jgpacker / osm-smart-menu

An OpenStreetMap webextension for Firefox and Chrome
GNU General Public License v3.0
56 stars 12 forks source link

Please add two more sites. #5

Closed momu closed 4 years ago

momu commented 4 years ago

Hi @jgpacker, thanks a lot for the extension, I'm using it regurlarly.

Is it possible for you to add these two sites

osm-change-viz shows changesets similiar toh achavi and expects the changeset id:


osm-change-tiles is similar to whoididit and expects zoom, lat and lon


Thanks Moritz

jgpacker commented 4 years ago

Hi @momu I'm surprised someone is using this obscure webextension :smile:

Fortunately I made it relatively easy to add an website, so I could do it even though I haven't touched this in years. The only issue is that I could not separate these two suggestions in two different entries (I may fix this limitation someday). The menu will go to osm-change-viz if it finds a changesetId, otherwise it will try to go to the osm-change-tiles;

Unfortunately I tried to upload it to Google Chrome just now, and it asked for additional information and set the extension status as "Pending review". So I'm not sure when I will be able to release it. But I will try to release it ASAP

momu commented 4 years ago

I'm using it for years in Firefox, but figured out just know that it was removed from the addons site https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/osm-smart-menu/

jgpacker commented 4 years ago

Oh! Ok, I will try to publish it in Firefox too! I thought you were using it in Chrome because Mozilla removed it, but I actually use Firefox myself.

jgpacker commented 4 years ago

I just published it in Firefox, however it also is in "Pending review" status. Let's wait

jgpacker commented 4 years ago

Mozilla reviewed it quickly! Please give the new version a try: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/osm-smart-menu/

momu commented 4 years ago

Thanks that was fast.

When opening the changed tile map with the extension the tiles are not shown. When changing to https it works. Can you change the links to using https?

One minor improvement would be to name both tools differently according to the link target. E.g. showingOSMviz when the result is opening the changeset analyzer. And OSM change tiles when opening the changed tile map.

And I've seen, that osmcha is missing in the map. The link is https://osmcha.org/changesets/<changeset>/

Could you add this as well?

jgpacker commented 4 years ago

Right now, I'm converting the code to TypeScript to make it easier to refactor it without breaking it. It's taking a bit longer than expected because I need to configure Webpack too (and I never configured Webpack before, especially for an webextension)

jgpacker commented 4 years ago

Alright, I converted it to TypeScript and refactored it a little. Now I will fix the HTTPS issue. I will make HTTPS the default protocol and add exceptions for websites that do not support it.

jgpacker commented 4 years ago

I have released a new version for Firefox that makes HTTPS the default protocol. I also removed some websites from the list that no longer worked.

If you notice some other issue, please tell me.

I still will add osmcha.org as requested.

I still haven't tried to name the OSMviz and OSM change tiles separately yet

jgpacker commented 4 years ago

OSMCha added

jgpacker commented 4 years ago

You should also notice layout and accessibility improvements

momu commented 4 years ago

Thanks, works here fine.

jgpacker commented 4 years ago

Now the requested websites will be shown as 2 different options. Please take a look at the latest version (0.6.0)

momu commented 4 years ago

I did. It works. Thanks.