jgriss / FusionSolarPy

A basic client to the Huawei Fusion Solar cloud interface for solar power plants
MIT License
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It seems that some URLs have change #27

Open ATNALDC opened 2 months ago

ATNALDC commented 2 months ago


Since yesterday I get some errors. After investigating the origin, I have seen that some URL's seems to be discontinued and the REST API seems to be changed.

For example if I go to the url used to get plant list (https://uni003eu5.fusionsolar.huawei.com/rest/pvms/web/station/v1/station/station-list) I get 404 error. It also happens with device list. As I can find any REST documentation I can't investigate more.

Could you please check it?

Thank you very much; Best regards,

karstenBriksoft commented 1 month ago

I’m not sure if this is a problem with logging in or with the subdomain. But on the webpage the urls seem to work, but they use different subdomains than the python code.