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[bug] when lstset{mathescape=true}, lstinline cannot work well #4716

Open bubifengyun opened 6 years ago

bubifengyun commented 6 years ago

Watch source https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/blob/master/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/LaTeX.hs?#L1048#L1053



code in two $ should not be converted, such as $x_1$ should be


but in fact it is,


I think, when in mathescape=true, it should not convert the strings between two $s.



bubifengyun commented 6 years ago

Sorry, I don't know hs language, I don't know how to edit source directly.

mb21 commented 6 years ago

Thank you for submitting a bug report. However, we cannot improve pandoc or help you unless you give us all of the following information:

A small test case (just a few lines) is ideal. If your input is large, try to whittle it down to a minimum working example.

bubifengyun commented 6 years ago

I had pointed the source code, pandoc version 2.2.1. in the source code, it forget to process when mathescape = true. so every special string would be converted. but string between $ and $, as math express should not be converted. I will make a small bug code. sorry.

bubifengyun commented 6 years ago


pandoc 2.2.1
Compiled with pandoc-types, texmath 0.11, skylighting
Default user data directory: /home/litianci/.pandoc
Copyright (C) 2006-2018 John MacFarlane
Web:  http://pandoc.org
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.
There is no warranty, not even for merchantability or fitness
for a particular purpose.

exact command

$ /usr/bin/pandoc +RTS -K512m -RTS test.md --to latex --from markdown+autolink_bare_uris+ascii_identifiers+tex_math_single_backslash --output result.tex --table-of-contents --toc-depth 2 --template template.tex --number-sections --highlight-style tango --pdf-engine xelatex --biblatex --listings --top-level-division=chapter --variable tables=yes --standalone
$ xelatex result.tex

 you can see result.pdf

all the file all in folder i had submit.

├── result.pdf
├── result.tex
├── template.tex
└── test.md


all related words was speak in result.pdf


bug source in https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/blob/master/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/LaTeX.hs?#L1048#L1053

mb21 commented 6 years ago

I still don't quite understand, since you provide a lot of information, but the example is neither minimal (best would be a simple echo 'my input' | pandoc -t latex ) nor do you specify the expected output... but maybe jgm can figure out what you're getting at, since he wrote the LaTeX writer.

bubifengyun commented 6 years ago

@jgm I think it is simple enough, even the source code, I had already circled.

before complete escape, take if it is mathescape, then can take convert in double $?

bubifengyun commented 6 years ago

I upload a simple example, Thank you.


I hope output like this. _ _20180622231115

bubifengyun commented 6 years ago

I had ref to https://github.com/dotlambda/pandoc/commit/730796ee314d42477fab216621b8e44539c94656#comments I think the person who add this feature can understand this bug. Thank you.

jgm commented 6 years ago

The LaTeX writer doesn't have any idea what is in the template and (with a minor exception) doesn't adjust its behavior based on that. It definitely doesn't parse the template. Moreover, there is currently no setting corresponding to mathescape=true.

bubifengyun commented 6 years ago

I had contacted with the listings package author, here is their reply.

Re: how about add lstget in listings package
Hoffmann, Jobst于2018年9月21日 星期五 下午21:01发送给bubifengyun...查看2个附件
Am Freitag, den 21.09.2018, 12:39 +0800 schrieb bubifengyun@sina.com:
> I find that some time, I need to get some state of listings, to produ
> ce some code, like in pandoc. 
> https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/issues/4716
> if there are some code like \lstget{mathescape}, it would be easy to 
> solve such problem. thank you.
> 来自新浪邮箱触屏版
the problem ist, that there is no generic "true" or "false", so you
cannot do something like
if \lstget{mathescape} a \else b \fi
but you have to write
\lst@ifmathescape mathescape is true\else mathescape is false.\fi
I attach a small example as source and as formatted text.
Kind regards
J. Hoffmann
Prof. Dr. Jobst Hoffmann Tel: +49 (241) 6009-5 31 59
Fachhochschule Aachen Abt. Jülich Fax: +49 (241) 6009-5 31 89
Fachbereich 09 email: j.hoffmann@fh-aachen.de

and there two files.

bubifengyun commented 6 years ago

I had contacted with the listings package author, here is their reply.

Re: how about add lstget in listings package
Hoffmann, Jobst于2018年9月21日 星期五 下午21:01发送给bubifengyun...查看2个附件
Am Freitag, den 21.09.2018, 12:39 +0800 schrieb bubifengyun@sina.com:
> I find that some time, I need to get some state of listings, to produ
> ce some code, like in pandoc. 
> https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/issues/4716
> if there are some code like \lstget{mathescape}, it would be easy to 
> solve such problem. thank you.
> 来自新浪邮箱触屏版
the problem ist, that there is no generic "true" or "false", so you
cannot do something like
if \lstget{mathescape} a \else b \fi
but you have to write
\lst@ifmathescape mathescape is true\else mathescape is false.\fi
I attach a small example as source and as formatted text.
Kind regards
J. Hoffmann
Prof. Dr. Jobst Hoffmann Tel: +49 (241) 6009-5 31 59
Fachhochschule Aachen Abt. Jülich Fax: +49 (241) 6009-5 31 89
Fachbereich 09 email: j.hoffmann@fh-aachen.de

and there two files.

bubifengyun commented 6 years ago

I had contacted with the listings package author, here is their reply.

