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Footnote labels may contain spaces but not newlines #208

Open hellux opened 1 year ago

hellux commented 1 year ago

Reference labels for links or footnotes may contain spaces:

[text][link lbl]
[^footnote lbl]

[link lbl]: url
<p><a href="url">text</a>
<a id="fnref1" href="#fn1" role="doc-noteref"><sup>1</sup></a></p>
<section role="doc-endnotes">
<li id="fn1">
<p><a href="#fnref1" role="doc-backlink">↩︎︎</a></p>

And labels for links may contain newlines but labels for footnotes may not:


[link lbl]: url
<p><a href="url">text</a>

This seems to contradict goal 7, and perhaps goal 8. If e.g. a text editor wraps the line in the middle of a footnote label it will no longer be parsed as a footnote.

Edit: meant to post this in jgm/djot.js (can issues be moved?). However, djot.lua seems to behave in the same way.