jgomezm / Music-Classification

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HW 5 #3

Closed rgurlek closed 4 years ago

rgurlek commented 4 years ago

This assignment is due on Monday, February 24, 2020 at 4:00pm ET on our course website. Submit your written response as a PDF file. Each student should submit a separate response describing the project in their own words.

Problem 1. (15 points) What is your plan for your project? Please write a 500-word description (±50 words) that answers the following questions:

  1. What is the goal of your project?
  2. Why is this project important or interesting?
  3. How is this project related to your educational and professional interests and goals?
  4. Are you reusing or repeating previous work that you have done?
  5. How is this project related to existing work from others?
  6. Can you clearly state the task that you will be addressing? For example, given a collection of images from my favorite blog of recipes, I want to train a classifier that identifies whether each image contains a hot dog.
  7. For projects that use data and/or labels, what data and labels will you use? Are they from a publicly available dataset, or do you have permission to use the data? Please do not do anything that creates issues with security, privacy, etc., and please ask me if you are unsure.
  8. What is your approach? Do you think that deep learning will provide some benefit here?
  9. How will you evaluate the success of your approach or compare your approach with existing approaches?
  10. How will you demonstrate the generalizability of your approach?
  11. What do you anticipate as the major challenges for this project?
  12. Are you working alone or with others?
  13. If you are working with others, then who are your team members? What will you contribute to the project? Unsurprisingly, projects with more people will need to do more.

Problem 2. (15 points) Make a Gannt chart for the planned progress of your project. A Gantt chart is a kind of bar chart that illustrates the planned progress for projects. Your Gannt chart should have items for each of the major steps of your project. Plan to present a 10-minute mid-project update to the class on Monday, March 23, 2020, a 20-minute project presentation to the class on Monday, April 20, 2020, and a written project description on Monday, April 27, 2020. You can use any computer program that you’d like to make the Gannt Chart, including Google Slides, Microsoft PowerPoint, or Apple Keynote, but please include the Gannt chart as an image in your write up. Your Gannt chart does not need to look particularly polished. Please see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gantt_chart for details and examples.

rgurlek commented 4 years ago

@jgomezm Thanks for the thorough timeline! I updated the Gantt Chart accordingly.