jgm / pandoc

Universal markup converter
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an infinite loop in latex #6395

Closed tkawabata25 closed 2 years ago

tkawabata25 commented 4 years ago

If you do a specify the file, pandoc will get caught in an infinite loop.

pandoc --version
pandoc.exe 2.9.2
Compiled with pandoc-types 1.20, texmath, skylighting
pandoc .\loop.tex --verbose
[INFO] Skipped '\smash' at line 30 column 31
[INFO] Skipped '\vphantom' at line 30 column 31
[INFO] Skipped '\egroup' at line 30 column 31
[INFO] Skipped '\smash' at line 30 column 31
[INFO] Skipped '\vphantom' at line 30 column 31
[INFO] Skipped '\egroup' at line 30 column 31





\setcounter{volume}{26}% vol25=2017

%\rereceived{2011}{10}{1}   % optional
%\rerereceived{2011}{10}{31} % optional


Is it badly written? loop.txt

jgm commented 4 years ago

Pandoc should not go into an infinite loop. However, I have no idea what you are trying to do in this document. Can you explain?

jgm commented 4 years ago

By the way, the following snippet is sufficient to cause the problem:

jgm commented 4 years ago

I think the issue is the \let\\\endUnderline. I don't think pandoc's handling of tex primitives is smart enough to allow redefining \\.

jgm commented 4 years ago

It would be worth tracking down why pandoc loops here and providing some way to detect such cases and bail.

jgm commented 4 years ago

Inspecting the token grabbed by satisfyTok, we see a loop here:

