Visa Chart Components (VCC) is an accessibility focused, framework agnostic set of data experience design systems components for the web. VCC attempts to provide a toolset to enable developers to build equal data experiences for everyone, everywhere.
tj/commander.js (commander)
### [`v11.1.0`](
[Compare Source](
##### Fixed
- TypeScript: update `OptionValueSource` to allow any string, to match supported use of custom sources (\[[#1983](])
- TypeScript: add that `Command.version()` can also be used as getter (\[[#1982](])
- TypeScript: add null return type to `Commands.executableDir()`, for when not configured (\[[#1965](])
- subcommands with an executable handler and only a short help flag are now handled correctly by the parent's help command (\[[#1930](])
##### Added
- `registeredArguments` property on `Command` with the array of defined `Argument` (like `Command.options` for `Option`) (\[[#2010](])
- TypeScript declarations for Option properties: `envVar`, `presetArg` (\[[#2019](])
- TypeScript declarations for Argument properties: `argChoices`, `defaultValue`, `defaultValueDescription` (\[[#2019](])
- example file which shows how to configure help to display any custom usage in the list of subcommands (\[[#1896](])
##### Changed
- (developer) refactor TypeScript configs for multiple use-cases, and enable checks in JavaScript files in supporting editors (\[[#1969](])
##### Deprecated
- `Command._args` was private anyway, but now available as `registeredArguments` (\[[#2010](])
### [`v11.0.0`](
[Compare Source](
##### Fixed
- help command works when help option is disabled (\[[#1864](])
##### Changed
- leading and trailing spaces are now ignored by the .arguments() method (\[[#1874](])
- refine "types" exports for ESM to follow TypeScript guidelines (\[[#1886](])
- *Breaking:* Commander 11 requires Node.js v16 or higher
### [`v10.0.1`](
[Compare Source](
##### Added
- improvements to documentation (\[[#1858](], \[[#1859](], \[[#1860](])
##### Fixed
- remove unused `Option.optionFlags` property from TypeScript definition (\[[#1844](])
##### Changed
- assume boolean option intended if caller passes string instead of hash to `.implies()` (\[[#1854](])
### [`v10.0.0`](
[Compare Source](
##### Added
- wrap command description in help (\[[#1804](])
##### Changed
- *Breaking:* Commander 10 requires Node.js v14 or higher
### [`v9.5.0`](
[Compare Source](
##### Added
- `.getOptionValueSourceWithGlobals()` (\[[#1832](])
- `showGlobalOptions` for `.configureHelp{}` and `Help` (\[[#1828](])
### [`v9.4.1`](
[Compare Source](
##### Fixed
- `.setOptionValue()` now also clears option source (\[[#1795](])
- TypeScript: add `implied` to `OptionValueSource` for option values set by using `.implies()` (\[[#1794](])
- TypeScript : add `undefined` to return type of `.getOptionValueSource()` (\[[#1794](])
##### Changed
- additions to README
### [`v9.4.0`](
[Compare Source](
##### Added
- `preSubcommand` hook called before direct subcommands (\[[#1763](])
##### Fixed
- export `InvalidOptionArgumentError` in esm (\[[#1756](])
##### Changed
- update dependencies (\[[#1767](])
### [`v9.3.0`](
[Compare Source](
##### Added
- `.summary()` for a short summary to use instead of description when listing subcommands in help (\[[#1726](])
- `Option.implies()` to set other option values when the option is specified (\[[#1724](])
- updated Chinese README with 9.x changes (\[[#1727](])
##### Fixed
- TypeScript: add `string[]` to `.options()` default value parameter type for use with variadic options (\[[#1721](])
##### Deprecated
- multi-character short option flag (e.g. `-ws`) (\[[#1718](])
### [`v9.2.0`](
[Compare Source](
##### Added
- conditional export of 'types' for upcoming TypeScript module resolution (\[[#1703](])
- example file showing two ways to add global options to subcommands (\[[#1708](])
##### Fixed
- detect option conflicts in parent commands of called subcommand (\[[#1710](])
##### Changed
- replace deprecated `String.prototype.substr` (\[[#1706](])
### [`v9.1.0`](
[Compare Source](
##### Added
- Option `.conflicts()` to set conflicting options which can not be specified together (\[[#1678](])
