Explain the problem.
Include the exact command line you used and all inputs necessary to reproduce the issue. Please create as minimal an example as possible, to help the maintainers isolate the problem. Explain the output you received and how it differs from what you expected.
The embed-resources option currently does not affect chunkedhtml output. It does nothing for EPUB either, but that makes sense since resources are automatically downloaded and placed in the media folder. To test this, I ran "pandoc test.md -t chunkedhtml -o test --webtex --embed-resources", where test.md just contains a TeX math equation delimited by dollar signs. The output in test/0-.html contains an img tag with its src attribute pointing to latex.codecogs.com, and there are no images in the test directory. When I use the exact same command except specifying html5 as the output format, the src attribute of the img tag contains a data url, and when I convert to epub3, the image file is placed in EPUB/media regardless of whether "--embed-resources" is specified or not. It might be useful to have three choices: to keep external URLs in the output, to place external files in the output directory and changed references to those similar to EPUB, or to change references to external resources to data URLs like the embed-resources option does.
Pandoc version?
What version of pandoc are you using, on what OS? (If it's not the latest release, please try with the latest release before reporting the issue.)
Explain the problem. Include the exact command line you used and all inputs necessary to reproduce the issue. Please create as minimal an example as possible, to help the maintainers isolate the problem. Explain the output you received and how it differs from what you expected.
The embed-resources option currently does not affect chunkedhtml output. It does nothing for EPUB either, but that makes sense since resources are automatically downloaded and placed in the media folder. To test this, I ran "pandoc test.md -t chunkedhtml -o test --webtex --embed-resources", where test.md just contains a TeX math equation delimited by dollar signs. The output in test/0-.html contains an img tag with its src attribute pointing to latex.codecogs.com, and there are no images in the test directory. When I use the exact same command except specifying html5 as the output format, the src attribute of the img tag contains a data url, and when I convert to epub3, the image file is placed in EPUB/media regardless of whether "--embed-resources" is specified or not. It might be useful to have three choices: to keep external URLs in the output, to place external files in the output directory and changed references to those similar to EPUB, or to change references to external resources to data URLs like the embed-resources option does.
Pandoc version? What version of pandoc are you using, on what OS? (If it's not the latest release, please try with the latest release before reporting the issue.)
Pandoc on arch Linux X86_64