jgilfelt / chuck

An in-app HTTP inspector for Android OkHttp clients
Apache License 2.0
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Migration to OkHttp 4.0 #90

Open ddshakirov opened 5 years ago

ddshakirov commented 5 years ago

Hi guys! Thank you all for your work! Could you please tell me - are you planning to update the okhttp dependency to version 4.0? Right now it creates some problems, such as NoSuchMethodError in case of using 4.0 version.

cortinico commented 5 years ago

Hey @ddshakirov

Side note: Looks like this project is no longer maintained. We forked it and we rewrote it in Kotlin here: https://github.com/ChuckerTeam/chucker

I can also tell you the Chucker already supports OkHttp4: https://github.com/ChuckerTeam/chucker/pull/53

krishhandro commented 5 years ago

@cortinico I see Chucker is still having OkHttp version as 3.x in this gradle file.

And we are not able use Chucker in our Android project. It gives following errors after gradle sync: ERROR: Failed to resolve: com.github.ChuckerTeam.Chucker:library:2.0.4 ERROR: Failed to resolve: com.github.ChuckerTeam.Chucker:library-no-op:2.0.4

(Note: We have already added jitpack.io as in maven repository in our project gradle build file.)

We are able to use the Chucker. By mistake we added jitpack maven repo under buildscript.repositories instead of allprojects.repositories.

cortinico commented 5 years ago

I see Chucker is still having OkHttp version as 3.x in this gradle file.

That is not a problem as the higher version of OkHttp in your build will override the version in Chucker