- (developer) CodeQL configuration for GitHub Actions (\[[#1698](])
### [`v9.0.0`](
[Compare Source](
##### Added
- simpler ECMAScript import (\[[#1589](])
- Option.preset() allows specifying value/arg for option when used without option-argument (especially optional, but also boolean option) (\[[#1652](])
- `.executableDir()` for custom search for subcommands (\[[#1571](])
- throw with helpful message if pass `Option` to `.option()` or `.requiredOption()` (\[[#1655](])
- .`error()` for generating errors from client code just like Commander generated errors, with support for `.configureOutput()`, `.exitOverride()`, and `.showHelpAfterError()` (\[[#1675](])
- `.optsWithGlobals()` to return merged local and global options (\[[#1671](])
##### Changed
- *Breaking:* Commander 9 requires Node.js v12.20.0 or higher
- update package-lock.json to lockfile@2 format (\[[#1659](])
- `showSuggestionAfterError` is now on by default (\[[#1657](])
- *Breaking:* default value specified for boolean option now always used as default value (see .preset() to match some previous behaviours) (\[[#1652](])
- default value for boolean option only shown in help if true/false (\[[#1652](])
- use command name as prefix for subcommand stand-alone executable name (with fallback to script name for backwards compatibility) (\[[#1571](])
- allow absolute path with `executableFile` (\[[#1571](])
- removed restriction that nested subcommands must specify `executableFile` (\[[#1571](])
- TypeScript: allow passing readonly string array to `.choices()` (\[[#1667](])
- TypeScript: allow passing readonly string array to `.parse()`, `.parseAsync()`, `.aliases()` (\[[#1669](])
##### Fixed
- option with optional argument not supplied on command line now works when option already has a value, whether from default value or from previous arguments (\[[#1652](])
##### Removed
- *Breaking:* removed internal fallback to `require.main.filename` when script not known from arguments passed to `.parse()` (can supply details using `.name()`, and `.executableDir()` or `executableFile`) (\[[#1571](])
### [`v8.3.0`](
[Compare Source](
##### Added
- `.getOptionValueSource()` and `.setOptionValueWithSource()`, where expected values for source are one of 'default', 'env', 'config', 'cli' (\[[#1613](])
##### Deprecated
- `.command('*')`, use default command instead (\[[#1612](])
- `on('command:*')`, use `.showSuggestionAfterError()` instead (\[[#1612](])
### [`v8.2.0`](
[Compare Source](
##### Added
- `.showSuggestionAfterError()` to show suggestions after unknown command or unknown option (\[[#1590](])
- add `Option` support for values from environment variables using `.env()` (\[[#1587](])
##### Changed
- show error for unknown global option before subcommand (rather than just help) (\[[#1590](])
##### Removed
- TypeScript declaration of unimplemented `Option` method `argumentRejected`
### [`v8.1.0`](
[Compare Source](
##### Added
- `.copyInheritedSettings()` (\[[#1557](])
- update Chinese translations of documentation for Commander v8 (\[[#1570](])
- `Argument` methods for `.argRequired()` and `.argOptional()` (\[[#1567](])
### [`v8.0.0`](
[Compare Source](
##### Added
- `.argument(name, description)` for adding command-arguments (\[[#1490](])
- supports default value for optional command-arguments (\[[#1508](])
- supports custom processing function (\[[#1508](])
- `.createArgument()` factory method (\[[#1497](])
- `.addArgument()` (\[[#1490](])
- `Argument` supports `.choices()` (\[[#1525](])
- `.showHelpAfterError()` to display full help or a custom message after an error (\[[#1534](])
- `.hook()` with support for `'preAction'` and `'postAction'` callbacks (\[[#1514](])
- client typing of `.opts()` return type using TypeScript generics (\[[#1539](])
- the number of command-arguments is checked for programs without an action handler (\[[#1502](])
- `.getOptionValue()` and `.setOptionValue()` (\[[#1521](])
##### Changed
- refactor and simplify TypeScript declarations (with no default export) (\[[#1520](])
- `.parseAsync()` is now declared as `async` (\[[#1513](])
