jgonyea / grav-plugin-podcast

GravCMS plugin that creates podcast channel and podcast episode page templates along with a podcast RSS feed.
MIT License
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No RSS generated #35

Closed hiperterminal closed 3 years ago

hiperterminal commented 3 years ago


I am using this plugin for my website but there is no RSS. I am using podcast v2.1.7 on Grav v1.6.31

Any idea of what it can be?

Thanks in advance!!

jgonyea commented 3 years ago

Hi! There should be two other dependencies for the podcast plugin. Have you verified that GetID3 and the Feed plugin are installed?

hiperterminal commented 3 years ago

Have you verified that GetID3 and the Feed plugin are installed?

Yes, GetId3 v 1.0.3 and Feed v 1.8.0. Both enabled.

jgonyea commented 3 years ago

Are you putting your episodes underneath a podcast channel page?

hiperterminal commented 3 years ago

Are you putting your episodes underneath a podcast channel page?

Yes, I am following the sequence Chanel > Series > Episodes.

jgonyea commented 3 years ago

Which page are you on where you're trying to find the rss feed?

jgonyea commented 3 years ago

Oh, I see, it's something most likely due to the language selection. Let me look at how I can do that.

If I manually make the URL contain the language (e.g. 'es'), then the rss feed file is available.

jgonyea commented 3 years ago

I will be pushing a fix in Podcast 2.1.9 for multilanguage by the end of the day.

I think you might need to add the lines from this section: https://learn.getgrav.org/17/content/multi-language#multi-language-basics

Specifically, the one about including the default language.

jgonyea commented 3 years ago

I just published 2.1.9. Try updating to that and see if that fixes your issue.

hiperterminal commented 3 years ago

Try updating to that and see if that fixes your issue.

Thanks!! it works for the series, but not for the channel.

jgonyea commented 3 years ago

I found the issue. In the feed.rss.twig, I was looking for file name specifically podcast-channel.md, which wouldn't find multi-language pages (podcast-channel.es.md). Changed the check to look for page.template, and the feed should now be functioning properly.

Fixed in v2.1.10. Please let me know if it works for you.

hiperterminal commented 3 years ago

Fixed in v2.1.10. Please let me know if it works for you.

Here what happened:

Many thanks!

jgonyea commented 3 years ago

I had to clear my local cache, but when I visit your channel page (http://hiperterminal.com/septetocamajan/es), I'm able to click on the rss feed and it shows me an RSS feed.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:itunes="http://www.itunes.com/dtds/podcast-1.0.dtd">
<copyright>2012 - Septeto Camaján</copyright>
<itunes:subtitle>Conversaciones sobre música</itunes:subtitle>
<itunes:author>El Septeto Camaján</itunes:author>
<itunes:summary>Nuestras emisiones:</itunes:summary>
<description>Transmitiendo desde Bogotá, Colombia.</description>
    <itunes:name>El Septeto Camaján</itunes:name>
<itunes:image href="http://hiperterminal.com/septetocamajan/es/"/>
<itunes:category text="Society &amp; Culture">
    <itunes:category text="Music"/>
        <itunes:author>El Septeto Camaján</itunes:author>
    <itunes:summary>Juan Gabriel nos lleva a los 90's en un recorrido muy personal.

Fui muy específico. Debí haber dicho rock de los 90's, pero&#x2026;</itunes:summary>
    <itunes:image href="http://hiperterminal.com/septetocamajan/es/"/>
        <enclosure length="67505422" type="audio/mpeg" url="http://hiperterminal.com/septetocamajan/user/pages/01.podcast/01.el-septeto-camajan/grunge/01-2021-01-12-septeto-camaja-grunge.mp3"/>
        <pubDate>Tue, 12 Jan 2021 08:21:00 -0500</pubDate>
    <title>Bandas de 3 y de 4</title>
    <itunes:summary>Conversaciones sobre tríos y cuartetos de rock.
Las bandas

