jgorset / facebook-messenger

Definitely the best way to make Bots on Facebook Messenger with Ruby
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Add method to fetch app_id in case of message echo #142

Closed manojmj92 closed 7 years ago

manojmj92 commented 7 years ago

Facebook Webhooks API now sends ID of the app from which the message was sent as app_id in the payload. Adding a method to fetch this id from payload.

More info: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/messenger-platform/webhook-reference/message-echo

coveralls commented 7 years ago

Coverage Status

Coverage increased (+0.006%) to 99.036% when pulling 6dcf4bca80888f11eea5d0f654a0b243d9eee9bf on manojmj92:master into cdecf99e974831f3d815fa4296658137f04e138d on hyperoslo:master.

jgorset commented 7 years ago

Thanks @manojmj92! :sparkles: :cake: :sparkles:!