- *Breaking:* `Help` method `.visibleArguments()` returns array of `Argument` (\[[#1490](])
- *Breaking:* Commander 8 requires Node.js 12 or higher (\[[#1500](])
- *Breaking:* `CommanderError` code `commander.invalidOptionArgument` renamed `commander.invalidArgument` (\[[#1508](])
- *Breaking:* TypeScript declaration for `.addTextHelp()` callback no longer allows result of `undefined`, now just `string` (\[[#1516](])
- refactor `` into a file per class (\[[#1522](])
- remove help suggestion from "unknown command" error message (see `.showHelpAfteError()`) (\[[#1534](])
- `Command` property `.arg` initialised to empty array (was previously undefined) (\[[#1529](])
- update dependencies
##### Deprecated
- second parameter of `cmd.description(desc, argDescriptions)` for adding argument descriptions (\[[#1490](])
- (use new `.argument(name, description)` instead)
- `InvalidOptionArgumentError` (replaced by `InvalidArgumentError`) (\[[#1508](])
##### Removed
- *Breaking:* TypeScript declaration for default export of global `Command` object (\[[#1520](])
- (still available as named `program` export)
##### Migration Tips
If you have a simple program without an action handler, you will now get an error if
there are missing command-arguments.
.option('-d, --debug')
$ node trivial.js
error: missing required argument 'file'
If you want to show the help in this situation, you could check the arguments before parsing:
if (process.argv.length === 2);
Or, you might choose to show the help after any user error:
### [`v7.2.0`](
[Compare Source](
##### Added
- TypeScript typing for `parent` property on `Command` (\[[#1475](])
- TypeScript typing for `.attributeName()` on `Option` (\[[#1483](])
- support information in package (\[[#1477](])
##### Changed
- improvements to error messages, README, and tests
- update dependencies
### [`v7.1.0`](
[Compare Source](
##### Added
- support for named imports from ECMAScript modules (\[[#1440](])
- add `.cjs` to list of expected script file extensions (\[[#1449](])
- allow using option choices and variadic together (\[[#1454](])
##### Fixed
- replace use of deprecated `process.mainModule` (\[[#1448](])
- regression for legacy `command('*')` and call when command line includes options (\[[#1464](])
- regression for `on('command:*', ...)` and call when command line includes unknown options (\[[#1464](])
- display best error for combination of unknown command and unknown option (i.e. unknown command) (\[[#1464](])
##### Changed
- make TypeScript typings tests stricter (\[[#1453](])
- improvements to README and tests
### [`v7.0.0`](
[Compare Source](
##### Added
- `.enablePositionalOptions()` to let program and subcommand reuse same option (\[[#1427](])
- `.passThroughOptions()` to pass options through to other programs without needing `--` (\[[#1427](])
- `.allowExcessArguments(false)` to show an error message if there are too many command-arguments on command line for the action handler (\[[#1409](])
- `.configureOutput()` to modify use of stdout and stderr or customise display of errors (\[[#1387](])
- use `.addHelpText()` to add text before or after the built-in help, for just current command or also for all subcommands (\[[#1296](])
- enhance Option class (\[[#1331](])
- allow hiding options from help
- allow restricting option arguments to a list of choices
- allow setting how default value is shown in help
- `.createOption()` to support subclassing of automatically created options (like `.createCommand()`) (\[[#1380](])
- refactor the code generating the help into a separate public Help class (\[[#1365](])
- support sorting subcommands and options in help
- support specifying wrap width (columns)
- allow subclassing Help class
- allow configuring Help class without subclassing
##### Changed
- *Breaking:* options are stored safely by default, not as properties on the command (\[[#1409](])
- this especially affects accessing options on program, use `program.opts()`
- revert behaviour with `.storeOptionsAsProperties()`
- *Breaking:* action handlers are passed options and command separately (\[[#1409](])
- deprecated callback parameter to `.help()` and `.outputHelp()` (removed from README) (\[[#1296](])
