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Single column PowerPoint removes images and duplicate caption #9923

Open mcanouil opened 3 days ago

mcanouil commented 3 days ago

A bit Unorthodox but if one uses a single column with an image in it to output to PowerPoint, the image gets removed and the caption is duplicated.

Tested with pandoc 3.2.

Originally reported in Quarto:

````md :::: {.columns} ::: {.column} ![An image](https://placehold.co/600x400.png) ::: :::: ```` image
jgm commented 3 days ago

Interesting. If you add another column containing text, there is no problem with the image.

mcanouil commented 3 days ago

The Quarto MWE:

````qmd --- title: "Quarto Playground" format: pptx --- ## Slide :::: {.columns} ::: {.column} ![An image]({{< placeholder 600 400 >}}) ::: ::: {.column} ![An image]({{< placeholder 600 400 >}}) ::: :::: ```` image
````qmd --- title: "Quarto Playground" format: pptx --- ## Slide :::: {.columns} ::: {.column} Text ::: ::: {.column} ![An image]({{< placeholder 600 400 >}}) ::: :::: ```` image
````qmd --- title: "Quarto Playground" format: pptx --- ## Slide :::: {.columns} ::: {.column} ![An image]({{< placeholder 600 400 >}}) ::: :::: ```` image