Tok "source" (line 1, column 1) (CtrlSeq "def") "\\def"
Tok "source" (line 1, column 5) (CtrlSeq "Underline") "\\Underline"
Tok "source" (line 1, column 15) Symbol "{"
Tok "source" (line 1, column 16) (CtrlSeq "setbox") "\\setbox"
Tok "source" (line 1, column 23) Word "0"
Tok "source" (line 1, column 24) (CtrlSeq "hbox") "\\hbox"
Tok "source" (line 1, column 29) (CtrlSeq "bgroup") "\\bgroup"
Tok "source" (line 1, column 36) (CtrlSeq "let") "\\let"
Tok "source" (line 1, column 40) (CtrlSeq "\\") "\\\\"
Tok "source" (line 1, column 42) (CtrlSeq "endUnderline") "\\endUnderline"
Tok "source" (line 1, column 55) Symbol "}"
Tok "source" (line 1, column 56) Newline "\n"
Tok "source" (line 1, column 56) Newline "\n"
Tok "source" (line 2, column 1) (CtrlSeq "def") "\\def"
Tok "source" (line 2, column 5) (CtrlSeq "endUnderline") "\\endUnderline"
Tok "source" (line 2, column 18) Symbol "{"
Tok "source" (line 2, column 19) (CtrlSeq "vphantom") "\\vphantom"
Tok "source" (line 2, column 28) Symbol "{"
Tok "source" (line 2, column 29) Word "y"
Tok "source" (line 2, column 30) Symbol "}"
Tok "source" (line 2, column 31) (CtrlSeq "egroup") "\\egroup"
Tok "source" (line 2, column 38) (CtrlSeq "smash") "\\smash"
Tok "source" (line 2, column 44) Symbol "{"
Tok "source" (line 2, column 45) (CtrlSeq "underline") "\\underline"
Tok "source" (line 2, column 55) Symbol "{"
Tok "source" (line 2, column 56) (CtrlSeq "box") "\\box"
Tok "source" (line 2, column 60) Word "0"
Tok "source" (line 2, column 61) Symbol "}"
Tok "source" (line 2, column 62) Symbol "}"
Tok "source" (line 2, column 63) (CtrlSeq "\\") "\\\\"
Tok "source" (line 2, column 65) Symbol "}"
Tok "source" (line 2, column 66) Newline "\n"
Tok "source" (line 2, column 66) Newline "\n"
Tok "source" (line 3, column 1) (CtrlSeq "def") "\\def"
Tok "source" (line 3, column 5) (CtrlSeq "|") "\\|"
Tok "source" (line 3, column 7) Symbol "{"
Tok "source" (line 3, column 8) (CtrlSeq "verb") "\\verb"
Tok "source" (line 3, column 13) Symbol "|"
Tok "source" (line 3, column 14) Symbol "}"
Tok "source" (line 3, column 15) Newline "\n"
Tok "source" (line 3, column 15) Newline "\n"
Tok "source" (line 4, column 1) (CtrlSeq "setbox") "\\setbox "
Tok "source" (line 4, column 1) Word "0"
Tok "source" (line 4, column 1) (CtrlSeq "hbox") "\\hbox"
Tok "source" (line 4, column 1) (CtrlSeq "hbox") "\\hbox"
Tok "source" (line 4, column 1) (CtrlSeq "hbox") "\\hbox"
Tok "source" (line 4, column 1) (CtrlSeq "hbox") "\\hbox"
Tok "source" (line 4, column 1) (CtrlSeq "setbox") "\\setbox "
Tok "source" (line 4, column 1) Word "0"
Tok "source" (line 4, column 1) (CtrlSeq "hbox") "\\hbox"
Tok "source" (line 4, column 1) (CtrlSeq "hbox") "\\hbox"
Tok "source" (line 4, column 1) (CtrlSeq "bgroup") "\\bgroup"
Tok "source" (line 4, column 1) (CtrlSeq "let") "\\let"
Tok "source" (line 4, column 1) (CtrlSeq "\\") "\\\\"
Tok "source" (line 4, column 1) (CtrlSeq "endUnderline") "\\endUnderline"
Tok "source" (line 4, column 11) Symbol "{"
Tok "source" (line 4, column 11) Symbol "{"
Tok "source" (line 4, column 12) (CtrlSeq "verb") "\\verb"
Tok "source" (line 4, column 12) Symbol "|"
Tok "source" (line 4, column 14) (CtrlSeq "end") "\\end"
Tok "source" (line 4, column 18) Symbol "{"
Tok "source" (line 4, column 19) Word "biography"
Tok "source" (line 4, column 28) Symbol "}"
Tok "source" (line 4, column 29) Symbol "|"
Tok "source" (line 4, column 30) Symbol "}"
Tok "source" (line 4, column 31) (CtrlSeq "vphantom") "\\vphantom"
Tok "source" (line 4, column 31) Symbol "{"
Tok "source" (line 4, column 31) Word "y"
Tok "source" (line 4, column 31) Symbol "}"
Tok "source" (line 4, column 31) (CtrlSeq "egroup") "\\egroup"
Tok "source" (line 4, column 31) (CtrlSeq "egroup") "\\egroup"
Tok "source" (line 4, column 31) (CtrlSeq "smash") "\\smash"
Tok "source" (line 4, column 31) Symbol "{"
Tok "source" (line 4, column 31) (CtrlSeq "underline") "\\underline"
Tok "source" (line 4, column 31) Symbol "{"
Tok "source" (line 4, column 31) (CtrlSeq "box") "\\box "
Tok "source" (line 4, column 31) Word "0"
Tok "source" (line 4, column 31) Symbol "}"
Tok "source" (line 4, column 31) Symbol "}"
Tok "source" (line 4, column 31) (CtrlSeq "vphantom") "\\vphantom"
Tok "source" (line 4, column 31) (CtrlSeq "vphantom") "\\vphantom"
Tok "source" (line 4, column 31) Symbol "{"
Tok "source" (line 4, column 31) Word "y"
Tok "source" (line 4, column 31) Symbol "}"
Tok "source" (line 4, column 31) (CtrlSeq "egroup") "\\egroup"
Tok "source" (line 4, column 31) (CtrlSeq "egroup") "\\egroup"
Tok "source" (line 4, column 31) (CtrlSeq "smash") "\\smash"
Tok "source" (line 4, column 31) (CtrlSeq "smash") "\\smash"
Tok "source" (line 4, column 31) Symbol "{"
Tok "source" (line 4, column 31) (CtrlSeq "underline") "\\underline"
Tok "source" (line 4, column 31) Symbol "{"
Tok "source" (line 4, column 31) (CtrlSeq "box") "\\box "
Tok "source" (line 4, column 31) Word "0"
Tok "source" (line 4, column 31) Symbol "}"
Tok "source" (line 4, column 31) Symbol "}"
Tok "source" (line 4, column 31) (CtrlSeq "vphantom") "\\vphantom"
Tok "source" (line 4, column 31) (CtrlSeq "vphantom") "\\vphantom"
Tok "source" (line 4, column 31) Symbol "{"
Tok "source" (line 4, column 31) Word "y"
Tok "source" (line 4, column 31) Symbol "}"
Tok "source" (line 4, column 31) (CtrlSeq "egroup") "\\egroup"
Tok "source" (line 4, column 31) (CtrlSeq "egroup") "\\egroup"
Tok "source" (line 4, column 31) (CtrlSeq "smash") "\\smash"
Tok "source" (line 4, column 31) (CtrlSeq "smash") "\\smash"
tkawabata25 commented 4 years ago

Pandoc should not go into an infinite loop. However, I have no idea what you are trying to do in this document. Can you explain?