- *Breaking:* errors now displayed using `process.stderr.write()` instead of `console.error()`
- deprecate `.on('--help')` (removed from README) (\[[#1296](])
- initialise the command description to empty string (previously undefined) (\[[#1365](])
- document and annotate deprecated routines (\[[#1349](])
##### Fixed
- wrapping bugs in help (\[[#1365](])
- first line of command description was wrapping two characters early
- pad width calculation was not including help option and help command
- pad width calculation was including hidden options and commands
- improve backwards compatibility for custom command event listeners (\[[#1403](])
##### Deleted
- *Breaking:* `.passCommandToAction()` (\[[#1409](])
- no longer needed as action handler is passed options and command
- *Breaking:* "extra arguments" parameter to action handler (\[[#1409](])
- if being used to detect excess arguments, there is now an error available by setting `.allowExcessArguments(false)`
##### Migration Tips
The biggest change is the parsed option values. Previously the options were stored by default as properties on the command object, and now the options are stored separately.
If you wish to restore the old behaviour and get running quickly you can call `.storeOptionsAsProperties()`.
To allow you to move to the new code patterns incrementally, the action handler will be passed the command *twice*,
to match the new "options" and "command" parameters (see below).
**program options**
Use the `.opts()` method to access the options. This is available on any command but is used most with the program.
program.option('-d, --debug');
// Old code before Commander 7
if (program.debug) console.log(`Program name is ${}`);
// New code
const options = program.opts();
if (options.debug) console.log(`Program name is ${}`);
**action handler**
The action handler gets passed a parameter for each command-argument you declared. Previously by default the next parameter was the command object with the options as properties. Now the next two parameters are instead the options and the command. If you
only accessed the options there may be no code changes required.
.command('compress ')
.option('-t, --trace')
// Old code before Commander 7
.action((filename, cmd) => {
if (cmd.trace) console.log(`Command name is ${}`);
// New code
.action((filename, options, command) => {
if (options.trace) console.log(`Command name is ${}`);
If you already set `.storeOptionsAsProperties(false)` you may still need to adjust your code.
.command('compress ')
.option('-t, --trace')
// Old code before Commander 7
.action((filename, command) => {
if (command.opts().trace) console.log(`Command name is ${}`);
// New code
.action((filename, options, command) => {
if (command.opts().trace) console.log(`Command name is ${}`);
### [`v6.2.1`](
[Compare Source](
##### Fixed
- some tests failed if directory path included a space (\[[#1390](])
### [`v6.2.0`](
[Compare Source](
##### Added
- added 'tsx' file extension for stand-alone executable subcommands (\[[#1368](])
- documented second parameter to `.description()` to describe command arguments (\[[#1353](])
- documentation of special cases with options taking varying numbers of option-arguments (\[[#1332](])
- documentation for terminology (\[[#1361](])
##### Fixed
- add missing TypeScript definition for \`.addHelpCommand()' (\[[#1375](])
- removed blank line after "Arguments:" in help, to match "Options:" and "Commands:" (\[[#1360](])
##### Changed
- update dependencies
### [`v6.1.0`](
[Compare Source](
##### Added
- include URL to relevant section of README for error for potential conflict between Command properties and option values (\[[#1306](])
- `.combineFlagAndOptionalValue(false)` to ease upgrade path from older versions of Commander (\[[#1326](])
- allow disabling the built-in help option using `.helpOption(false)` (\[[#1325](])
- allow just some arguments in `argumentDescription` to `.description()` (\[[#1323](])
##### Changed
- tidy async test and remove lint override (\[[#1312](])
##### Fixed
- executable subcommand launching when script path not known (\[[#1322](])
