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Org-ref citation support #5710

Open sati-bodhi opened 4 years ago

sati-bodhi commented 4 years ago

Does Pandoc currently support the rendering of Org-Ref style citations? The documentation over here seems to suggest it does; but I was not able to get it working correctly.

Org Citations


(saved as citation_issues.org)

To be rendered as:





  langid = {pinyin},
  location = {{台北}},
  title = {易傳與道家思想},
  isbn = {978-957-05-0994-6},
  pagetotal = {382},
  publisher = {{臺灣商務印書館}},
  date = {1994},
  author = {陳鼓應},
  eprinttype = {googlebooks}

  location = {{臺北}},
  title = {陰陽五行及其有關文獻的研究},
  booktitle = {中國人性論史(先秦篇)},
  publisher = {{商務}},
  date = {1969},
  pages = {509-587},
  author = {{徐復觀}}

(saved as thesis.bib)


pandoc -F pandoc-citeproc --csl=humanities-chinese.csl --bibliography=thesis.bib -f org -t odt -o citation_issues.odt citation_issues.org



Native Pandoc syntax works but org-ref syntax doesn't.

mb21 commented 4 years ago

What's your pandoc version?

sati-bodhi commented 4 years ago

pandoc 2.7.3 Compiled with pandoc-types, texmath, skylighting 0.8.1

jgm commented 4 years ago

@tarleb is the expert on this and might be able to comment.

tarleb commented 4 years ago

The problem stems from the semicolon between the citations: pandoc seems to mishandle the fullwidth semicolon (U+FF1B) in your text. It works if one uses a normal semicolon (U+003B) instead.

We could consider to treat more punctuation characters as "special characters" in the parser, which would resolve this. I will take a look into this.

mb21 commented 4 years ago

Yes, if it's a common thing in Asian languages to use the full-width semicolon. Otherwise I don't think we should get into the hole of considering similar unicode chars for all the chars in our syntax.

sati-bodhi commented 4 years ago

Full width punctuation is very common at least within the Chinese and Japanese context, partly because words in these two languages are not separated by spaces. For example:

This is a sentence; This is another sentence. これは文です。これは別の文です。 這是一句話;這是另一句話。

Adding a full-stop at the back of the syntax also breaks the code. cite:陳鼓應YiChuanYuDaoJiaSiXiang1994。

tarleb commented 4 years ago

From what I can tell, org-ref cites are special in that they do not conform to the usual emphasis conditions checked by org-mode.

Here are some examples and how they are translated to LaTeX by org-ref:




Seems like it is mostly breaking at word boundaries, although I'm a bit confused about $ and %. I'll have to read the code.

sati-bodhi commented 4 years ago

Citations with locator also didn't resolve well.


This one got interpreted as a simple link:


sati-bodhi commented 4 years ago

Another weird bug that might be a separate issue: The Pandoc interpreter renders book citations with an extra text term in between title and publisher.


If we use the same csl file on Zotero or the Visual CSL Editor, the text term should not be there:


Add the following csl-data.json to Example citations → Advanced → Add new reference to testify the issue.

  {"id":"陳鼓應YiChuanYuDaoJiaSiXiang1994","type":"book","title":"易傳與道家思想","publisher":"臺灣商務印書館","number-of-pages":"382","source":"Google Books","ISBN":"978-957-05-0994-6","language":"zh-TW","author":[{"literal":"陳鼓應"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[[1994]]},"publisher-place":"台北"}
bdarcus commented 2 years ago

Should be superceded by #7329?