jgitver / jgitver-maven-plugin

maven core extension to automatically define versions using jgitver & git tags
159 stars 42 forks source link

autoIncrementPatch not working #182

Open henkhofs opened 5 months ago

henkhofs commented 5 months ago

Autoincrementpatch set to true in the jgitver.config.xml does not seem to work for me, anything i'm doing wrong?

Jgitver maven plugin version 1.9.0

<configuration xmlns="http://jgitver.github.io/maven/configuration/1.1.0"
    xsi:schemaLocation="http://jgitver.github.io/maven/configuration/1.1.0 https://jgitver.github.io/maven/configuration/jgitver-configuration-v1_1_0.xsd">
    <mavenLike>false</mavenLike>   <!-- deprecated, use 'strategy' instead -->
    <policy>MAX</policy>    <!-- LookupPolicy to select the base tag/commit for the version computation -->
    <useSnapshot>true</useSnapshot> <!-- use -SNAPSHOT in CONFIGURABLE strategy -->
    <gitCommitIdLength>8</gitCommitIdLength>  <!-- between [8,40] -->
    <maxSearchDepth>1</maxSearchDepth>  <!-- upper or equal to 1, ommited otherwise, default to infinite -->
    <nonQualifierBranches>master,main</nonQualifierBranches> <!-- comma separated, example "master,integration" -->
    <useDefaultBranchingPolicy>true</useDefaultBranchingPolicy>   <!-- uses jgitver#BranchingPolicy#DEFAULT_FALLBACK as fallback branch policy-->

output from maven-antrun echo plugin:

[INFO] Executing tasks
[WARNING]      [echo] used version: 0.0.2-fix_build-SNAPSHOT
[WARNING]      [echo] version calculated: 0.0.2-fix_build-SNAPSHOT
[WARNING]      [echo] dirty: true
[WARNING]      [echo] head_committer_name: henkhofs
[WARNING]      [echo] head_commit_datetime: Wed Mar 20 21:05:33 2024 +0100
[WARNING]      [echo] git_sha1_full: 28e116e8d55083b6963f4150c934f74c42446949
[WARNING]      [echo] git_sha1_8: 28e116e8
[WARNING]      [echo] branch_name: fix-build
[WARNING]      [echo] head_tags: 0.0.2
[WARNING]      [echo] head_annotated_tags:
[WARNING]      [echo] head_lightweight_tags: 0.0.2
[WARNING]      [echo] base_tag: 0.0.2
[WARNING]      [echo] all_tags: 0.0.2,0.0.1
[WARNING]      [echo] all_annotated_tags:
[WARNING]      [echo] all_lightweight_tags: 0.0.2,0.0.1
[WARNING]      [echo] all_version_tags: 0.0.2,0.0.1
[WARNING]      [echo] all_version_annotated_tags:
[WARNING]      [echo] all_version_lightweight_tags: 0.0.2,0.0.1
[WARNING]      [echo] currpatch: 2
[WARNING]      [echo] nextpatch: 0.0.2
[WARNING]      [echo] nextminor: 0.1.0
[WARNING]      [echo] nextmajor: 0.0.2

Looks like the next_patch_version is not calculated correctly, anything i'm missing or did I find a bug?