### [`v6.0.0`](
[Compare Source](
##### Added
- add support for variadic options (\[[#1250](])
- allow options to be added with just a short flag (\[[#1256](])
- *Breaking* the option property has same case as flag. e.g. flag `-n` accessed as `opts().n` (previously uppercase)
- *Breaking* throw an error if there might be a clash between option name and a Command property, with advice on how to resolve (\[[#1275](])
##### Fixed
- Options which contain -no- in the middle of the option flag should not be treated as negatable. (\[[#1301](])
### [`v5.1.0`](
[Compare Source](
##### Added
- support for multiple command aliases, the first of which is shown in the auto-generated help (\[[#531](], \[[#1236](])
- configuration support in `addCommand()` for `hidden` and `isDefault` (\[[#1232](])
##### Fixed
- omit masked help flags from the displayed help (\[[#645](], \[[#1247](])
- remove old short help flag when change help flags using `helpOption` (\[[#1248](])
##### Changed
- remove use of `arguments` to improve auto-generated help in editors (\[[#1235](])
- rename `.command()` configuration `noHelp` to `hidden` (but not remove old support) (\[[#1232](])
- improvements to documentation
- update dependencies
- update tested versions of node
- eliminate lint errors in TypeScript (\[[#1208](])
### [`v5.0.0`](
[Compare Source](
##### Added
- support for nested commands with action-handlers (\[[#1](] \[[#764](] \[[#1149](])
- `.addCommand()` for adding a separately configured command (\[[#764](] \[[#1149](])
- allow a non-executable to be set as the default command (\[[#742](] \[[#1149](])
- implicit help command when there are subcommands (previously only if executables) (\[[#1149](])
- customise implicit help command with `.addHelpCommand()` (\[[#1149](])
- display error message for unknown subcommand, by default (\[[#432](] \[[#1088](] \[[#1149](])
- display help for missing subcommand, by default (\[[#1088](] \[[#1149](])
- combined short options as single argument may include boolean flags and value flag and value (e.g. `-a -b -p 80` can be written as `-abp80`) (\[[#1145](])
- `.parseOption()` includes short flag and long flag expansions (\[[#1145](])
- `.helpInformation()` returns help text as a string, previously a private routine (\[[#1169](])
- `.parse()` implicitly uses `process.argv` if arguments not specified (\[[#1172](])
- optionally specify where `.parse()` arguments "from", if not following node conventions (\[[#512](] \[[#1172](])
- suggest help option along with unknown command error (\[[#1179](])
- TypeScript definition for `commands` property of `Command` (\[[#1184](])
- export `program` property (\[[#1195](])
- `createCommand` factory method to simplify subclassing (\[[#1191](])
##### Fixed
- preserve argument order in subcommands (\[[#508](] \[[#962](] \[[#1138](])
- do not emit `command:*` for executable subcommands (\[[#809](] \[[#1149](])
- action handler called whether or not there are non-option arguments (\[[#1062](] \[[#1149](])
- combining option short flag and value in single argument now works for subcommands (\[[#1145](])
- only add implicit help command when it will not conflict with other uses of argument (\[[#1153](] \[[#1149](])
- implicit help command works with command aliases (\[[#948](] \[[#1149](])
- options are validated whether or not there is an action handler (\[[#1149](])
##### Changed
- *Breaking* `.args` contains command arguments with just recognised options removed (\[[#1032](] \[[#1138](])
- *Breaking* display error if required argument for command is missing (\[[#995](] \[[#1149](])
- tighten TypeScript definition of custom option processing function passed to `.option()` (\[[#1119](])
- *Breaking* `.allowUnknownOption()` (\[[#802](] \[[#1138](])
- unknown options included in arguments passed to command action handler
- unknown options included in `.args`
- only recognised option short flags and long flags are expanded (e.g. `-ab` or `--foo=bar`) (\[[#1145](])
- *Breaking* `.parseOptions()` (\[[#1138](])
- `args` in returned result renamed `operands` and does not include anything after first unknown option
