `for` heads ([@nicolo-ribaudo]( - [#16626]( Fix printing of comments in `await using` ([@nicolo-ribaudo]( - [#16591]( fix typescript code generation for yield expression inside type expre… ([@SreeXD]( - `babel-parser` - [#16613]( Disallow destructuring assignment in `using` declarations ([@H0onnn]( - [#16490]( fix: do not add `.value: undefined` to regexp literals ([@liuxingbaoyu]( - `babel-types` - [#16615]( Remove boolean props from `ObjectTypeInternalSlot` visitor keys ([@nicolo-ribaudo]( - `babel-plugin-transform-typescript` - [#16566]( fix: Correctly handle `export import x =` ([@liuxingbaoyu]( ##### :nail_care: Polish - `babel-generator` - [#16625]( Avoid unnecessary parens around `async` in `for await` ([@nicolo-ribaudo]( - `babel-traverse` - [#16619]( Avoid checking `Scope.globals` multiple times ([@liuxingbaoyu]( ### [`v7.24.7`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :bug: Bug Fix - `babel-node` - [#16554]( Allow extra flags in babel-node ([@nicolo-ribaudo]( - `babel-traverse` - [#16522]( fix: incorrect `constantViolations` with destructuring ([@liuxingbaoyu]( - `babel-helper-transform-fixture-test-runner`, `babel-plugin-proposal-explicit-resource-management` - [#16524]( fix: Transform `using` in `switch` correctly ([@liuxingbaoyu]( ##### :house: Internal - `babel-helpers`, `babel-runtime-corejs2`, `babel-runtime-corejs3`, `babel-runtime` - [#16525]( Delete unused array helpers ([@blakewilson]( ### [`v7.24.6`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :bug: Bug Fix - `babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-plugin-transform-class-properties` - [#16514]( Fix source maps for private member expressions ([@nicolo-ribaudo]( - `babel-core`, `babel-generator`, `babel-plugin-transform-modules-commonjs` - [#16515]( Fix source maps for template literals ([@nicolo-ribaudo]( - `babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators` - [#16485]( Support undecorated static accessor in anonymous classes ([@JLHwung]( - [#16484]( Fix decorator bare yield await ([@JLHwung]( - `babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`, `babel-runtime-corejs3` - [#16483]( Fix: throw TypeError if addInitializer is called after finished ([@JLHwung]( - `babel-parser`, `babel-plugin-transform-typescript` - [#16476]( fix: Correctly parse `cls.fnConfiguration
📅 Schedule: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).
🚦 Automerge: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.
♻ Rebasing: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.
👻 Immortal: This PR will be recreated if closed unmerged. Get config help if that's undesired.