jgillis / fatrop_demo

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Unknown option: debug & structure_detection #2

Closed edxmorgan closed 2 months ago

edxmorgan commented 2 months ago

python3 after.py
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/dev_ws/src/fatrop_demo/after.py", line 119, in sol = opti.solve() ^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.11/site-packages/casadi/casadi.py", line 47938, in solve return _casadi.Opti_solve(self, *args) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ RuntimeError: Error in Opti::solve [OptiNode] at .../casadi/core/optistack.cpp:157: .../casadi/core/options.cpp:244: Unknown option: debug

Did you mean one of the following?

"dump" [OT_BOOL] "Dump function to file upon first evaluation. [false]" "ng" [OT_INTVECTOR] "Number of non-dynamic constraints, length N+1" "nu" [OT_INTVECTOR] "Number of controls, length N" "cache" [OT_DICT] "Prepopulate the function cache. Default: empty" "calc_g" [OT_BOOL] "Calculate 'g' in the Nlpsol base class" Use print_options() to get a full list of options.

File "/Users/dev_ws/src/fatrop_demo/after.py", line 119, in sol = opti.solve() ^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.11/site-packages/casadi/casadi.py", line 47938, in solve return _casadi.Opti_solve(self, *args) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ RuntimeError: Error in Opti::solve [OptiNode] at .../casadi/core/optistack.cpp:157: .../casadi/core/options.cpp:244: Unknown option: structure_detection

Did you mean one of the following?

"oracle_options" [OT_DICT] "Options to be passed to the oracle function" "forward_options" [OT_DICT] "Options to be passed to a forward mode constructor" "record_time" [OT_BOOL] "record information about execution time, for retrieval with stats()." "reverse_options" [OT_DICT] "Options to be passed to a reverse mode constructor" "specific_options" [OT_DICT] "Options for specific auto-generated functions, overwriting the defaults from common_options. Nested dictionary." Use print_options() to get a full list of options.

edxmorgan commented 2 months ago

installation was done using this wheel