- `unknown` in returned result has arguments after first unknown option including operands, not just options and values
- *Breaking* `.on('command:*', callback)` and other command events passed (changed) results from `.parseOptions`, i.e. operands and unknown (\[[#1138](])
- refactor Option from prototype to class (\[[#1133](])
- refactor Command from prototype to class (\[[#1159](])
- changes to error handling (\[[#1165](])
- throw for author error, not just display message
- preflight for variadic error
- add tips to missing subcommand executable
- TypeScript fluent return types changed to be more subclass friendly, return `this` rather than `Command` (\[[#1180](])
- `.parseAsync` returns `Promise` to be consistent with `.parse()` (\[[#1180](])
- update dependencies
##### Removed
- removed EventEmitter from TypeScript definition for Command, eliminating implicit peer dependency on `@types/node` (\[[#1146](])
- removed private function `normalize` (the functionality has been integrated into `parseOptions`) (\[[#1145](])
- `parseExpectedArgs` is now private (\[[#1149](])
##### Migration Tips
If you use `.on('command:*')` or more complicated tests to detect an unrecognised subcommand, you may be able to delete the code and rely on the default behaviour.
If you use `program.args` or more complicated tests to detect a missing subcommand, you may be able to delete the code and rely on the default behaviour.
If you use `.command('*')` to add a default command, you may be be able to switch to `isDefault:true` with a named command.
If you want to continue combining short options with optional values as though they were boolean flags, set `combineFlagAndOptionalValue(false)`
to expand `-fb` to `-f -b` rather than `-f b`.
### [`v4.1.1`](
[Compare Source](
##### Fixed
- TypeScript definition for `.action()` should include Promise for async (\[[#1157](])
### [`v4.1.0`](
[Compare Source](
##### Added
- two routines to change how option values are handled, and eliminate name clashes with command properties (\[[#933](] \[[#1102](])
- see storeOptionsAsProperties and passCommandToAction in README
- `.parseAsync` to use instead of `.parse` if supply async action handlers (\[[#806](] \[[#1118](])
##### Fixed
- Remove trailing blanks from wrapped help text (\[[#1096](])
##### Changed
- update dependencies
- extend security coverage for Commander 2.x to 2020-02-03
- improvements to README
- improvements to TypeScript definition documentation
- move old versions out of main CHANGELOG
- removed explicit use of `ts-node` in tests
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This PR contains the following updates:
Release Notes
tj/commander.js (commander)
### [`v11.1.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Fixed - TypeScript: update `OptionValueSource` to allow any string, to match supported use of custom sources (\[[#1983](]) - TypeScript: add that `Command.version()` can also be used as getter (\[[#1982](]) - TypeScript: add null return type to `Commands.executableDir()`, for when not configured (\[[#1965](]) - subcommands with an executable handler and only a short help flag are now handled correctly by the parent's help command (\[[#1930](]) ##### Added - `registeredArguments` property on `Command` with the array of defined `Argument` (like `Command.options` for `Option`) (\[[#2010](]) - TypeScript declarations for Option properties: `envVar`, `presetArg` (\[[#2019](]) - TypeScript declarations for Argument properties: `argChoices`, `defaultValue`, `defaultValueDescription` (\[[#2019](]) - example file which shows how to configure help to display any custom usage in the list of subcommands (\[[#1896](]) ##### Changed - (developer) refactor TypeScript configs for multiple use-cases, and enable checks in JavaScript files in supporting editors (\[[#1969](]) ##### Deprecated - `Command._args` was private anyway, but now available as `registeredArguments` (\[[#2010](]) ### [`v11.