I'm thinking of converting Japanese papers to JATS using Pandoc. I got a template LaTeX manuscript from the internet, tried it a few times, and Pandoc hung up. It is supposed to be used by embedding it in the system, and I am exploring whether there is a method because it may be a workaround.

It would be worth tracking down why pandoc loops here and providing some way to detect such cases and bail.

My poor linux server will die after a few hours, so I'll try to avoid it with the following command.

timeout 20 pandoc --from=latex --to=jats_publishing --template default.jats --metadata-file="xxx.yml" "loop.tex"

I would appreciate it if you could improve it so that it wouldn't hang if possible, or let me specify a timeout option.

jgm commented 4 years ago

Since you can impose a timeout using an external command, separation of concerns speaks against building that into pandoc. But I'd like to fix the loop! reproducing tex's macro processing is not an easy task.

tkawabata25 commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your comment. Since the timeout command is called, do not hurry. It may be a difficult task, but I would appreciate it if you can fix it so that it does not loop.

positron96 commented 2 years ago

So, my pandoc has been running for 2 hours reading a tex file, I assume I've hit the same problem. Has there been any progress regarding the issue?

jgm commented 2 years ago

There have been some changes which might affect this issue. (What version are you using?) I note that with the most recent version of pandoc, we don't get a loop with loop.tex above:

% pandoc loop.tex
[WARNING] Could not load include file ot1txtt.fd.tex at loop.tex line 27 column 19
Error at "loop.tex" (line 32, column 16):
expecting \end{document}
jgm commented 2 years ago

If you're using the latest version of pandoc and you get a loop, perhaps you could send us a file that would allow reproducing it. Before doing that, though, try with --trace --verbose which might give you a better idea.

jgm commented 2 years ago

Closing this issue because the above cases don't produce loops. If you have a new case that loops, please open a new issue.

positron96 commented 2 years ago

Ok, I believe I've hit another bug then, since my pandoc (with --verbose flag) is looping on parsing tex files included in big root tex file. Unfortunately I'm not in position to share the files, so unless I can make a reproducible minimal example, I'm stuck with this bug.

dokterbob commented 5 months ago

I seem to have run into the same or a similar issue, trying to convert the tarball for this paper using the following command:

pandoc -f latex --standalone --verbose --trace -o RAPTOR-2401.18059.pdf iclr2024_conference.tex

I get the following output:

