jgromes / ESP32-1W-GroundStation

ESP32-based LoRa ground station
MIT License
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CP2102 pin DTR or DSR? #1

Closed K4KDR closed 3 years ago

K4KDR commented 3 years ago


Bob, N6RFM, has been a tremendous help to me in acquiring the parts and the custom PCB to build your project. It has been great fun and a real challenge.

As I was reviewing the pin connections to the CP2102, a question has come up.

Across the top row, on the schematic (see image below), the 'DSR' pin (3rd from the left) is not used.


. ... however, on the PCB, it is the SECOND pin from the left that appears to be not used:


... could you please let us know which is correct, and what we should do to correct the situation (if any correction is needed)?

Many thanks!

-Scott, K4KDR

jgromes commented 3 years ago

It's actually the same pin - DTR, pin 28 on the package. On the schematic, the left-most pin is the thermal pad, connected to GND.

K4KDR commented 3 years ago

Thank you SO much for the reply!

I had not noticed that the schematic's top row took the liberty of displaying -8- connections while there are only 7 real pin connections. So, as you said, that ground connection is not actually along that side of the device.

Appreciate the guidance!!