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Fixed - help command works when help option is disabled (\[[#1864](]) ##### Changed - leading and trailing spaces are now ignored by the .arguments() method (\[[#1874](]) - refine "types" exports for ESM to follow TypeScript guidelines (\[[#1886](]) - *Breaking:* Commander 11 requires Node.js v16 or higher ### [`v10.0.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Added - improvements to documentation (\[[#1858](], \[[#1859](], \[[#1860](]) ##### Fixed - remove unused `Option.optionFlags` property from TypeScript definition (\[[#1844](]) ##### Changed - assume boolean option intended if caller passes string instead of hash to `.implies()` (\[[#1854](]) ### [`v10.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Added - wrap command description in help (\[[#1804](]) ##### Changed - *Breaking:* Commander 10 requires Node.js v14 or higher ### [`v9.5.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Added - `.getOptionValueSourceWithGlobals()` (\[[#1832](]) - `showGlobalOptions` for `.configureHelp{}` and `Help` (\[[#1828](]) ### [`v9.4.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Fixed - `.setOptionValue()` now also clears option source (\[[#1795](]) - TypeScript: add `implied` to `OptionValueSource` for option values set by using `.implies()` (\[[#1794](]) - TypeScript : add `undefined` to return type of `.getOptionValueSource()` (\[[#1794](]) ##### Changed - additions to README ### [`v9.4.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Added - `preSubcommand` hook called before direct subcommands (\[[#1763](]) ##### Fixed - export `InvalidOptionArgumentError` in esm (\[[#1756](]) ##### Changed - update dependencies (\[[#1767](]) ### [`v9.3.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Added - `.summary()` for a short summary to use instead of description when listing subcommands in help (\[[#1726](]) - `Option.implies()` to set other option values when the option is specified (\[[#1724](]) - updated Chinese README with 9.x changes (\[[#1727](]) ##### Fixed - TypeScript: add `string[]` to `.options()` default value parameter type for use with variadic options (\[[#1721](]) ##### Deprecated - multi-character short option flag (e.g. `-ws`) (\[[#1718](]) ### [`v9.2.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Added - conditional export of 'types' for upcoming TypeScript module resolution (\[[#1703](]) - example file showing two ways to add global options to subcommands (\[[#1708](]) ##### Fixed - detect option conflicts in parent commands of called subcommand (\[[#1710](]) ##### Changed - replace deprecated `String.prototype.substr` (\[[#1706](]) ### [`v9.1.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Added - Option `.conflicts()` to set conflicting options which can not be specified together (\[[#1678](]) - (developer) CodeQL configuration for GitHub Actions (\[[#1698](]) ### [`v9.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Added - simpler ECMAScript import (\[[#1589](]) - Option.preset() allows specifying value/arg for option when used without option-argument (especially optional, but also boolean option) (\[[#1652](]) - `.executableDir()` for custom search for subcommands (\[[#1571](]) - throw with helpful message if pass `Option` to `.option()` or `.requiredOption()` (\[[#1655](]) - .`error()` for generating errors from client code just like Commander generated errors, with support for `.configureOutput()`, `.exitOverride()`, and `.showHelpAfterError()` (\[[#1675](]) - `.optsWithGlobals()` to return merged local and global options (\[[#1671](]) ##### Changed - *Breaking:* Commander 9 requires Node.js v12.20.0 or higher - update package-lock.json to lockfile@2 format (\[[#1659](]) - `showSuggestionAfterError` is now on by default (\[[#1657](]) - *Breaking:* default value specified for boolean option now always used as default value (see .preset() to match some previous behaviours) (\[[#1652](]) - default value for boolean option only shown in help if true/false (\[[#1652](]) - use command name as prefix for subcommand stand-alone executable name (with fallback to script name for backwards compatibility) (\[[#1571](]) - allow absolute path with `executableFile` (\[[#1571](]) - removed restriction that