[WARNING] Unusual conversion: to convert a .tex file to PDF, you get better results by using pdflatex (or lualatex or xelatex) directly, try `pdflatex iclr2024_conference.tex` instead of `pandoc iclr2024_conference.tex -o RAPTOR-2401.18059.pdf`.
[trace] Parsed [] at line 18
[INFO] Could not load include file eso-pic.sty at iclr2024_conference.sty line 18 column 21
[trace] Parsed [] at line 18
[trace] Parsed [] at line 19
[INFO] Skipped '\RequirePackage' at iclr2024_conference.sty line 19 column 26
[trace] Parsed [] at line 19
[trace] Parsed [] at line 20
[INFO] Skipped '\RequirePackage' at iclr2024_conference.sty line 20 column 24
[trace] Parsed [] at line 20
[trace] Parsed [] at line 23
[INFO] Skipped '\setcitestyle' at iclr2024_conference.sty line 23 column 64
[trace] Parsed [] at line 23
[trace] Parsed [] at line 25
[trace] Parsed [] at line 25
[trace] Parsed [] at line 26
[trace] Parsed [] at line 26
[trace] Parsed [] at line 29
[trace] Parsed [] at line 29
[trace] Parsed [] at line 30
[trace] Parsed [] at line 30
[trace] Parsed [] at line 31
[trace] Parsed [] at line 31
[trace] Parsed [] at line 32
[INFO] Skipped '\font' at iclr2024_conference.sty line 32 column 6
[INFO] Skipped '\iclrtenhv  ' at iclr2024_conference.sty line 32 column 18
[INFO] Skipped '\font' at iclr2024_conference.sty line 32 column 6
[INFO] Skipped '\iclrtenhv  ' at iclr2024_conference.sty line 32 column 18
[trace] Parsed [Para [Str "=",Space,Str "phvb",Space,Str "at",Space,Str "8p at line 32
[trace] Parsed [] at line 36
[INFO] Skipped '\setlength' at iclr2024_conference.sty line 36 column 31
[trace] Parsed [] at line 36
[trace] Parsed [] at line 37
[INFO] Skipped '\setlength' at iclr2024_conference.sty line 37 column 31
[trace] Parsed [] at line 37
[trace] Parsed [] at line 40
[INFO] Skipped '\oddsidemargin ' at iclr2024_conference.sty line 40 column 16
[INFO] Skipped '\oddsidemargin ' at iclr2024_conference.sty line 40 column 16
[INFO] Skipped '\evensidemargin ' at iclr2024_conference.sty line 41 column 17
[INFO] Skipped '\marginparwidth ' at iclr2024_conference.sty line 42 column 21
[INFO] Skipped '\topmargin ' at iclr2024_conference.sty line 46 column 20
[INFO] Skipped '\addtolength' at iclr2024_conference.sty line 47 column 31
[INFO] Skipped '\textheight ' at iclr2024_conference.sty line 48 column 16
[INFO] Skipped '\textwidth ' at iclr2024_conference.sty line 49 column 15
[INFO] Skipped '\widowpenalty' at iclr2024_conference.sty line 50 column 20
[INFO] Skipped '\clubpenalty' at iclr2024_conference.sty line 51 column 19
[trace] Parsed [Para [Str ".5in",SoftBreak,Str ".5in",SoftBreak,Str "true", at line 51
[trace] Parsed [] at line 54
[INFO] Skipped '\flushbottom ' at iclr2024_conference.sty line 54 column 14
[INFO] Skipped '\sloppy' at iclr2024_conference.sty line 54 column 21
[trace] Parsed [] at line 54
[trace] Parsed [] at line 58
[trace] Parsed [] at line 58
[trace] Parsed [] at line 61
[trace] Parsed [] at line 74
[trace] Parsed [] at line 78
[trace] Parsed [] at line 148
[trace] Parsed [] at line 148
[trace] Parsed [] at line 150
[trace] Parsed [] at line 151
[trace] Parsed [] at line 153
[trace] Parsed [] at line 153
[trace] Parsed [] at line 155
[trace] Parsed [] at line 158
[trace] Parsed [] at line 159
[trace] Parsed [] at line 162
[trace] Parsed [] at line 167
[trace] Parsed [] at line 167
[trace] Parsed [] at line 168
[trace] Parsed [] at line 169
[trace] Parsed [] at line 170
[trace] Parsed [] at line 170
[WARNING] Parsing include file fancyhdr failed at fancyhdr.sty line 170 column 23
[trace] Parsed [] at line 78
[trace] Parsed [] at line 79
[INFO] Skipped '\pagestyle' at iclr2024_conference.sty line 79 column 18
[trace] Parsed [] at line 79
[trace] Parsed [] at line 80
[INFO] Skipped '\fancyhead' at iclr2024_conference.sty line 80 column 13
[trace] Parsed [] at line 80
[trace] Parsed [] at line 83
[trace] Parsed [] at line 102
