jgm / pandoc

Universal markup converter
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pandoc -h is missing a format list in Version 1.18 #3244

Closed apaeffgen closed 7 years ago

apaeffgen commented 7 years ago

See the attached terminal output for reference. It would be great to see a list of all supported input / output formats again.

MacBook:~ User$ pandoc -v pandoc 1.18 Compiled with pandoc-types, texmath, highlighting-kate 0.6.3 Default user data directory: /Users/apaeffgen/.pandoc Copyright (C) 2006-2016 John MacFarlane Web: http://pandoc.org This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is no warranty, not even for merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. MacBook:~ User$ pandoc -h pandoc [OPTIONS] [FILES] -f FORMAT, -r FORMAT --from=FORMAT, --read=FORMAT -t FORMAT, -w FORMAT --to=FORMAT, --write=FORMAT -o FILENAME --output=FILENAME --data-dir=DIRECTORY -R --parse-raw -S --smart --old-dashes --base-header-level=NUMBER --indented-code-classes=STRING -F PROGRAM --filter=PROGRAM --normalize -p --preserve-tabs --tab-stop=NUMBER --track-changes=accept|reject|all --file-scope --extract-media=PATH -s --standalone --template=FILENAME -M KEY[:VALUE] --metadata=KEY[:VALUE] -V KEY[:VALUE] --variable=KEY[:VALUE] -D FORMAT --print-default-template=FORMAT --print-default-data-file=FILE --dpi=NUMBER --no-wrap --wrap=[auto|none|preserve] --columns=NUMBER --toc, --table-of-contents --toc-depth=NUMBER --no-highlight --highlight-style=STYLE -H FILENAME --include-in-header=FILENAME -B FILENAME --include-before-body=FILENAME -A FILENAME --include-after-body=FILENAME --self-contained --html-q-tags --ascii --reference-links --reference-location=block|section|document --atx-headers --chapters --top-level-division=[section|chapter|part] -N --number-sections --number-offset=NUMBERS --no-tex-ligatures --listings -i --incremental --slide-level=NUMBER --section-divs --default-image-extension=extension --email-obfuscation=none|javascript|references --id-prefix=STRING -T STRING --title-prefix=STRING -c URL --css=URL --reference-odt=FILENAME --reference-docx=FILENAME --epub-stylesheet=FILENAME --epub-cover-image=FILENAME --epub-metadata=FILENAME --epub-embed-font=FILE --epub-chapter-level=NUMBER --latex-engine=PROGRAM --latex-engine-opt=STRING --bibliography=FILE --csl=FILE --citation-abbreviations=FILE --natbib --biblatex -m[URL] --latexmathml[=URL], --asciimathml[=URL] --mathml[=URL] --mimetex[=URL] --webtex[=URL] --jsmath[=URL] --mathjax[=URL] --katex[=URL] --katex-stylesheet=URL --gladtex --trace --dump-args --ignore-args --verbose --bash-completion --list-input-formats --list-output-formats --list-extensions --list-highlight-languages --list-highlight-styles -v --version -h --help

Here the example from a pandoc 1.17 version: MacBook:~ User$ pandoc1.7 -h pandoc1.7 [OPTIONS] [FILES] Input formats: commonmark, docbook, docx, epub, haddock, html, json, latex, markdown, markdown_github, markdown_mmd, markdown_phpextra, markdown_strict, mediawiki, native, odt, opml, org, rst, t2t, textile, twiki [ only Pandoc's JSON version of native AST] Output formats: asciidoc, beamer, commonmark, context, docbook, docbook5, docx, dokuwiki, dzslides, epub, epub3, fb2, haddock, html, html5, icml, json*, latex, man, markdown, markdown_github, markdown_mmd, markdown_phpextra, markdown_strict, mediawiki, native, odt, opendocument, opml, org, pdf, plain, revealjs, rst, rtf, s5, slideous, slidy, tei, texinfo, textile [for pdf output, use latex or beamer and -o FILENAME.pdf] Options: -f FORMAT, -r FORMAT --from=FORMAT, --read=FORMAT -t FORMAT, -w FORMAT --to=FORMAT, --write=FORMAT -o FILENAME --output=FILENAME --data-dir=DIRECTORY -R --parse-raw -S --smart --old-dashes --base-header-level=NUMBER --indented-code-classes=STRING -F PROGRAM --filter=PROGRAM --normalize -p --preserve-tabs --tab-stop=NUMBER --track-changes=accept|reject|all --file-scope --extract-media=PATH -s --standalone --template=FILENAME -M KEY[:VALUE] --metadata=KEY[:VALUE] -V KEY[:VALUE] --variable=KEY[:VALUE] -D FORMAT --print-default-template=FORMAT --print-default-data-file=FILE --dpi=NUMBER --no-wrap --wrap=[auto|none|preserve] --columns=NUMBER --toc, --table-of-contents --toc-depth=NUMBER --no-highlight --highlight-style=STYLE -H FILENAME --include-in-header=FILENAME -B FILENAME --include-before-body=FILENAME -A FILENAME --include-after-body=FILENAME --self-contained --html-q-tags --ascii --reference-links --atx-headers --chapters -N --number-sections --number-offset=NUMBERS --no-tex-ligatures --listings -i --incremental --slide-level=NUMBER --section-divs --default-image-extension=extension --email-obfuscation=none|javascript|references --id-prefix=STRING -T STRING --title-prefix=STRING -c URL --css=URL --reference-odt=FILENAME --reference-docx=FILENAME --epub-stylesheet=FILENAME --epub-cover-image=FILENAME --epub-metadata=FILENAME --epub-embed-font=FILE --epub-chapter-level=NUMBER --latex-engine=PROGRAM --latex-engine-opt=STRING --bibliography=FILE --csl=FILE --citation-abbreviations=FILE --natbib --biblatex -m[URL] --latexmathml[=URL], --asciimathml[=URL] --mathml[=URL] --mimetex[=URL] --webtex[=URL] --jsmath[=URL] --mathjax[=URL] --katex[=URL] --katex-stylesheet=URL --gladtex --trace --dump-args --ignore-args --verbose --bash-completion -v --version -h --help

tarleb commented 7 years ago

Getting the list of supported formats has become even easier. Simply use the --list-… options, the output of which is even machine-readable now. See issues #3173 and #2685 for more information.

tarleb commented 7 years ago

As an additional note: in cases like this, where something changed from one version to the next, it is highly advisable to read the release changelog: On the project page, click on the "github release" shield at the top of the readome. The changelog is very complete and well maintained. You'll notice that one wouldn't have to search for long to reach the entry for therissue at hand: it's in the first entry for version 1.18.

jekriske-lilly commented 7 years ago

It's good practice to update the manual when making such changes... http://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html#syntax-highlighting https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/blob/master/MANUAL.txt#L3933 Thanks!