nested subcommands must specify `executableFile` (\[[#1571](]) - TypeScript: allow passing readonly string array to `.choices()` (\[[#1667](]) - TypeScript: allow passing readonly string array to `.parse()`, `.parseAsync()`, `.aliases()` (\[[#1669](]) ##### Fixed - option with optional argument not supplied on command line now works when option already has a value, whether from default value or from previous arguments (\[[#1652](]) ##### Removed - *Breaking:* removed internal fallback to `require.main.filename` when script not known from arguments passed to `.parse()` (can supply details using `.name()`, and `.executableDir()` or `executableFile`) (\[[#1571](]) ### [`v8.3.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Added - `.getOptionValueSource()` and `.setOptionValueWithSource()`, where expected values for source are one of 'default', 'env', 'config', 'cli' (\[[#1613](]) ##### Deprecated - `.command('*')`, use default command instead (\[[#1612](]) - `on('command:*')`, use `.showSuggestionAfterError()` instead (\[[#1612](]) ### [`v8.2.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Added - `.showSuggestionAfterError()` to show suggestions after unknown command or unknown option (\[[#1590](]) - add `Option` support for values from environment variables using `.env()` (\[[#1587](]) ##### Changed - show error for unknown global option before subcommand (rather than just help) (\[[#1590](]) ##### Removed - TypeScript declaration of unimplemented `Option` method `argumentRejected` ### [`v8.1.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Added - `.copyInheritedSettings()` (\[[#1557](]) - update Chinese translations of documentation for Commander v8 (\[[#1570](]) - `Argument` methods for `.argRequired()` and `.argOptional()` (\[[#1567](]) ### [`v8.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Added - `.argument(name, description)` for adding command-arguments (\[[#1490](]) - supports default value for optional command-arguments (\[[#1508](]) - supports custom processing function (\[[#1508](]) - `.createArgument()` factory method (\[[#1497](]) - `.addArgument()` (\[[#1490](]) - `Argument` supports `.choices()` (\[[#1525](]) - `.showHelpAfterError()` to display full help or a custom message after an error (\[[#1534](]) - `.hook()` with support for `'preAction'` and `'postAction'` callbacks (\[[#1514](]) - client typing of `.opts()` return type using TypeScript generics (\[[#1539](]) - the number of command-arguments is checked for programs without an action handler (\[[#1502](]) - `.getOptionValue()` and `.setOptionValue()` (\[[#1521](]) ##### Changed - refactor and simplify TypeScript declarations (with no default export) (\[[#1520](]) - `.parseAsync()` is now declared as `async` (\[[#1513](]) - *Breaking:* `Help` method `.visibleArguments()` returns array of `Argument` (\[[#1490](]) - *Breaking:* Commander 8 requires Node.js 12 or higher (\[[#1500](]) - *Breaking:* `CommanderError` code `commander.invalidOptionArgument` renamed `commander.invalidArgument` (\[[#1508](]) - *Breaking:* TypeScript declaration for `.addTextHelp()` callback no longer allows result of `undefined`, now just `string` (\[[#1516](]) - refactor `` into a file per class (\[[#1522](]) - remove help suggestion from "unknown command" error message (see `.showHelpAfteError()`) (\[[#1534](]) - `Command` property `.arg` initialised to empty array (was previously undefined) (\[[#1529](]) - update dependencies ##### Deprecated - second parameter of `cmd.description(desc, argDescriptions)` for adding argument descriptions (\[[#1490](]) - (use new `.argument(name, description)` instead) - `InvalidOptionArgumentError` (replaced by `InvalidArgumentError`) (\[[#1508](]) ##### Removed - *Breaking:* TypeScript declaration for default export of global `Command` object (\[[#1520](]) - (still available as named `program` export) ##### Migration Tips If you have a simple program without an action handler, you will now get an error if there are missing command-arguments. ```js program .option('-d, --debug') .arguments('Configuration
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