jgraley / inferno-cpp2v

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Graph the CSP problem #282

Open jgraley opened 3 years ago

jgraley commented 3 years ago

Following on from #280, #281

For a CSP problem (i.e. an and-rule region), show

Note that we choose not to use the form in which edges show constraints, because we'll always have degree>2 constraints. And constraints as Venn-diagram sets with variables as points is problematic because drawing Venn diagrams is tricky in general (or so the Internet says).

jgraley commented 3 years ago

Is this still for dot, or do we want eg neato?

Should some shapes be taken away from the existing plotter eg circles, to be used for constraints? Maybe one shape for each category discussed here https://github.com/jgraley/inferno-cpp2v/issues/278#issuecomment-768855766

jgraley commented 3 years ago

More thoughts on this: I think the constraints should inherit the look of the nodes in the current graphs, and their links should come from ports/sub-blocks as at present. The variables should be small circles with just class name and serial #. The variables should be lined up vertically and the constraints be to their left so the links work properly. MM constraints TBD but they will also need ordered links, so record-type blocks might also be indicated.