jglovier / resume-template

:page_facing_up::briefcase::tophat: A simple Jekyll + GitHub Pages powered resume template.
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How to add Google Scholar icon link? #21

Closed amirj closed 7 years ago

amirj commented 7 years ago

In this section, it is possible to add icon links. It's great. But unfortunately, Google Scholar link is not available. Its really important for an academic portfolio. How can I add this link?

jglovier commented 7 years ago

@amirj you can just add it there as a config setting in your own fork, and then you can use it as a global variable in your markup in any file. Something like this:

In _config.yml you would add:

  resume_google_scholar_url:           "http://yoururlgoeshere.com"

And then in _includes/icon-links.html you would add this:

<!-- Website link -->
  {% if site.resume_social_links.resume_google_scholar_url %}
  <li class="icon-link-item"><a href="{{ site.resume_social_links.resume_google_scholar_url }}" class="icon-link" itemprop="url">{% include icons/icon-website.html %}</a></li>
  {% endif %}
amirj commented 7 years ago

Thank you for your helpful answer. I just interested to know if anybody have a stylish google scholar svg icon? Something that is compatible to the set of icons in this project.

jibreil commented 7 years ago

Hi, what's the process for adding custom links and icons? Is it the same as what @jglovier posted earlier?

jglovier commented 7 years ago

@amirj I would just suggest using the generic website icon as noted above. I've never seen a social icon for Google Scholar before.

jglovier commented 7 years ago

what's the process for adding custom links and icons?

@jibreil yes, please follow the instructions in my comment above.

rmojgani commented 5 years ago

The google scholar SVG file if someone is still interested, also I can commit the other changes necessary

<svg class="icon" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 28 28" enable-background="new 0 0 28 28" xml:space="preserve" width="28"> <path id="Gscholar" fill="#D1CECC" d="M 14 0 A 14 14 0 0 0 0 14 A 14 14 0 0 0 14 28 A 14 14 0 0 0 28 14 A 14 14 0 0 0 14 0 z M 11.367188 4.0976562 L 23.566406 4.0976562 L 22.439453 4.9785156 L 22.439453 6.53125 C 22.858073 6.5850373 22.8125 6.8358539 22.8125 7.1367188 L 22.8125 14.476562 C 22.8125 14.816317 22.535181 15.09375 22.195312 15.09375 L 21.966797 15.09375 C 21.626893 15.09375 21.349609 14.81643 21.349609 14.476562 L 21.349609 7.1367188 C 21.349609 6.8350305 21.306899 6.5842514 21.728516 6.53125 L 21.728516 5.5546875 L 18.482422 8.2167969 C 18.519926 8.2863425 18.554091 8.3303555 18.587891 8.3886719 C 18.873148 8.893532 19.019531 9.5216663 19.019531 10.289062 C 19.019531 10.87728 18.921412 11.406366 18.722656 11.873047 C 18.524837 12.339578 18.284672 12.720181 18.003906 13.013672 C 17.723142 13.308249 17.441707 13.578026 17.160156 13.820312 C 16.878567 14.06316 16.63656 14.315289 16.439453 14.578125 C 16.240809 14.840137 16.142578 15.111814 16.142578 15.392578 C 16.142578 15.673755 16.271508 15.958217 16.527344 16.246094 C 16.782244 16.534797 17.095975 16.815411 17.466797 17.091797 C 17.838295 17.366272 18.207303 17.670396 18.578125 18.001953 C 18.94977 18.3331 19.262679 18.760055 19.517578 19.277344 C 19.774388 19.796575 19.902344 20.367788 19.902344 20.996094 C 19.902344 21.824951 19.690847 22.573975 19.269531 23.240234 C 18.846943 23.903613 18.295619 24.432122 17.619141 24.820312 C 16.940866 25.211122 16.216933 25.506436 15.443359 25.705078 C 14.668178 25.901925 13.89908 26 13.130859 26 C 12.645987 26 12.156047 25.963525 11.664062 25.886719 C 11.170319 25.810061 10.675857 25.673241 10.177734 25.482422 C 9.6786386 25.290366 9.2366521 25.05472 8.8535156 24.771484 C 8.4694049 24.49113 8.160949 24.130082 7.9238281 23.689453 C 7.6867444 23.248674 7.5683594 22.753425 7.5683594 22.203125 C 7.5683594 21.550304 7.7507005 20.943431 8.1152344 20.378906 C 8.4797682 19.818499 8.9618183 19.351179 9.5625 18.980469 C 10.610511 18.328471 12.254341 17.925667 14.492188 17.773438 C 13.980627 17.133903 13.724609 16.532041 13.724609 15.96875 C 13.724609 15.64831 13.808831 15.304416 13.974609 14.933594 C 13.707282 14.970948 13.431268 14.992187 13.150391 14.992188 C 11.948241 14.992188 10.93374 14.601425 10.109375 13.814453 C 9.2850472 13.028866 8.8730469 12.04632 8.8730469 10.857422 C 8.8730469 10.733116 8.8757448 10.623265 8.8847656 10.501953 L 4 10.501953 L 11.367188 4.0976562 z M 13.513672 6.7207031 C 12.747248 6.7207031 12.159974 6.9983778 11.75 7.5488281 C 11.340026 8.0975938 11.134766 8.7618728 11.134766 9.5429688 C 11.134766 10.208255 11.248037 10.885545 11.472656 11.576172 C 11.696452 12.266499 12.060862 12.882593 12.574219 13.425781 C 13.085779 13.970317 13.681056 14.242188 14.357422 14.242188 C 15.111417 14.242188 15.70061 13.989497 16.123047 13.484375 C 16.54369 12.979927 16.755859 12.343156 16.755859 11.576172 C 16.755859 10.922938 16.643606 10.238544 16.419922 9.5234375 C 16.197324 8.8073582 15.825313 8.1611665 15.306641 7.5859375 C 14.789766 7.0087994 14.190861 6.7207031 13.513672 6.7207031 z M 14.78125 18.5 C 14.231361 18.5 13.691256 18.547476 13.160156 18.644531 C 12.62902 18.738967 12.104803 18.899969 11.587891 19.125 C 11.069069 19.348683 10.651125 19.676425 10.332031 20.111328 C 10.011179 20.54567 9.8515625 21.057856 9.8515625 21.646484 C 9.8515625 22.207451 9.9917371 22.708657 10.273438 23.144531 C 10.554202 23.577638 10.923998 23.915355 11.384766 24.158203 C 11.845533 24.401462 12.329686 24.586319 12.833984 24.707031 C 13.339257 24.826959 13.852929 24.888672 14.376953 24.888672 C 15.413324 24.888672 16.306154 24.654181 17.054688 24.1875 C 17.801536 23.720967 18.175781 23.001738 18.175781 22.029297 C 18.175781 21.824777 18.146102 21.622364 18.089844 21.425781 C 18.031117 21.227026 17.972947 21.057278 17.916016 20.916016 C 17.858934 20.777337 17.750269 20.610436 17.589844 20.417969 C 17.430352 20.224939 17.308686 20.083167 17.226562 19.988281 C 17.142794 19.890253 16.986769 19.749395 16.755859 19.564453 C 16.526861 19.378686 16.379471 19.263523 16.314453 19.220703 C 16.250261 19.175675 16.084708 19.052878 15.816406 18.855469 C 15.548256 18.656452 15.400865 18.551526 15.375 18.539062 C 15.234263 18.51361 15.03615 18.5 14.78125 18.5 z " /> </svg>