jgromes / RadioLib

Universal wireless communication library for embedded devices
MIT License
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SX1262 setup fails at CalibrateImage #100

Closed lillefyr closed 4 years ago

lillefyr commented 4 years ago

Hardware setup:

Lolin32 -dev, sx1262 chip connected to the pins described below. // ref: Library/Arduino15/packages/esp32/hardware/esp32/1.0.4/variants/lolin32/pins_arduino.h // Pin connections LOLIN32-DEV (D32) and SX1262 // 18 SCK // 19 MISO // 27 MOSI // 5 SS // RESET 26

define DIO1 27

define BUSY 14

To Reproduce

#include <RadioLib.h>
SX1262 lora = new Module(5, 27, 14, 26);  // nss, DIO1, rst, busy

void setup() {

  int state = lora.begin();
  if (state == ERR_NONE) {
  } else {
    Serial.print(F("failed, code "));
    while (true);

void loop() { delay(1000); }

Enable debug in libraries/RadioLib/src/TypeDef.h


Expected behavior Chip should be initialized and able to receive data.

Screenshots Kindoff:

CMD 80  
DATW    0   A2  

CMD 96  
DATW    1   A2  

CMD 8F  
DATW    0   A2  0   A2  

CMD 8A  
DATW    1   A2  

CMD 93  
DATW    20  A2  

CMD 88  
DATW    3   A2  16  A2  A   A2  0   A2  0   A2  0   A2  0   A2  

CMD 2   
DATW    3   A2  FF  A2  

CMD 8   
DATW    0   A2  0   A2  0   A2  0   A2  0   A2  0   A2  0   A2  0   A2  

CMD 89  
DATW    7F  A2  

CMD 80  
DATW    0   A2  

CMD 17  
DATR    0   A2  0   0   0   0   

CMD 97  
DATW    0   A2  0   A2  1   A2  40  A2  

CMD 11  
DATR    0   A2  0   1   

Symbol length: 4.10 ms
CMD 8B  
DATW    9   A2  4   A2  3   A2  0   A2  

CMD 11  
DATR    0   A2  0   1   

Symbol length: 4.10 ms
CMD 8B  
DATW    9   A2  4   A2  3   A2  0   A2  

CMD 11  
DATR    0   A2  0   1   

Symbol length: 4.10 ms
CMD 8B  
DATW    9   A2  4   A2  3   A2  0   A2  

CMD 11  
DATR    0   A2  0   1   

CMD D   7   40  
DATW    14  A2  24  A2  

CMD D   8   E7  
DATW    18  A2  

CMD 11  
DATR    0   A2  0   1   

CMD 1D  7   36  
DATR    0   A2  0   D   

CMD D   7   36  
DATW    9   A2  

CMD 8C  
DATW    0   A2  8   A2  0   A2  FF  A2  1   A2  0   A2  

CMD 9D  
DATW    1   A2  

CMD 98  
DATW    6B  A2  6F  A2  

CMD 86  
DATW    1B  AA  20  0   0   0   0   0   

failed, code -707

Additional info (please complete):

lillefyr commented 4 years ago

Additional info:

To reproduce Code above was changed, by removing some error reporting and adding the next steps.

#include <RadioLib.h>
SX1262 lora = new Module(5, 27, 14, 26);  // nss, DIO1, rst, busy

void setup() {

  int state = lora.begin();


  state = lora.startReceive();

void loop() { delay(1000); }

additional lines logged

CMD 86  
DATW    1B  AA  20  0   0   0   0   0   

CMD 8   
DATW    2   A2  62  A2  0   A2  2   A2  0   A2  0   A2  0   A2  0   A2  

CMD 8F  
DATW    0   A2  0   A2  

CMD 2   
DATW    3   A2  FF  A2  

CMD 82  
DATW    FF  A2  FF  A2  FF  A2  

Stop in SX126X_CMD_SET_RX.

jgromes commented 4 years ago

Could you try a frequency in different image calibration band, e.g. 915 MHz?

lillefyr commented 4 years ago
#define LORA_CARRIER_FREQUENCY                          915.0f  // MHz
#define LORA_BANDWIDTH                                  125.0f  // kHz dual sideband
#define LORA_SPREADING_FACTOR                           11
#define LORA_CODINGRATE                                  8     // 4/8, Extended Hamming
#define LORA_OUTPUT_POWER                               21     // dBm
#define LORA_CURRENT_LIMIT                              120    // mA
#define SYNC_WORD_6X                                    0xFF   // RadioLib uses uint8_t for SX126x
#define LORA_PREAMBLE_LENGTH                             8     // Same for Tx and Rx

