jgonyea / grav-plugin-podcast

GravCMS plugin that creates podcast channel and podcast episode page templates along with a podcast RSS feed.
MIT License
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Is there a max upload size setting somewhere ? #48

Closed Limezy closed 2 years ago

Limezy commented 2 years ago

If yes, I didn't find it. I get that annoying warning every time I try to upload an episode .mp3: image Thanks for your kind help

jgonyea commented 2 years ago

First place to check is your php.ini file. Look for the parameter max_upload_size


If that is already changed to be larger that your ~42MB file, then check the podcast plugin settings.

Limezy commented 2 years ago

Many thanks for your fast answer. I'll check as per your advice.

Limezy commented 2 years ago

It worked after both changing nginx setting and adding the following in my /etc/php/7.3/fpm/pool.d/grav.conf

php_admin_value[upload_max_filesize] =100M
php_admin_value[post_max_size] =100M

Thanks again for your help !