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number-sections not applying in beamer output #9099

Open cderv opened 11 months ago

cderv commented 11 months ago

It seems LaTeX template does not differentiate section numbering with Beamer or not


This means that with this test.md file

title: "Title"

## Section

This is the content of the section

### Subsection

This is the content of the subsection

and using pandoc 3.1.8

pandoc.exe -f markdown -t beamer -o test.pdf --number-sections -s test.qmd

we get \setcounter{secnumdepth}{3} in the tex file but it seems to have no effect


There is no error of --number-sections not working with beamer, and though no numbering.

Not sure how to number section in beamer, so don't know if \setcounter{secnumdepth}{3} is really supposed to work.

jgm commented 11 months ago

Technically these are not sections but slides. (In the LaTeX source you have \begin{slide}, not \section.

cderv commented 11 months ago

Definitely more accurate. Thank you. Aim is to number slides' headers. Should I understand that --number-sections is expected to have no effect for beamer output then ?

I am just observing no specific message that it will have no effect, and from the default.latex template, the conditional with numbersections applies and insert \setcounter{secnumdepth} inside LaTeX source. I was surprised about this.

jgm commented 11 months ago

Check the beamer manual to see if there's a way to number slides?

samcarter commented 10 months ago

If you'd like to number the frame titles, you could redefine the frametitle template and include the frame number there:


  \advance\@tempdima by\beamer@leftmargin%
  \advance\@tempdima by\beamer@rightmargin%
    \if@tempswa\else\csname beamer@fteleft\endcsname\fi%
    \if@tempswa\else\vskip-.3cm\fi% set inside beamercolorbox... evil here...


