jgomezm / Music-Classification

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Spotify API #2

Open jgomezm opened 4 years ago

jgomezm commented 4 years ago

Pull data from Spotify and structure accordingly https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/web-api/reference/playlists/

rgurlek commented 4 years ago

Will track level features like danceability be used? https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/web-api/reference/tracks/get-audio-features/

jgomezm commented 4 years ago

I think that they can be added as additional features outside of the LSTM cell, but am not sure how to do it. I also noticed that we're keeping loudness which has 3 measures and confidence which is a feature of the algorithm, not the song

Edit: Removed loudness and confidence measures

rgurlek commented 4 years ago

For confidence, I thought that our model can develop an understanding of how much to trust the provided data point. If the algorithm that generated those features is not confident about an observation, LSTM may choose to undermine that information.

What is wrong with loudness?

jgomezm commented 4 years ago

I don't like confidence only because it isn't a feature of the music but of the algorithm. If their algorithm has a bias that impacts its confidence, then our algorithm can learn to exploit that weakness. In which case, it won't learn to discriminate between tracks if it is easier to discriminate between segments of confidence. Similar to the mean pixel value example in the DL PS.

We can keep one measure of loudness, but I think that 3 is too much. Wouldn't know which to keep. Any preferences?

rgurlek commented 4 years ago

Maybe loudness_max?