Soda Stereo – Té para tres
Los Tres – Traje de sastre
Ángel Parra&#x2026;</itunes:summary>
    <itunes:image href="http://hiperterminal.com/septetocamajan/es/user/pages/01.podcast/02.el-perro-el-cerdo-y-la-oveja/bandas-de-3-y-de-4/01-logo-PerroCerdoOveja.jpg"/>
        <enclosure length="58796973" type="audio/mpeg" url="http://blog.hiperterminal.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/02-PerroCerdoOveja-2012-09-21.mp3"/>
        <pubDate>Tue, 12 Jan 2021 07:11:00 -0500</pubDate>
    <title>Los conciertos perdidos</title>
    <itunes:summary>¿Qué concierto le dolió haberse perdido? es la pregunta que da forma al primer episodio de El perro, el cerdo y la oveja.&#x2026;</itunes:summary>
    <itunes:image href="http://hiperterminal.com/septetocamajan/es/user/pages/01.podcast/02.el-perro-el-cerdo-y-la-oveja/bandas-de-3-y-de-4/01-logo-PerroCerdoOveja.jpg"/>
        <enclosure length="67575204" type="audio/mpeg" url="http://blog.hiperterminal.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/01-PerroCerdoOveja-2012-09-11.mp3"/>
        <pubDate>Tue, 12 Jan 2021 06:04:00 -0500</pubDate>
jgonyea commented 3 years ago

Also, thanks for your patience on this. I'm not a multi-lingual speaker, so I appreciate your help in diagnosing issues with this.

hiperterminal commented 3 years ago

I was trying the feed in this web and I imagine they can not read it because there is no name in the file, just the format (.rss). I open the link in http://hiperterminal.com/septetocamajan/es and yes, I can see the same in a notepad.

And thank you very much for that note about patience. I am a little bit ashamed because I can not change the code yet (it is my first Grav website) but I am very happy to help somehow. I sent other tickets to another plugin and no response yet, I am very happy with your fast answers, thanks!!

jgonyea commented 3 years ago

Can you send me your languages section from your system.yaml? I just rebuilt a site and I'm seeing urls like this: hostname/es/septetocamjan

vs yours which has the language at the end hostname/septetocmjan/es

hiperterminal commented 3 years ago

I am not sure if you need this, let me know if is another thing:

title: 'El septeto Camaján'
default_lang: es
  name: 'David Ramírez-Ordóñez'
  email: david@hiperterminal.com
  - category
  - tag
  description: 'Podcast sobre música. Analizamos los temas y bandas para tener una perspectiva muy personal de la música que nos gusta.'
  enabled: true
  format: short
  size: 300
  delimiter: '***'
redirects: null
routes: null
  route: /blog
jgonyea commented 3 years ago

No, I was looking for your language settings from the system.yaml file.

jgonyea commented 3 years ago

I'm doing a major overhaul to hopefully better support multilang in Grav 1.7. I expect it to be finished this weekend.

hiperterminal commented 3 years ago

No, I was looking for your language settings from the system.yaml file.

Sorry, I think is this one, if no, let me know:

absolute_urls: false
timezone: America/Bogota
default_locale: null
param_sep: ':'
wrapped_site: false
reverse_proxy_setup: false
force_ssl: false
force_lowercase_urls: true
custom_base_url: null
username_regex: '^[a-z0-9_-]{3,16}$'
pwd_regex: '(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z]).{8,}'
intl_enabled: true
  protocol: true
  host: false
  port: true
  ip: true
    - es
  default_lang: null
  include_default_lang: true
  pages_fallback_only: false
  translations: true
  translations_fallback: true
  session_store_active: false
  http_accept_language: false
  override_locale: false
  alias: /podcast
  hide_in_urls: false
  theme: quark
    by: default
    dir: asc
    count: 20
    default: 'Y-m-d H:i'
    short: 'l jS \of F g:i A'
    long: 'F jS \a\t g:ia'
  publish_dates: true
    markdown: true
    twig: false
  twig_first: false
  never_cache_twig: false
    page: true
    twig: true
    extra: false
    auto_line_breaks: false
    auto_url_links: false
    escape_markup: false
      '>': gt
      '<': lt
      - rel
      - target
      - id
      - class
      - classes
    - html
    - htm
    - xml
    - txt
    - json
    - rss
    - atom
  append_url_extension: null
  expires: 604800
  cache_control: null
  last_modified: false
  etag: false
  vary_accept_encoding: false
  redirect_default_route: false
  redirect_default_code: '302'
  redirect_trailing_slash: true
    - .DS_Store
    - .git
    - .idea
  ignore_hidden: true
  hide_empty_folders: false
  url_taxonomy_filters: true
    process_twig: false
      - form
      - forms
  enabled: true
    method: file
  driver: auto
  prefix: g
  purge_at: '0 4 * * *'
  clear_at: '0 3 * * *'
  clear_job_type: standard
  clear_images_by_default: true
  cli_compatibility: false
  lifetime: 604800
  gzip: false
  allow_webserver_gzip: false
    socket: null
    server: null
    port: null
    password: null
    server: null
    port: null
    server: null
    port: null
  cache: true
  debug: true
  auto_reload: true
  autoescape: false
  undefined_functions: true
  undefined_filters: true
  umask_fix: false
  css_pipeline: false
  css_pipeline_include_externals: true
  css_pipeline_before_excludes: true
  css_minify: true
  css_minify_windows: false
  css_rewrite: true
  js_pipeline: false
  js_pipeline_include_externals: true
  js_pipeline_before_excludes: true
  js_minify: true
  enable_asset_timestamp: false
    jquery: 'system://assets/jquery/jquery-2.x.min.js'
  display: 1
  log: true
  handler: file
    facility: local6
  enabled: false
    close_connection: true
  twig: true
  default_image_quality: 85
  cache_all: false
  cache_perms: '0755'
  debug: false
  auto_fix_orientation: false
  seofriendly: false
  enable_media_timestamp: false
  unsupported_inline_types: null
  allowed_fallback_types: null
  auto_metadata_exif: false
  upload_limit: 33554432
  enabled: true
  initialize: true
  timeout: 1800
  name: grav-site
  uniqueness: path
  secure: false
  httponly: true
  split: true
  path: null
  releases: stable
  proxy_url: null
  method: auto
  verify_peer: true
  official_gpm_only: true
  type: data
  storage: file
  yaml_compat: true
  twig_compat: true
  blueprint_compat: true
jgonyea commented 3 years ago

Perfect, thanks.

jgonyea commented 3 years ago

Version 3.0.0 was just released. Can you take a look and see if the issues are now resolved?

hiperterminal commented 3 years ago

There is a Twig error and the whole website is down. Here the website showing the error.


jgonyea commented 3 years ago

Whatever page that's on, can you reopen it and resave it?

jgonyea commented 3 years ago

I think I see one issue. Line 13 shouldn't have a '|first'. I'll push 3.0.1 in a handful of hours.

jgonyea commented 3 years ago

@hiperterminal , what version of Grav core and admin are you on? You should be on the latest of both

hiperterminal commented 3 years ago

what version of Grav core and admin are you on?

It's the latest of both: Grav v1.7.3 - Admin v1.10.2

jgonyea commented 3 years ago

Could you send me your user/pages folder zipped up, minus any audio? I can't replicate the issue anymore.

hiperterminal commented 3 years ago

Sure! here you have the pages.zip

jgonyea commented 3 years ago

Found the issue!

It has to do with the breaking changes of the image field I had to make to get around the Grav 1.6 file field -> Grav 1.7 filepicker field issue.

To manually fix, open each page that has an image. If you're doing this locally, it probably will be faster to open the *.md files in a text editor.

You'll see something along the lines like:

            name: sonido.jpg
            type: image/jpeg
            size: 8206
            path: user/pages/01.podcast/01.el-septeto-camajan/sonido.jpg

This needs to be changed to:

    image: sonido.jpg

Save the file in your editor and re-browse (don't just refresh) to that page in the admin. It should load properly.

I'll look into how I might be able to automatically manipulate pages as it loads the frontmatter, but before it tries to populate fields.

hiperterminal commented 3 years ago

It should load properly.

It works! Thanks a lot!!

Nice look and feel by the way.