jgoux / generator-angulpify

Yeoman generator involving AngularJS, Gulp and Browserify
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Angulpify not installing all files #5

Closed twincharged closed 9 years ago

twincharged commented 9 years ago

Just a quick question for @jgoux! I've been having a lot of trouble with installing generator-angulpify. I can install it from npm without any issues, but the file directory that gets installed looks incomplete and angulpify does not register with yo. I don't believe it's a problem with my NODE_PATH, as I spent a lot of time looking into that and I can successfully run yo doctor. I am able to successfully install and use other generators, but not this one for some reason, as shown by yo --help. When I run sudo npm install -g generator-angulpify, this is the full file structure that gets downloaded:

|  |--chalk
|  |--yosay
|  |--yeoman-generator

It seems, from the file structure of other yeoman generators, that this is missing a lot. What can I do to solve this?

jgoux commented 9 years ago

This is weird, I never had this issue. I can see my generator with yo --help :

Please choose a generator below.


Do you have any error in the terminal ? The only difference I see here is that I installed nodejs in my '~' directory, so I don't have to use sudo to install my packages (I had a lot of troubles in the past with node + sudo). If you want to try, you can find how to do it properly here : https://gist.github.com/isaacs/579814 You can also try to download it from github and then type npm link inside the install folder, so the generator will be registered as a npm package (but it as to be a temporary solution)

twincharged commented 9 years ago

I have no errors with yo doctor, or downloading your package in general. It seems to just mysteriously skip some of your repo's content, though.

I tried npm link without any success. yo --help lists all generators except this one.

I am using NVM and Node 0.10.29, but up until this point I've had no problems with either.

Any idea how I can fix/temporarily patch this?

smt commented 9 years ago

:+1:, I have experienced the same issue today -- no errors in yo doctor, and the generator does not show up in the yo --help listing.

I don't use sudo to install my global npm packages - they go in /usr/local/lib/node_modules, which is owned by my user.

I'm on node-0.10.30. I will attempt the manual link.

jgoux commented 9 years ago

Ok, so it's a bigger problem. I'll try to reinstall it from scratch to see if I have to same issue. Thanks for your feedbacks.

jgoux commented 9 years ago

This is now fixed in v0.1.1 I had a "files" key in my package.json which is here to filter the files to be installed. It pointed on "app" which is now inside the "generators" folder, so nothing was installed. ;) Can you confirm that it is working now ?

twincharged commented 9 years ago

Yep, just tried re-installing it and it worked! Thank you very much, @jgoux!

smt commented 9 years ago

@jgoux Yes, it appears to be working now. yo --help now shows the angulpify:app generator, and the generated app runs successfully by default. Thanks very much for the fix!

jgoux commented 9 years ago

Cool! :) Don't hesitate if you have other issues or demands.