[trace] Parsed [] at line 104
[trace] Parsed [] at line 105
[trace] Parsed [] at line 108
[trace] Parsed [] at line 110
[trace] Parsed [] at line 112
[trace] Parsed [] at line 113
[trace] Parsed [] at line 114
[trace] Parsed [] at line 116
[trace] Parsed [] at line 117
[trace] Parsed [] at line 118
[trace] Parsed [] at line 119
[trace] Parsed [] at line 120
[trace] Parsed [] at line 121
[trace] Parsed [] at line 122
[trace] Parsed [] at line 126
[INFO] Skipped '\footnotesep ' at iclr2024_conference.sty line 126 column 20
[INFO] Skipped '\footnotesep ' at iclr2024_conference.sty line 126 column 20
[INFO] Skipped '\skip' at iclr2024_conference.sty line 127 column 6
[INFO] Skipped '\footins ' at iclr2024_conference.sty line 127 column 18
[INFO] Skipped '\setcounter' at iclr2024_conference.sty line 129 column 25
[trace] Parsed [Para [Str "plus",Space,Str "4pt",Space,Str "minus",Space,St at line 129
[trace] Parsed [] at line 132
[INFO] Skipped '\parindent ' at iclr2024_conference.sty line 132 column 15
[trace] Parsed [] at line 132
[trace] Parsed [] at line 133
[INFO] Skipped '\topsep ' at iclr2024_conference.sty line 133 column 12
[INFO] Skipped '\topsep ' at iclr2024_conference.sty line 133 column 12
[INFO] Skipped '\partopsep ' at iclr2024_conference.sty line 134 column 15
[INFO] Skipped '\itemsep ' at iclr2024_conference.sty line 135 column 13
[INFO] Skipped '\parsep ' at iclr2024_conference.sty line 136 column 12
[INFO] Skipped '\parskip ' at iclr2024_conference.sty line 137 column 10
[trace] Parsed [Para [Str "plus",Space,Str "1pt",Space,Str "minus",Space,St at line 137
[trace] Parsed [] at line 141
[INFO] Skipped '\leftmargin' at iclr2024_conference.sty line 141 column 15
[trace] Parsed [] at line 141
[trace] Parsed [] at line 142
[INFO] Skipped '\leftmargini' at iclr2024_conference.sty line 142 column 13
[INFO] Skipped '\leftmargin ' at iclr2024_conference.sty line 142 column 25
[INFO] Skipped '\leftmarginii ' at iclr2024_conference.sty line 142 column 39
[INFO] Skipped '\leftmargini' at iclr2024_conference.sty line 142 column 13
[INFO] Skipped '\leftmargin ' at iclr2024_conference.sty line 142 column 25
[INFO] Skipped '\leftmarginii ' at iclr2024_conference.sty line 142 column 39
[INFO] Skipped '\leftmarginiii ' at iclr2024_conference.sty line 143 column 16
[INFO] Skipped '\leftmarginiv ' at iclr2024_conference.sty line 143 column 36
[INFO] Skipped '\leftmarginv ' at iclr2024_conference.sty line 143 column 55
[trace] Parsed [Para [Str "2em",SoftBreak,Str "1.5em",Space,Str "1.0em",Spa at line 143
[trace] Parsed [] at line 147
[trace] Parsed [] at line 147
[trace] Parsed [] at line 148
[trace] Parsed [] at line 152
[trace] Parsed [] at line 153
[trace] Parsed [] at line 157
[trace] Parsed [] at line 158
[trace] Parsed [] at line 159
[trace] Parsed [] at line 160
[trace] Parsed [] at line 161
[trace] Parsed [] at line 162
[trace] Parsed [] at line 163
[trace] Parsed [] at line 165
[INFO] Skipped '\abovedisplayskip ' at iclr2024_conference.sty line 165 column 22
[INFO] Skipped '\abovedisplayskip ' at iclr2024_conference.sty line 165 column 22
[INFO] Skipped '\belowdisplayskip ' at iclr2024_conference.sty line 166 column 19
[INFO] Skipped '\abovedisplayskip' at iclr2024_conference.sty line 166 column 36
[INFO] Skipped '\abovedisplayshortskip  ' at iclr2024_conference.sty line 167 column 28
[INFO] Skipped '\belowdisplayshortskip  ' at iclr2024_conference.sty line 168 column 28
[trace] Parsed [Para [Str "plus2pt",Space,Str "minus5pt",SoftBreak,Str "plu at line 168
[trace] Parsed [] at line 173
[trace] Parsed [] at line 173
[trace] Parsed [] at line 174
[trace] Parsed [] at line 174
[trace] Parsed [] at line 175
[trace] Parsed [] at line 175
[trace] Parsed [] at line 176
[trace] Parsed [] at line 176
[trace] Parsed [] at line 177
[trace] Parsed [] at line 177
[trace] Parsed [] at line 178
[trace] Parsed [] at line 178
[trace] Parsed [] at line 179
