jgorset / facebook-messenger

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not able to retrive postback title text from the object #184

Closed Manidavid closed 7 years ago

Manidavid commented 7 years ago

Need text of the title from the postback object.

<Facebook::Messenger::Incoming::Postback:0x0000000006416d00 @messaging={"recipient"=>{"id"=>"124495678232012"}, "timestamp"=>1510297448580, "sender"=>{"id"=>"1525496340849520"}, "postback"=>{"payload"=>"GET_STARTED_PAYLOAD", "title"=>"Get Started"}}>

something like - postback.text should return "Get Started"

navidemad commented 7 years ago

As you can see on lib/facebook/messenger/incoming/postback.rb

You should do: postback.payload["title"]

Manidavid commented 7 years ago

postback.payload["title"] - it returns 'nil' instead of the title sting - Get Started

on [lib/facebook/messenger/incoming/postback.rb]()

def payload
def title

I guess need to add method something likedef titleto get the title text.

Manidavid commented 7 years ago

@navidemad any suggestion on my above code?

Manidavid commented 7 years ago

i able to get the title from the below code title = postback.messaging['postback']['title']