  int state = lora.begin(LORA_CARRIER_FREQUENCY,


CMD 80  
DATW    0   A2  

CMD 96  
DATW    1   A2  

CMD 8F  
DATW    0   A2  0   A2  

CMD 8A  
DATW    1   A2  

CMD 93  
DATW    20  A2  

CMD 88  
DATW    3   A2  18  A2  A   A2  0   A2  0   A2  0   A2  0   A2  

CMD 2   
DATW    3   A2  FF  A2  

CMD 8   
DATW    0   A2  0   A2  0   A2  0   A2  0   A2  0   A2  0   A2  0   A2  

CMD 89  
DATW    7F  A2  

CMD 80  
DATW    0   A2  

CMD 17  
DATR    0   A2  0   0   0   0   

CMD 97  
DATW    0   A2  0   A2  1   A2  40  A2  

CMD 11  
DATR    0   A2  0   1   

Symbol length: 16.38 ms
CMD 8B  
DATW    B   A2  4   A2  3   A2  1   A2  

CMD 11  
DATR    0   A2  0   1   

Symbol length: 16.38 ms
CMD 8B  
DATW    B   A2  4   A2  3   A2  1   A2  

CMD 11  
DATR    0   A2  0   1   

Symbol length: 16.38 ms
CMD 8B  
DATW    B   A2  4   A2  4   A2  1   A2  

CMD 11  
DATR    0   A2  0   1   

CMD D   7   40  
DATW    F4  A2  F4  A2  

CMD D   8   E7  
DATW    30  A2  

CMD 11  
DATR    0   A2  0   1   

CMD 1D  7   36  
DATR    0   A2  0   D   

CMD D   7   36  
DATW    9   A2  

CMD 8C  
DATW    0   A2  8   A2  0   A2  FF  A2  1   A2  0   A2  

CMD 9D  
DATW    1   A2  

CMD 98  
DATW    E1  A2  E9  A2  

CMD 86  
DATW    39  AA  30  0   0   0   0   0   

CMD 8   
DATW    2   A8  62  1E  0   FB  2   3F  0   54  0   40  0   FA  0   3F
jgromes commented 4 years ago

Looks like tthe same exact error. Which SX126x module are you using? Does it have TCXO or just a crystal?

lillefyr commented 4 years ago

This is the link where I bought it: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000366551628.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.ed2e4c4d4HBBdm

Module print is LoRa1262/8 V1.1

Experimenting with the frequency I get: setFrequencyRaw 413.90 setRfFrequency 434005600

I have 2 SX1278, 434 Mhz, communicating at the moment.

jgromes commented 4 years ago

I have never used that module before - I'd suggest trying all the supported TCXO reference voltages, including 0 (to disable TCXO).

EDIT: the frequency configuration is correct, because the value for setRfFrequency is calculated according to equation frf = (freq [MHz] * 2^25)/32

lillefyr commented 4 years ago


[SX1262] Received packet! [SX1262] Data: Hello World! Details in next comment.

lillefyr commented 4 years ago

When using the lora.begin(); command on SX126x the following defaults are used:

float freq = 434.0
float bw = 125.0
uint8_t sf = 9
uint8_t cr = 7
uint8_t syncWord = SX126X_SYNC_WORD_PRIVATE
nt8_t power = 14
float currentLimit = 60.0
uint16_t preambleLength = 8
float tcxoVoltage = 1.6

Depending on the module, there can be a tcxo (Temperature Controlled Oscillator) installed, to help reduce the bandwidth of the module.

More details: https://www.loratracker.uk/sx1262-improved-lora-device/

The module I use do not have a tcxo, however the default voltage for the tcxo is set to 1.6 V.

This results in a 'code -707' error: ERR_SPI_CMD_FAILED.

To fix call lora.begin with specific parameters. for example:

#define LORA_CARRIER_FREQUENCY                          434.0f  // 413.9f  // MHz
#define LORA_BANDWIDTH                                  125.0f  // kHz dual sideband
#define LORA_SPREADING_FACTOR                           11
#define LORA_CODINGRATE                                  8     // 4/8, Extended Hamming
#define LORA_OUTPUT_POWER                               21     // dBm
#define LORA_CURRENT_LIMIT                              120    // mA
#define SYNC_WORD_6X                                    0x12   // RadioLib uses uint8_t for SX126x
#define LORA_PREAMBLE_LENGTH                             8     // Same for Tx and Rx
#define TCXO_VOLTAGE                                    0.0    // allowed voltage
  int state = lora.begin(LORA_CARRIER_FREQUENCY,
jgromes commented 4 years ago

I suspected as much - unfortunately, there is no way to tell from software whether the module contains TCXO or XTAL. As a matter of fact, it's not even possible to distinguish SX1268 from SX1262 ...