[trace] Parsed [] at line 179
[trace] Parsed [] at line 180
[trace] Parsed [] at line 180
[trace] Parsed [] at line 181
[trace] Parsed [] at line 181
[trace] Parsed [] at line 182
[trace] Parsed [] at line 182
[trace] Parsed [] at line 184
[trace] Parsed [] at line 184
[trace] Parsed [] at line 186
[trace] Parsed [] at line 187
[trace] Parsed [] at line 245
[INFO] Could not load include file times.sty at iclr2024_conference.tex line 2 column 39
[INFO] Could not load include file algorithm.sty at iclr2024_conference.tex line 3 column 23
[INFO] Could not load include file algpseudocode.sty at iclr2024_conference.tex line 4 column 27
[INFO] Could not load include file amsmath.sty at math_commands.tex line 3 column 33
[INFO] Could not load include file amsfonts.sty at math_commands.tex line 3 column 33
[INFO] Could not load include file bm.sty at math_commands.tex line 3 column 33
[INFO] Skipped '\DeclareMathAlphabet{\mathsfit}{\encodingdefault}{\sfdefault}{m}{sl}' at math_commands.tex line 313 column 69
[INFO] Skipped '\SetMathAlphabet{\mathsfit}{bold}{\encodingdefault}{\sfdefault}{bx}{n}' at math_commands.tex line 314 column 71
[INFO] Could not load include file xcolor.sty at iclr2024_conference.tex line 6 column 20
[INFO] Could not load include file hyperref.sty at iclr2024_conference.tex line 7 column 65
[INFO] Could not load include file url.sty at iclr2024_conference.tex line 8 column 17
[INFO] Could not load include file graphicx.sty at iclr2024_conference.tex line 9 column 22
[INFO] Could not load include file times.sty at iclr2024_conference.tex line 10 column 19
[INFO] Could not load include file latexsym.sty at iclr2024_conference.tex line 11 column 22
[INFO] Could not load include file booktabs.sty at iclr2024_conference.tex line 12 column 22
[INFO] Could not load include file multirow.sty at iclr2024_conference.tex line 13 column 22
[INFO] Could not load include file float.sty at iclr2024_conference.tex line 14 column 19
[INFO] Could not load include file caption.sty at iclr2024_conference.tex line 15 column 21
[INFO] Could not load include file placeins.sty at iclr2024_conference.tex line 16 column 22
[INFO] Could not load include file wrapfig.sty at iclr2024_conference.tex line 17 column 21
[trace] Parsed [Para [Str "Parth",Space,Str "Sarthi,",Space,Str "Salman",Sp at line 24
[trace] Parsed [] at line 32
[trace] Parsed [] at line 35
[trace] Parsed [] at line 35
[trace] Parsed [] at line 35
[INFO] Skipped '\begingroup' at iclr2024_conference.tex line 35 column 1
[trace] Parsed [] at line 35
[trace] Parsed [] at line 35
[trace] Parsed [] at line 35
[trace] Parsed [] at line 35
[trace] Parsed [] at line 35
[trace] Parsed [] at line 35
[INFO] Skipped '\long' at iclr2024_conference.tex line 35 column 1
[INFO] Skipped '\def\@makefntext##1{\parindent 1em\noindent
                              \hbox to1.8em{\hss $\m@th ^{\@thefnmark}$}##1}' at iclr2024_conference.tex line 35 column 1
[trace] Parsed [] at line 35
[trace] Parsed [] at line 35
[INFO] Skipped '\hsize' at iclr2024_conference.tex line 35 column 1
[INFO] Skipped '\textwidth' at iclr2024_conference.tex line 35 column 1
[INFO] Skipped '\@setsize' at iclr2024_conference.tex line 35 column 1
[INFO] Skipped '\@setsize' at iclr2024_conference.tex line 35 column 1
[INFO] Skipped '\@setsize' at iclr2024_conference.tex line 35 column 1
[INFO] Skipped '\@setsize' at iclr2024_conference.tex line 35 column 1

Where the latter just keeps repeating forever, eating 100% CPU.

dokterbob commented 5 months ago

Note that I get the same behaviour regardless of the output file format. I tried HTML, PDF, MOBI and ePUB.

jgm commented 5 months ago

@dokterbob if you comment out the line

% \usepackage{iclr2024_conference,times}

then pandoc can handle it. I haven't chased this down yet, but it looks like a problem interpreting one of the macros defined in iclr2024_conference.sty.