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Universal markup converter
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Markdown to epub horizontal lines not appearing #9924

Closed samwh1te closed 3 days ago

samwh1te commented 3 days ago

Explain the problem. I'm trying to convert markdown to epub with horizontal lines, but they don't show.

% Book title
% Book author
# Chapter 1



And pandoc test.md -o test.epub does't result in any horizontal lines in the epub. I'm viewing it with Foliate, which shows the horizontal line if I convert the same markdown file through CloudConvert.

Pandoc version? pandoc 3.2.1 on Ubuntu 22.04

johnblommers commented 3 days ago

So I tweaked the test.md file thus:

title: Book title
author: Just Me

# Chapter 1




and converted it with Pandoc. Sure enough Foliate does not show the horizontal line. But that's on Foliate because Calibre's eBook viewer show it just fine as does Sigil

samwh1te commented 3 days ago

Ah, I should have had a look on different software. Thanks very much!