jgoerzen / twidge

Command-line twitter/identica client [Haskell]
GNU General Public License v2.0
220 stars 30 forks source link

Bad Reponse 410 #64

Closed rdsplus closed 9 years ago

rdsplus commented 9 years ago

Hi I just installed twidge on my raspberry PI and when i try to use it I am getting

pi@raspberrypi ~ $ sudo twidge -d lsrecent CP /root/.twidgerc exists? True Sending request: ReqHttp {version = HTTP/1.1, ssl = True, host = "api.twitter.com", port = 443, method = GET, reqHeaders = Authorization=OAuth%20oauth_signature%3D%22AGp2wGWFXvCjIV4%252BHSHH5OwExqI%253D%22%2Coauth_consumer_key%3D%22pzWekpM5IRh7HaKc9syEw%22%2Coauth_nonce%3D%221402789743%22%2Coauth_timestamp%3D%221425428603%22%2Coauth_signature_method%3D%22HMAC-SHA1%22%2Coauth_version%3D%221.0%22%2Coauth_token%3D%223059712134-cSLtmepbaoVqpOMNksA11wVFvTEu1uptExDgumf%22, pathComps = ["","1","statuses","friends_timeline.xml"], qString = page=1, reqPayload = Empty} Got response: (410,"",[],"") twidge: user error (Bad response: 410)

is it broken or is it just me?

jgoerzen commented 9 years ago

I doubt twidge is broken. What version are you using?

rdsplus commented 9 years ago

Hi John,

1.0.8 on ARM

jgoerzen commented 9 years ago

That version speaks only Twitter's old API. It is not possible to use it anymore. Upgrading will fix your issue.