jgoux / generator-angulpify

Yeoman generator involving AngularJS, Gulp and Browserify
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more of a thanks #8

Closed dreamineering closed 9 years ago

dreamineering commented 9 years ago

Hey I've been messing around trying to sort out an angular / browserify build for a while and a few of your ideas really helped so just wanted to say thanks

Not sure if this will work out in the longer run but I am working on the idea of creating one central build config for all my frontend projects with the option of using metalsmith to create static sites that also create json content for apps where you can reuse common assets and CSS where it makes sense. I found I was losing a lot of time keeping build system / templates / common css patterns in order

I've got a basic angular and ionic app up and running with the angular app passing tests which I have the intention of collecting to easily refer back to, I still want to check out / adopt what I want from reading Todd Motto's and John Papa's best practice stuff, but was thinking that when I suss this stuff out potentially it might provide some stuff you can add into generator?

But the idea would be to get a few basic starters going with browserify the common glue. It would be cool to have something sorted out with famous for example

This still a bit rough, especially in the config but just been focusing on getting things working.


The ultimate goal is to create services that will talk to this backend starter,


I'm figuring some of this out in private but hope to soon commit a user login management with a shared common service between angular and ionic

Anyway just wanted to say thanks for your work it helped unstuck me.



jgoux commented 9 years ago

Hey @dreamineering , I'm happy that my work can help you! I don't know metalsmith (I just checked what is it), but it sounds to be a great project. I'm not sure I understand 100% what you want to create. Is it a custom starter-kit highly configurable through files ? I planned to do something like this with Yeoman by allowing the user to provide his own .yo-rc.json file to be able to provide a more personal installation, especially for the bower components part. As the gulp tasks won't change often and I have defined all the paths in a single config.js file, I think I could also be able to take a custom folder structure provided by the user. I'll begin to work on this when I'll have some free time. ^^

Anyway, thanks again for the support.

jgoux commented 9 years ago

As it's not really an issue, I'm closing it for now. Feel free to reopen if you want.