jgorset / facebook-messenger

Definitely the best way to make Bots on Facebook Messenger with Ruby
MIT License
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Implement ServerNoError #182

Closed ylecuyer closed 7 years ago

ylecuyer commented 7 years ago

Fix #113

jgorset commented 7 years ago

Neat, thanks! Rubocop is mad, though – I'll try to take a look at it this weekend unless you beat me to it.

ylecuyer commented 7 years ago

I'll try to fix 2 of them but there is one I'll have to add a local exception:


**This one will be fixed**

lib/facebook/messenger/server_no_error.rb:5:5: C: Missing top-level class documentation comment.
    class ServerNoError < Server

**I'll have to add a rubocop local exception for this one because it is the heart of the no exception server**

lib/facebook/messenger/server_no_error.rb:8:7: W: Avoid rescuing the Exception class. Perhaps you meant to rescue StandardError?
      rescue Exception => e ...

**This one will be fixed**

lib/facebook/messenger/server_no_error.rb:9:36: C: Use only ascii symbols in comments.
        send("\xF0\x9F\x98\xB1") # 😱
ylecuyer commented 7 years ago

191 needs to be merged first to have the build to pass

jgorset commented 7 years ago

:sparkles: :cake: ✨