Re: how about add lstget in listings package
Hoffmann, Jobst于2018年9月21日 星期五 下午21:01发送给bubifengyun...查看2个附件
Am Freitag, den 21.09.2018, 12:39 +0800 schrieb bubifengyun@sina.com:
> I find that some time, I need to get some state of listings, to produ
> ce some code, like in pandoc. 
> https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/issues/4716
> if there are some code like \lstget{mathescape}, it would be easy to 
> solve such problem. thank you.
> 来自新浪邮箱触屏版
the problem ist, that there is no generic "true" or "false", so you
cannot do something like
if \lstget{mathescape} a \else b \fi
but you have to write
\lst@ifmathescape mathescape is true\else mathescape is false.\fi
I attach a small example as source and as formatted text.
Kind regards
J. Hoffmann
Prof. Dr. Jobst Hoffmann Tel: +49 (241) 6009-5 31 59
Fachhochschule Aachen Abt. Jülich Fax: +49 (241) 6009-5 31 89
Fachbereich 09 email: j.hoffmann@fh-aachen.de

and there two files.

bubifengyun commented 6 years ago

I had contacted with the listings package author, here is their reply.

Re: how about add lstget in listings package
Hoffmann, Jobst于2018年9月21日 星期五 下午21:01发送给bubifengyun...查看2个附件
Am Freitag, den 21.09.2018, 12:39 +0800 schrieb bubifengyun@sina.com:
> I find that some time, I need to get some state of listings, to produ
> ce some code, like in pandoc. 
> https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/issues/4716
> if there are some code like \lstget{mathescape}, it would be easy to 
> solve such problem. thank you.
> 来自新浪邮箱触屏版
the problem ist, that there is no generic "true" or "false", so you
cannot do something like
if \lstget{mathescape} a \else b \fi
but you have to write
\lst@ifmathescape mathescape is true\else mathescape is false.\fi
I attach a small example as source and as formatted text.
Kind regards
J. Hoffmann
Prof. Dr. Jobst Hoffmann Tel: +49 (241) 6009-5 31 59
Fachhochschule Aachen Abt. Jülich Fax: +49 (241) 6009-5 31 89
Fachbereich 09 email: j.hoffmann@fh-aachen.de

and there two files.

bubifengyun commented 6 years ago

%%% test_ifmathescape.tex ---
%% Author: j.hoffmann@fh-aachen.de
%% Version: $Id: test_ifmathescape.tex 0 2018/09/21 12:23:46 ax006ho Exp $


% \documentclass[12pt,a4paper,english,ngerman]{article}


  \fontspec{Latin Modern Roman}



  \item Use mathescape local: \lstinline|$x_1$|
    vs. \lstinline[mathescape]|$x_1$|.

  \item Use mathescape global in the current environment:
    vs. \lstinline[mathescape]|$x_1$|.

    But: \lstinline[mathescape=false]|$x_1$|
    vs. \lstinline[mathescape]|$x_1$|.
Outside the environment:
\lst@ifmathescape mathescape is true\else mathescape is false.\fi

And now after setting mathescape global again:
\lst@ifmathescape mathescape is true\else \fi

As macro one can write in \LaTeX:
  \lst@ifmathescape #1\else #2\fi

and use it like \ifmathescape{mathescape is true.}{mathescape is false.}
\lstset{mathescape=false} or
\ifmathescape{mathescape is true.}{mathescape is false.}


%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: latex
%%% TeX-master: t
%%% TeX-engine: default
%%% TeX-source-correlate-mode: t
%%% mode: flyspell
%%% ispell-local-dictionary: "deutsch8"
%%% End:
bubifengyun commented 6 years ago

I am sorry for that. my phone works slowly, I press too many times comment button.

i think it can add one condition in the output of pandoc.

\ifdisableEscapeString output the original text, \lstinline!text! \else output the escape text,\passthrough\lstinline!text! \fi

then, user could define themselves \newif\ifEscapeString in other place. for example the \ifmathescape

jgm commented 6 years ago

Good. Perhaps instead of using \passthrough we could use this \ifmathescape macro and generate both possibilities. That might be a way forward, although it would mean including an extra definition in the default template (perhaps conditionally on listings being used) and having more verbose output for listings.

bubifengyun commented 5 years ago

I find that this problem still. I want to solve it. Have you any suggestion? Thank you.